A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1801

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

are you serious! if i meet you i will be the most unpleasent person you could dream of coming accross.

What would you think of an ACE starting a thread to post at a researcher this way? smiley - erm

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1802


Jimster h2g2
Re: post 1799

"any of them who have chosen to post regardless did so of their own volition"

pity 'they' well 1 of them at least didnt take your warning to back off more seriously then, instead of jumping in and getting it completely wrong and still being too conceited in their status to appologise and admit they was wrong about someone, but i suppose if you hold a badge you might feel like you can say what you like when it wouldnt appear as though staff care enough to uphold the official rules up till now at least anyway

"so that when we review the bigger picture in the New Year we'll hopefully be better informed"

thats some 'well chosen' words Jimster but it doesnt really tell us much, you havent really stated what you intend, if anything, to do, other than tell us matters would, 'if proven', (LOL confused as to what you mean by proven cos theres enough links on this thread to at least say that h2g2 has an 'inside' problem, as i recall there was even a link, correct me if im wrong, that had some of your posts in too wasnt there? somewhat questionable somebody in your position but who am i to say, afterall the opinion of a potential 'strikeout' doesnt count for much), be dealt with in private, kind of contradicts the conception of h2g2 being a 'community' site though doesnt it?

"and that while there are bound to be some people that will never agree with us, we need to see whether or not they're just disagreeable by nature or whether our volunteers are genuinely making 'fixable' mistakes"

'us' mean staff and/or underlines? (underlines meaning aces/volunteers?) just trying to clarify things here for myself cos when i think 1/some go by 1 name someone else uses another.. disagreeable by nature? hmm i wonder if SEF was being disagreeable by nature when she spoke out for being lied about and slandered by aces and staff Jimster when they knew the stuff being said about her wasnt true, nobody knowing the truth backed her up or stepped into help but made the situation worse by propagating those lies, that in itself is inexcusable by anyone regardless of status and appologies no matter how patronizing or insincere thay appeared to have come across at a much later date by some do not rectify damage to someones character when people believe because either their pals or somebody of status has said it, its far too little too late
or perhaps you disagree? unfortunately though its hard to have the matter dealt with properly when staff who dictate the rules to us are infact the 1's that have broke them, along with aces in that particular incident

'fixable' mistakes would mean what exactly Jimster? amending the rules and/or dealing with individuals by way of removing their badges for abusing the rules and their status on this site and putting h2g2's name and values into disrepute or something else? a little wrist slapping in the aces forum perhaps or a personal email, telling them to behave themselves or word their posts a bit better perhaps? im just curious as im sure are others be they researchers, aces or staff

im glad you noted the 'suspicious' amount of 'newbies' arriving at this thread aswell, i mean lets face it, they are not all 'researchers' are they? its a pity not everybody on this site has the courage of their convictions to post something in their own name smiley - winkeye

i havent intented this post to be anything other than direct, as stated before, the reason for this i dont feel questions are being answered clearly as yet, the responces all appear to be to vague and dont tell anyone anything specific

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1803


has peter been in this thread yet..?

ermmm seems all the so called top dogs are lookin in ere without so much as a yeah IV your right ,,some aces have been actin like pratts..ok 3 of them then..smiley - smiley

plus a couple of other higher up smiley - smiley

hey im only passin by as per..lol..smiley - whistle


hows the cover up and shut up this researcher thead goin on by the way cus i cant be a*se t read n e of it..
cus all i see is a pass the buck game goin on..

trouble is where t pass it 2..no one wants t say thi wrong.smiley - doh.but *WE* ok me whos against H2G2 top dogs think h2g2 is a load of bollox (might be summat t do with the (jokes) houserules) what houserules..--------------------> whatever the italics want em t mean..smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1804



was you avin a ickle pop at me in your last post or the 1 b4..?

tut tut jimbo thats not very friendly isit.smiley - biggrin

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1805

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I have apologised, yet some researchers keep bringing this up.

I don't apologise more than once, but what I would say is, having been bullied at school, you tend to go one of 2 ways...you either stay clear of any kind of confrontation, whether directed at you or not....or, you make your point and stand up for yourself to anyone who may appear to come across as slamming you back down.

Hence, I took the second option.....if house rules were broken, then it was a pure and simple mistake on the part of myself and Odo.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1806

Smij - Formerly Jimster

'Swissburger', as your account was only created on Friday, whether or not any of my comments are addressing you largely depends on whether or not you're a Researcher banned for being abusive to members of the community, who's repeatedly created new accounts over the last few months and wasted the time of the in-house staff, preventing them from addressing deserving issues such as this one. Doesn't it?

