A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12221


Ow.smiley - sadface

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12222

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Where did all the Thingites go?

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12223


Where have all the thingites gone? Where have all the thingites gone? Long time passing. Where have all the thingites gone? Long time ago.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12224

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

ECHO ECHo ECho Echo echo.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12225


This place has gotten a bit dull. We need to do something drastic to get people back in here... smiley - huh Hmm... what to do, what to do...

While I'm thinking of ideas I'll just set off all these fireworks...

smiley - star

smiley - star

smiley - huh

smiley - wowsmiley - eureka Thats it! Gigantic Ice Fortress! smiley - doh why didn't i think of this before!

We build a huge castle made of ice and we ... do ... smiley - huh... stuff ... smiley - erm ... well we can sort out the reason why later. The important thing is that it doesn't make sense. smiley - biggrin

now, ice. ice. where do we get ice smiley - huh

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12226

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Surely an Ice Castle on a tropical beach has a flaw in it somewhere. I just can't put my finger on it.

*Wanders about tapping his temple.*

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12227


I don't believe logic has ever disrupted the proceedings on this thread. Why start now?

plus, we can always build some kind of cooling thingy to keep it ... well ... cool. wasn't there an einstein clone around here somewhere?

now, stop naysaying and order in some ice, we've got a lot of work to do.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12228

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

What about Dry Ice(frozen carbon dioxide), I think it is about minus 120 degrees celcius, that could cool the ice-ice.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12229


*wanders in with beaker of dry ice, makes mint julep*


Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12230


ok. The first step is to build the bar. That way people may stick with this escapade for longer than a few minutes.

*looks at blueprints for a bar*

No, thats too small. I'm sick of all this 'minibar' hubub. I opt for no less than a MAXIBAR!

*looks at bigger blueprints*

too small

*looks at blueprints that can only be described by a quantum astrophysisist who is half mad*

Hmm smiley - huh whats this part? Oh, it spans over 5 dimensions! well that should add a bit of excitement shouldn't it.

*picks up some dry ice*

Ow! its stuck. Ow, its burns us precious!

*wonders where the gollumness came from*

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12231

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Pour some liquid nitrogen on it, that should get it off! smiley - winkeyesmiley - evilgrin

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12232


Wait! If we build the bar first then we'll just build that and get drunk, and not do anything else. Lets build a bit first, just to get into it, then do the bar.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12233

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Plus the bar will be able to be bigger than average as we won't need to waste any space on fridges!

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12234


We can get started as soon as my hand unfreezes. *mumble* stupid liquid nitrogen *mumble*

ok, smiley - ok better!

Now, the ceremonial laying of the first brick...

*pulls ice cube out of smiley - stiffdrink and places it on sand*

smiley - applause

*smiles for photo opportunity smiley - biggrin*

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12235

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*Shakes hand and holds up oversized giant cheque that isn't exchangable for money in a bank for the photo op.*

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12236


Hang on, why are we bothering with a whole ice fortress? Why not just build a giant ice bar?

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12237



*levers lid off a barrel of rum*

we could just drink this.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12238

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

I thought that that was the plan?
You know, all the business about lack of fridges and how that was beneficial.

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12239


*Fills tankard from barrel*

Horray for rum!

*thinks for a moment*

What was this an alternative to again?

Collapsed ruins of the time-zone debate.

Post 12240


Work, life, you name it basically.

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