A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Beastly 2008

Post 92221


Well, Beastly is just around the corner, and if any Thingite knows of an event that falls in the month of Beastly, and wants to make sure I include it, please let me know ASAP, as I plan to post the code on Wibble, certainly no later than Thing.

Happy Nerd.

Issfellr 2008

Post 92222



Issfellr 2008

Post 92223



I don't suppose somebody could give a quick summary of the previous 407 postssmiley - spacesmiley - huh

Issfellr 2008

Post 92224

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG


Issfellr 2008

Post 92225

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart


Issfellr 2008

Post 92226

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

Same as always, except that someone (I.E. me) brought up the minor paradox of the acronym POETS.

Issfellr 2008

Post 92227

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.


There, now those are proper weekday names...mostly translated/derived, with some poetic license, from your own pathetic attempt at renaming the days of the week

smiley - cheers

Issfellr 2008

Post 92228


Why, T.B. Falsename, I knew you'd get into the spirit of the Thing! smiley - cheers

Beastly 2008

Post 92229


I just posted the code for next month's calendar.

Beastly 2008

Post 92230

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

I really wish that the code didn't need to be changed monthly, or else it would be on my page.

Beastly 2008

Post 92231


Can't I just pay a little chap to do it for me?
smiley - diva

Beastly 2008

Post 92232

ÅçïÐßåth© H2G2-you can check out but you'll never leave!

Jab someone with a smiley - spork an' make 'em do it!
absmiley - smiley

Beastly 2008

Post 92233


I suppose I could make an entry with just the one calendar page, you could put a link to that entry on your page, and I could update that entry with the current month's calendar. Although that wouldn't really solve the problem. Hmm let me think about this. *sips smiley - tea*

Beastly 2008

Post 92234

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

If you could set it up as an image and just use the same code for each incarnation, that should work.

Just the issue with converting it to an image, and getting the admins to agree to it.

Beastly 2008

Post 92235


Good call, CosmicDudeMan. I'd be into it.

Which admin or thread do we ask smiley - grovel?

Beastly 2008

Post 92236

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

* sneezing smiley - dragon flies in*


*far away end of thread is put on fire*

Sorry! It always happens when I catch a cold...

Beastly 2008

Post 92237

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

It's been awhile hasn't it DQ?

Beastly 2008

Post 92238

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

She's been hibernating. smiley - silly

Beastly 2008

Post 92239

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Check for a pulse. smiley - doctor

Beastly 2008

Post 92240

Alienfromearth,The Thingite Who Reads Stuff, Keeper Of The Daft Bananas

Hi, I'm the newest member of the Thingites, and I've already put this month's calendar on my page smiley - biggrin

smiley - schooloffish

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