As the behaviour patterns of newbies don't tend to involve instantly gravitating towards a thread like this, I'm highly suspicious of a number of the supposedly 'new' Researchers in this thread. Just to say you're not helping the issue, you're just clogging up an already convoluted thread. So no, that isn't particularly friendly either.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1807

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Oh, btw - I don't see posting 2 messages the same to 2 different researchers as spamming.....perhaps if I'd posted to 10 or more, then yes, it could be considered as spamming.

I would also point out the same about this thread....it goes over and over the same point time and time again, yet you do not consider this as spamming.

I would.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1808

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]


Reads as...
are you serious! if i meet you i will be the most unpleasent person you could dream of coming accross.

What would you think of an ACE starting a thread to post at a researcher this way?

Jimster, I'm not new, nor an I being convoluted.

The question remains to be answered, is this acceptable posting on h2g2?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1809

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Well if you're not new, and not convoluted (?!) then why assume it addresses you?

As I've already said, we'll be going through this thread with a fine toothcomb in the New Year. With regard to your posting, personally I wouldn't like someone to address me like that. Does that answer your question?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1810

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book

BNsmiley - blue.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1811

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]


1. I know what I think of it.

2. Asking for the opinion of others is not converoluted.

2a. Even if you add your "(?!)" to imply the question is from somebody you may or may not consider converlouted. Your "(?!)" ask more question about you, than I.

3. I'm following advice from your cohort, fellow italic Natalie. About diplomatic means are prefered. That is to say, not blurt out names and remarks thus enter into some kind of flame war with the person that posted the above.

4. Your response leads me to think others are correct in what they say about h2g2. It is more of a case of who says it "staff pets" than the prospect its wrong to say such things at all.

5. For people in their attempt to answer a simple enough question, should people be posting to each other in this way, then worry more about who posted it, and to whom, that I find abhorrent as much as the post itself and sounds like a move toward xenophobia.

6. I'll try and keep it simple...

6a. It has been posted on this site.

6b. It was posted by a Resercher.

6c. The Researcher is seeking an ACE badge.

To answer your second question, "then why assume it addresses you?" - Simple it was posted to me on my Personal Space Message center, forming part of a post, of a thread in which I am the addressee.

Would it be simpler for me to start a new thread, regarding the conduct of people think themself worthy of an ACE badge?, Or would you just censor peoples opinion yet again, as you have with this thread, by your instruction to ACEs not to post?

After two attemps, yes you answered my question about the way one Research thinks they can address other people. I agree with you, I wounld'nt like it to happen also.

I happen to agree with something Natalie approached... Sometimes not using yikes can be better to demonstrate what people are like, what they really are about.

You have my e-mail address on the personal space, just ask, and I'll send you a copy of the conversation, links, and where they start from.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1812

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

smiley - yikes Amendment to the above post.

"with your instuction to ACEs not to post."

Please replace with...

"with your request to ACEs not to post."

From the relatively small number of ACEs within the it as if an italic made a request, it's followed. smiley - erm

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1813

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Basically he/she is having a go at me Jimster......he/she angered me to a point that I had to log-off hootoo and leave things be.

Obviously this person likes character assassination and remarks are for my benefit.

Like I said - I only apologise once.....smiley - whistle

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1814

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Oh btw - I failed at becoming an ACE - who's to say I am still seeking smiley - smiley

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1815

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Vickie Viairago, who you on about?

Who is having a go at you? You don't state it.

If you think it me, then *newsflash* no. What I posted last night a few post back, was not about you, even thou you did send spam to my personal space. Again you gave no indication of what you was on about there, or in the same post to 'Kaz' either.

It could not be about you, since you are not the one that posted about what would happen if a meeting was to take place...

Unless you are infact also going by another name - this you are know to do. - Hope you see why its not a good idea to impersonate other researchers, you loose credibility, cause confusion - just look at 'supersonics' post to Odo, how they though it was you, but you had swapp spaces?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1816

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

It seems the posts you are referring to are mine........I also didn't really see the need to yikes my posts, I did apologise.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1817

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Jab, as this is a conversation thread attached to the Ace's Code of Conduct page, it's subscribed to by a lot of other people; it's not exclusively *your* conversation, it's just one you've subscribed to, so it helps if you don't assume every comment is directed at yourself and take it so personally when that just isn't the case.

My posting was attached to that of another person, one who mysteriously registered with h2g2 on Friday, came straight to this thread and is clearly *not* a Newbie; I was not addressing you.

