A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 481

Titania (gone for lunch)

A pedometer is a good motivator - one of the current nutrionist gurus in Sweden says that you should take at least 7000 steps each day. That does include *all* steps, even those you take while at w*rk if you've got an office job...

Spent the Easter with my mother, and didn't have more than three small chocolate eggs (I find salty stuff like smiley - crisps much more difficult to resist than sweet stuff) - but I probably ate a bit too much. Oh well, back to business again - hang in there, everyone!smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 482

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

No exercise yesterday smiley - sadface, but brought walkman into work so I could go for a walk at lunchtime.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 483

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Now you just have to make sure you actually go out and do it... smiley - biggrin

Dug over the vegetable plot yesterday - boy gardening is hard work! Still doing lots of walking - really hope I get *something* off this week.

How did your easter go? I ended up eating the consolation egg that my fiance got me (tiny 80g egg - still 400 cals though!) and some other things I shouldn't have had when I went out for a family lunch. Enjoyed it though smiley - evilgrin

I've seen some herbal diet aid tablets in Boots - has anyone taken them before? They appear to have seaweed extract in the which I guess is supposed to provide iodine-related substances to stimulate the thyroid and thus boosting metabolism. I am tempted to give them a try but not sure if there is any point.

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 484

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

I went! smiley - wow Very smiley - puffed now!

Easter was chocolatey... so much so that I only bought chocs into work yesterday to eat! But it's nearly all gone now, just gotta give away those last few slices of chocolate cake... smiley - drool

Mind you, it's taken it's toll, weighed meself this morning - I've put on 2lb since Saturday smiley - yikes

Feel a lot more awake for the walk though! smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 485

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Never tried any 'slimming aids'... watched Esther Rantzen warning about the dangers of Guar Gum too much when I was young smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 486


smiley - bleep diets! Am having much the same time as the rest of you. 1.5 on this week and yet I denied myself all chocolate. In fact I have 5 Easter eggs sitting at home just pleading with me to munch them, despite a plea to all for no choccy! The boyfriend and I went out for a nice walk followed by a pub lunch of a huge pizza and chips (him) and a chicken salad (me) followed by cheesecake (him) and a black coffee (me). Was feeling all smug and pleased with myself and decided to calculate how many points I'd saved by being so good, only to find out that my salad was 15 points, must have been the horrible mustard dressing on it smiley - wah. So decided that I didn't care anymore, had a takeaway Sun and Monday night washed down with gallons of red wine smiley - hangover. Felt much better 'till I found out that salad had made me put on 1.5lbs! smiley - yikes. Having said that the pedometer has been a great motivator and I'm going to stick with it now my nose is back to the grindstone. I've found that I only walk about 3000 steps during work so I need to walk a bit when I get home at night.

Kelli, have some smiley - magic for luck. No doubt next week you will be making us all smiley - ill with envy at your fab weight loss. Haven't heard of the herbal diet aid tablets from Boots so can't help there but I'm always a bit wary of these things it case they make you smiley - ill

Does anyone fancy making a weekly goal as to what their weight loss will be next week? It might help to keep us focused. I was thinking of committing to losing 1.5lbs next week.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 487

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

awww Fi! Rebellion always comes back to haunt you! smiley - hug

I'm aiming to lose 2lb a week... but just gaining that at the mo'. Did an hour of office cleaning last night helping a friend, good exercise! But I've run out of money so brought in chocolate cake offcuts today for lunch smiley - erm. Partly due to tiredness, I'll get an early night tonight so feel more awake and therefore more strength of mind tomorrow. I'll be living on pasta for the next 2 weeks... it may help?

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 488

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

1 3/4 lb this week - am actually quite pleased because that includes last sunday's excesses and a few bits of smiley - choc Can strongly recommend digging a new vegetable patch as good exercise, and raking all the moss out of the lawn smiley - puff

Okay Fi, I'll try to lose 2 lb this week - mini goals are a good plan smiley - ok I'm teaching this week, but will be staying at home so no roomservice troubles, should be able to exercise and eat well so 2 lb should be no problem.

Have got even more motivation now - the wedding planning is coming along apace, will be boring for england here -> F74563?thread=408757

I decided to give those herbal diet aid pills a go, they are basically seaweed extract so I figure it won't do me any harm. Don't know if they'll do any good mind you. Have been taking them for three days now but am not sure if they are making any difference. We'll if everything grinds to a halt when I stop taking them smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 489

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Keep us posted with the pills!

Put on 2lb last week - not surprising considering the choc-fest! But de-toxing this week to give myself a kick start.

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 490

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Bloody hell kelli, just noticed you've lost over a stone in 6 weeks! Rock on girl!! smiley - diva

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 491

Titania (gone for lunch)

The first Atkins book translated into Swedish is to be published in May - I wonder what took them so long? The Montignac and Stone Age methods have been translated ages ago...

