A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12241


*fills up IV drip with rum* (no questions as to where this came from please)

Look, it doesn't have to make sense. *thinks for a moment* Wait, from what I understand, the less sense it makes the better.

*waves in a helicopter carting a large slab of ice*

Don't let the construction stop you from getting drunk though, that would defeat the point (no questions as to what the point is please)

*gets on phone and starts ringing various pet stores for one that stocks polar bears*

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12242


I think we should include a docking station for zepplins. And pirate shipssmiley - pirate.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12243


Oooh, ooh, can we have penguins? Can we? Can we? can we? Huh?

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12244


Alright, but you'll have to feed them.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12245


Yippee. Huzzah. Lalala.
Oh, wait. I'm bored with them already.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12246


In that case we'll fatten them up and open an ice restaurant.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12247


Posting has slowed somewhat.

But if you want to get action you have to give action and the most action is in action movies like-

SPEED - H2G2 Style!!!!

Thats right, terrorists have placed a bomb under the "Collapsed Ruins" thread. If the speed of postings gets lower than 30 posts per week then this whole thread and everyone in it will explode!!!

Post or die!!!!

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12248

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Aargh! Where is Keanu Reeves when you need him?

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12249


Getting acting lessons? Or is that too much to hope for?

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12250

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

I'm sure he can act, he just doesn't like to. Mysterious is his middle name.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12251


Well, that's just plain selfish. He should buck up his ideas pretty sharpish, then have a word with Brad Pitt to do likewise.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12252

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

They have both performed outstandingly in certain films and then in others they act like planks. It just goes to show that life isn't always what it should be.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12253


Umm, why haven't we exploded yet?

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12254

Shea the Sarcastic

Nobody pressed the big red button.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12255

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

There's also a button that says on it, 'Do not press this button.'

The temptation is almost unbearable.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12256


Yup, and there's only one way to remove the temptation!

*presses button*

Oh, well thats rather...um...

*stops talking and sidles away as the sea begins to boil*

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12257

Shea the Sarcastic

Ooo! Those lobsters look about done! smiley - drool

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12258

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Hear their screams!

Oh, the horror, th HORROR!

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12259


Well, no point letting them go to waste.

*Tries to grab a lobster*


*buries hand in ice*

It's still a bit hot.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12260

Shea the Sarcastic

::gets the drawn butter ready, and fetches the industrial-sized nutcrackers::

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