Likewise, the use of the word 'convoluted' was not ascribed to you personally, but to this whole thread, a thread that contains nearly two thousand postings, many of which appear to be written at cross-purposes or from opposing points of view. 'Convoluted' seems to cover it quite nicely.

smiley - tea

We seem to have established that Vicki is not an Ace, and does not currently have an application in to be one. Can we just drop this 'line of questioning' or take it elsewhere?

smiley - tea

You might have noticed that we haven't recruited *any* Volunteers since September, by the way. We emailed all the Volunteer Groups during the two-week off-site period to tell them that, with the changes in staff, there would have to be a revision of the way some of the groups work. For the moment, the Edited Guide process has been our priority because that's undergone the biggest change overall. Therefore the Volunteer Groups attached to that process - Scouts, Subs and Artists - have received the bulk of our attention recently.

As I've already said, in the New Year we'll be turning our attention to the other Volunteer Groups.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1818

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

smiley - book

smiley - diva

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1819

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Jimster, the question I asked you was about a post on my message center, my forum based from my space - do you understand this now?

Did I say it was posted within this thread - No.

Did I say it was posted in this thead forum.

Do you not understand my forum is NOT this one - I do even if your struggling with the concept of: If I say it was psted to me on my message center and mention no other thread or forum, it because it was posted to me and only me on my message center.

smiley - tea

The qestion I asked you, has nothing to do with VV, EXEPT if she a clone of another researcher that posted the remark to me some months ago.

What VV has applied for, is no matter, the point was spamming is not required of her.. A recent event as a esult of a simple question put to her, that she only need say it was option 2 a 'joke' involving Odo, not flame kow, and others join in.

As for take it elsewhere - that is the problem, VV took it to at least two other spaces...

On a personal space it says.

"Discuss this Entery", it does not say "Dump your spam here, making sure you leave a mess on the personal space of others, and dont even bother to explain what on earth your on about anyway" - Unless h2g2 has been re-coded since I started to type this!

smiley - tea

Email. I offered to provide you with link to the threads relavent to my question about the posting on my message center, not this thread or forum. It related to ACE conduct since the person that posted it on my message center has been looking to get an ACE badge.

And incase VV still thinks it about VV - NO my question was not about you, it was about events before this thread even existed.

VV NO, no, no its not about you the qestion I put, asking about the post that as sent to me.

VV nope, still not about you.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1820

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Jab, I know you have an issue with a posting on your Message Centre, but *this* thread is a public thread about the Ace's Code of Conduct, not the conduct of a specific individual who isn't even an Ace. If you're drawing this to our attention to prevent her from becoming an Ace, well we're not even recruiting at the moment, and besides, this is not her aplication thread.

We need to focus on the bigger picture here for a bit. Once we've re-examined the Code of Conduct and What an Ace Actually Does, there might well be a few of the people currently hanging off the volunteer thread who decide it doesn't sound like something they want to do any more (as indeed some existing Aces might feel the same - we had a few drop-offs from other volunteer groups for legitimate reasons too).

smiley - tea

As I said in an earlier posting, this *is* a convoluted thread. We've had a banned Reseacher creating multiple accounts and flooding it with copied-and-pasted postings from elsewehere, people on all sides making kneejerk reactions to postings that make it difficult to see what the problem is and long-standing issues with a Group that we only just took control of.

Look, before you reply to this thread any further - any of you - ask yourself why you're posting here:

- To make suggestions as to how the Ace's Code of Conduct might be improved? Great, that's what I asked for a few hundred postings back.

- To point out areas that you're not happy with but not offering any alternative? Okay, then go through the backlog and see if your point is any different to the ones SEF has already made some time back. If it is different, then post here. If not, don't.

- To argue about a personal issue regarding either an Ace or someone who might be a prospective Ace? Don't post it here - this is getting hard enough to track. We are *not* going to conduct an inquisition regarding individual Aces' behaviour here, let alone someone who isn't even an Ace yet.

- To tell us something must be done, but not give us specifics? We know something needs doing. We're trying to deal with it. We don't need reminding that the thread is here. smiley - smiley

- To pose a hypothetical question about something? Don't post it here - as I've said, this thread is getting difficult to keep track of already. If there's something that you think is unacceptable, put it to the Moderators via the 'Alert a Moderator' button. If they agree with you, it'll be handled in the usual way.

- To argue the toss about post 16787676? This isn't the room for an argument. That's next door smiley - winkeye

Mince pie, anyone?

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