A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41661

Lady Scott

Is that why in the 8 hours since I last posted here there's only been one new posting?

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41662

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs


Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41663

Lady Scott

That's just pathetic.

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41664

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Let's try and do better, shall we?

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41665

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

::Abandons b'log to obscurity::
Morning/afternoon/evening* all!!
(*Please delete as appropriate)
smiley - biggrin

Did I miss anything important?

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41666

Emee, out from under the rock

Not really.

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41667

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

You missed the wittyest thing EVER on H@G@.

GFO bacl and check ALL the backlog

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41668

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

Can I have that again, please?
Preferably in English!!
smiley - winkeye

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41669

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

I'm sorry, it only comes in very bad typing

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41670

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

smiley - footprints

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41671

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - runsmiley - alesmiley - spacesmiley - cheers

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41672

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

Ooooh, custard!
smiley - wow
::Follows feet with smiley - spork in hand::
smiley - biggrin

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41673

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

Sets up vat of custard smiley - huhsmiley - huhsmiley - huhsmiley - huhsmiley - spork

Feeding the Thingite revolution!

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41674

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

*sets up a VAT on custard*

That will be smiley - 2cents please!

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41675

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

hmmmmmmm, by my calculations, the VAT on this H2G2 custard makes no cents.

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41676


in my first post on this slightly large thread, can i recommend that for 'the worst joke today' award??

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41677

Emee, out from under the rock

Hi, takitomouse!! Welcome to the thread. Have some smiley - tea and smiley - cake.

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41678


the smiley - cake is particularly good...smiley - smiley
^. .^
= ' =

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41679


Thank you for the kind welcome, and the snacks, they do go well with what i'm wearing. sort of.

Salmonella? Sure! Don't mind if I do!

Post 41680

Emee, out from under the rock

Glad you like the cake. I whipped it up in my handy virtual kitchen. My smiley - cake is smiley - choc with double smiley - choc frosting. smiley - drool

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