I'll probably buy it out of curiousity - while I *do* enjoy reading novels in Englis, fact filled books are a bit hard to digest for a FinnoSwede like me...smiley - silly

One thing that strikes me when I've read sometimes very heated discussions on the net is that those who are most aggressively against Atkins have never tried it, and most of those that are positive *have* actually tried it and say it's working

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 492

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - cheers Queegle, just two and a half more pounds and I'll be losing *new* weight smiley - wow

Some other good news - got offered a new job today that means I won't have to do all that travelling any more smiley - boingsmiley - magic

No more hotel food YAY! It has taken since 13th Feb for this to be sorted out so i've been on tenterhooks for *ages*.smiley - cool

Titania - don't know if I count as "aggressively against Atkins" but I tried it and had an awful time of it. It really didn't suit me and I felt terrible, tired, sick, constipated. My fiance smiley - loveblush said I noticeably got really woolly-headed and stupid while I was on it, although I didn't realise it at the time. I lost about 9 lb in two weeks and then nothing in week three, at that point I decided it wasn't worth feeling so dreadful...

While I'm happy to say go ahead and try it if you must, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, even as a short-term crash.

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 493

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, yes... the Atkins diet seems to be somewhat of a hazard - for some, it works just fine - for some, it doesn't work at all well...

Both examples have been testified by h2g2 friends of mine so... I can't help feeling a wee bit curious of it and anyway, I might not feel tempted to try it after all after having read the Swedish translation - we'll see!smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 494

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh, and those 'heated discussion' I referred to... they were all in Swedish on Swedish messageboards, so... uh... well... I guess I'm taking 'ze Zweedisch öpproatch'smiley - silly

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 495


Wooohhh, I've lost 4.5lbs and am delighted smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing. Can you tell?!! My goal for this week is 2lbs.
Titania -I tried Aitkin and didn't like it much either. Like Kelli I found I lost weight at first but it tailed off within a few weeks and for most of that time I felt absolutely terrible. Tired, constipated, bad breath and generally miserable. The side effects were just horrible smiley - ill and I would have killed for some fresh fruit and veg by the end of it! I also found reading the book hard work and felt like I was being lectured. But lots of folk do very well on it, horses for courses I suppose.
Kelli smiley - applause Well done for the new job! Being at home more is bound to help keep you on track smiley - ok. Is is it a teaching position?

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 496

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I keep forgetting we have an smiley - applause smiley.

.......smiley - applausesmiley - applause
...smiley - applause.......smiley - applause
smiley - applause.............smiley - applause
...smiley - applause.......smiley - applause
.......smiley - applausesmiley - applause

A round of smiley - applause for Fi's 4.5 lb smiley - wow

Not a teaching post, so I can have a more 'normal' working day too. I'll be able to make and receive phonecalls during working hours (useful for wedding planning), it won't matter so much if I am 10 mins late for work, I can take lunch break when I need to, if I am sick I don't have to carry on regardless. Phew.

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 497

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Well done Fi! That's really cool! smiley - ok

Atkins worked for me over a period of time, just remember my brain firing better cuz of all the protein! However, a housemate suggested that perhaps my spending so much time on Atkins is why I'm now intolerant to bread and pasta, cuz I don't remember that being the case years ago smiley - shrug

Accoding to scales this morning - I'd lost 3lb since Saturday - detox is helping to kick start things again. But, it's somebody's birthday in work, and I've had rather a lot of choccy biccies smiley - doh My high of weight loss has been replaced by guilt..

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 498

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

One pound lost this week - but I was aiming for two smiley - sadface Still, so long as I'm going in the right direction I suppose it is all good.

After my spectacular drops in the first couple of weeks I have lost 4 lb in 4 weeks - not too much movement on the scales but I suppose a healthy rate. Those 4 lb have, however, been from all the right places. My shape has definitley changed in the last month - for example I can now get into the suit I bought when at my thinnest last summer without feeling self-conscious. Other clothes are fitting better (if they were small) and worse (if they were too big) so I know I am changing - just wish that the scales would also reflect the massive effort I've been making exercise-wise. What scares me is if I have to cut back a bit on the exercise (am doing an hour of something every day) I'll stop seeing any kind of loss at all.

Phew this is hard work. Now off to do a 5 mile round trip into town...

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 499

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Well done on the 1lb kelli, you do have to keep reminding yourself though than even 1lb off is better than 1lb on. smiley - ok

Lost 2lb this week smiley - smiley, detoxing obviously worked, even though it all went a bit smiley - titsmiley - tit up towards the end of the week, but spent a good couple of hours gardening yesterday... I had dirty gardening hands! I was so chuffed I didn't want to wash them! smiley - biggrinsmiley - silly

Sort of accepted over the weekend that I actually do have a problem with being around people (barring housemates and my best friend), and this is down to zero confidence. So today, I'm determined to be more confident, there's no real reason not to be, just gotta keep reminding myself!

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 500


Kelli, 1lb off is great! Don't forget it's what you set yourself as a target 1lb/week so given your spectacular start you are well ahead of your dress-fitting date. And I know its an old cliché but if you are doing loads of exercise and seeing the effects, perhaps its muscle?

Looks like detoxing produces the results! Not sure if I've got the willpower to stick to it though smiley - sadface. Power to Queegle for sticking it out smiley - cheers

smiley - wizard *sends queegle some confidence vibes so that she realises how fabulous she is* smiley - wizard

Its my weigh in at the class tonight so I'll try to produce my report card tomorrow. Speak to you all then.

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Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

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