A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct


Post 1861



but ppl r makin points about whats goin on so there clearly is summat wrong, matter of opinion tho at end of day n no ones wrong to have that


Post 1862


smiley - dragonboy,

check the backlog, seems some are obsessed with Awol

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1863

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

isomniac vampire .do you know this person awol? why doesnt he come on and state his felings .instead of letting you do all the donkey work?


Post 1864

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Vamps... why? lol nothing sgn special about him its Awol thats all they need to know lol.

Martin... i know him, and more thanhan likely he would but hes been banned for life.


Post 1865

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

scott they cant bar forever only 1 space mate he could just register again.


Post 1866



erm, 1 cos he gets his posts yikesed so we cant see, 2 cos she dont need to defend him, she does thru choice n to make a point baout all this n 3 i see ur absence still hasnt made u think of anything good to say in here


Post 1867

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Martin.. he has butut as soon as the aces find out itt its him thm they bar him again


Post 1868

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Go localised Go localised itsyour bur birthday smiley - biggrin


Post 1869

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

localised girl smiley - ta .smiley - erm why cant he come back as somebody else and pretend hes protecting awol get to know everybody well then admit hes awol be a massive surprise to everybody.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1870



just read a few of your posts here, will look more clearly at the others when i get to them

yeah i know your an ace you pointed it out to me in this thread before
in this post you 'assure' me that aces were not involved in getting Awol banned, yet in another point you say you'd hope they wouldnt be involved..so in truth you dont know, why assure me? i KNOW things were discussed, and by who in the aces forum, and i 'assure' you things did go on around that time, researchers email 1 another the same as aces/staff/ex staff do and i KNOW despite your feelings not FACTS that some aces are not all they appear to be

'by the way, it doesnt matter what AWOL feels'

no i guess not, he is a 'strikeout' afterall

im wrong in that assumption am i? you want to check the backlog, that matters already been clarified in this thread somewhere, some dodgy stuff was going on at that time

'the point that i believe jimster was not unfairly making'

are you speaking for Jimster now aswell as the aces?

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1871



cos that be really childish der

dragon smiley - smiley

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1872

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Localised.. hee hhee hee what? i cant help it, im naturally funny lol

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1873

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

localised girl. why do i get the feeling you attacking my intelligence .i know its far superior .no need to be jealous .right im starting to understand certain aces are banning awol everytime he comes on h2g2 .right witch 1s are they ?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1874

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

im am not here to mess things up just want some answers. to put pay to all this moaning and groaning. ive never knew what awol as done wrong in the first place

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1875

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Jimster has done something!

He's got IV giving mention about "my thread"...

A typical game of distraction, SEF so clearly has pointed out within this thread.

I have never said this was my thread!

That was Jimster making it up as he goes along!

He has never appologised for his wronging of me. smiley - erm

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1876



jealous? what on earth is there on the internet to be jealous of???
dont do jealousy hun, not even in real world
not launchin an attack just cant see y u r in this thread really,
was pointin out it be really childish n pathetic for awol to come on as new name n defend himself, hes better than that, when he comes on he admits who he is, but he not stupid enuff to waste time pretendin to be sum1 else, thats just pathetic

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1877

Dragon Lord back with avengence

# Go Go Go Localised # You gu go girl. YEEEEHAAAAW smiley - biggrin

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1878



so y r u commentin on sumthin u have no idea on????


face it, they cant admit they in wrong, they obviously dont want to see their site bein well n good.....i wouldve thougth they would take this seriously n fix the situation what with reputation n all
oh well......

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1879

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

localised girl .
"just cant see why yur in this thread really"
funny was thinking the same about you. did awol really break the rules that bad for him to be barred the moment he appears on h2g2?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1880



localised girl .
"just cant see why yur in this thread really"
funny was thinking the same about you.

really? well least i know whats goin on in here enuff to comment on worthwhile things

did awol really break the rules that bad for him to be barred the moment he appears on h2g2

y u wanna know? why u need to know? this thread isnt about awol, just that his case is a good point in all this

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