A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

I believe in a thing called Thingism

Post 69361

The Mayan Templar

smiley - rofl That showed them!!! They'll think twice!!

I believe in a thing called Thingism

Post 69362

mad boffin: Part time House Ogre & Homework Enforcer.AKA George the ubiquitous prophet of Thing

If they think once it would be once more than previously!

I believe in a thing called Thingism

Post 69363

Lady Scott

Thsmiley - bleepday gave up that quickly?

Just goes to prove that we Thingites have more tenacity. We *always* win. smiley - ok

I believe in a thing called Thingism

Post 69364

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

ACH! Dante's attacking me feet again!!


I believe in a thing called Thingism

Post 69365

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Soak them in a bucket of water, that should help.

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69366

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Awww. they stopped posting. Quitters. smiley - tongueout

Afternoon Troops and Ottox. smiley - biggrin

So we've atracted ourselves another dissenter? About time too. I was afraid we'd converted everyone. smiley - winkeye

Best not be complacent though , they've got some skills this lot - take the fight to 'em and proove why fighting to *keep* Th**sday is just so ...mundane. smiley - erm

I mean the rallying call is hardly a winner is it?

"Lets keep things exactly as they are!" smiley - zzz

Thingism isn't just a campaign for social change, it is a mindset, a ethic if you will. We are Thingites and proud, dammit!

*dons the spikey helmet of warlordship*

Someone go to the Uniforms thread and fetch me the catapults and the recipe for cream-custard pies. Don't shoot till you see the whites of their underpants!

smiley - spork T H I N G smiley - spork

Clive. smiley - ok

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69367


Oh b*gger - I've just tried arguing that we don't go round attacking people, and then the Warlord gets on the, er, Warpath!
Non-violent protest, anyone?

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69368

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I suggest that we nickname these Thursayites the conservatives. That way conservative guilt will consume them and they wont be so willing to express their views in public. smiley - winkeye

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69369

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Well I am a warlord. smiley - tongueout

You can be promoted to chief nerogitor+ for diplomatic compromise if you like. smiley - winkeye

*hovers with expectant gabble* smiley - wizard

+with our without extreme prejudice - your choice. smiley - devil

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69370

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

negotiator. bleh.

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69371

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - online2long

oh good grief! smiley - doh

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69372


Quick! Get the warlord a cup ofsmiley - tea
It's infectious, you know, Clive, I nearly called you a wartlord!

Post of negotiator under consideration - not sure I even want to speak to these sick people.

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!" (A vast what???)

Post 69373

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Notice when I posted at 69333:-

To which AlexAxeman replied:-

Well, it appears that nothing could have been further from the truth....smiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - laugh

smiley - runGo Thingites, Go.smiley - runsmiley - cheers

Oh, we have such fun here, don't we...

And who is next on "The Great Thingite Challenge"?

Also known as "I'm an Anti-Thingite.......Get me out of here".

smiley - rofl

smiley - musicalnote

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69374

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I just hit the keys. I let spelling take care of itself. smiley - winkeye

oooh smiley - tea - don't mind if I do. smiley - ok Cheers.

Well so how are we going to counter this new insurgency? I'll admit I am faintly impressed at the speed with which they have raised a homepage of their own - but will it amount to a serious threat to us? Nothing is yet certain but we'd better be prepared.

I therefore conviene a war council...er.. *see Narapoia glaring at him* I ...er.. mean a council for advocating patience and fluffy bunnies.

now, any suggestions?

smiley - bunnysmiley - bunnysmiley - bunny

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!"

Post 69375

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Having fun is the aim of the game. A fact that, curiously, always escapes our detractors. smiley - erm

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!" (A vast what???)

Post 69376


smiley - laugh

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!" (A vast what???)

Post 69377


Nah, I'm too apathetic to glare.
Anyway, I'm not averse to a bit of a rumble if provoked. I just don't advocate going out provoking myself. Personally I think it's all a storm in a smiley - tea and will die a death of apathy before very long.
But if it doesn't, I'll be there with me smiley - spork personning the barricades.

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!" (A vast what???)

Post 69378

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I'll help on the Bar-ricades as long as there is plenty of smiley - ale.

smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!" (A vast what???)

Post 69379

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Very sensible. smiley - ok

I'm not likely to spoil for a rumble either (the high priestess remarks I'm "about as dengerous as green jelly") smiley - clown

Yea verily forrsooth and avast! - The enemies of Thing shall break upon these walls as the tide upon a reef.

biccy to go with that storm in a smiley - tea cup? I have chocolate and digestives. smiley - smiley

In the words of Ralph : "AVAST!!" (A vast what???)

Post 69380


Ooh! Ta! I'll have a chocolate digestive, thanks!

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