A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here

Post 421

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

I'm doing better. Making sure I take lots of veg into work for snacking on. Bought a single potato this morning in the local shop so I wouldn't end up getting a calorie-laden sandwich for lunch.

Went to the gym yesterday, thanks to a housemate who invited me along. Spent lots of time on the rowing machine, treadmill and bike, and found a weight thing that works the bingo wing muscles! smiley - biggrin Had a swim and a sauna and a loooong jacuzzi... it was ever so nice. Even just having a proper shower afterwards (our home one isn't too great)!

My trousers seem quite baggy this morning smiley - ok I'm not working many evenings this week so I plan to go for an actual weigh-in ... scary smiley - erm but it may give me a push.

Saturday weight loss here

Post 422

Titania (gone for lunch)

Weigh-in Monday this week: -1.6 kg since last time two weeks ago!smiley - boing

I'm not sure about the reason though, it's either the fact that I'm eating a bit more (eating all the extra 'points' I earn from exercise instead of limiting them to 12 as recommende by WW) and a bit more fat...

...or because I stayed during the last two weeks I've been staying home from w*rk because of a) two days of tummy trouble and b) four days of bad cold followed by sinusitis

Saturday weight loss here

Post 423

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Well done Titania smiley - ok

Thought I'd bump this up on people's convos smiley - biggrin

Don't know how much I weigh, I'll have to bring my scales home. I know I'm fatter than I was before christmas though smiley - biggrin

Being super healthy, not one bad thing shall pass these lips, at least till friend's party next Thursday. Actually, if I keep thinking of things to be good for that are only a week or two away, I could be healthy for ages! smiley - space China holiday is being booked imminently, so gotta start walking again to get in practice for hiking the Great Wall smiley - wow

How's everybody doing? All ready to say goodbye to christmas and get back on the wagon?

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 424

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well the last 6 months of hotels, then a holiday in india and then christmas have all taken their toll. I'm almost back to where I was this time last year, still, new year-new leaf. I have decided that I am going to have to take a travel kettle and lots of packs of dehydrated food with me when I travel and just avoid roomservice altogether. Also, work have given me a new laptop that has a dvd player in it, so I can take my yoga vid with me for when I get stuck with no gym in the hotel.

Have lost 4 of the gained lb in the last week - am looking forward to losing new lbs instead of regained ones at some point...

smiley - ok
smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 425

Titania (gone for lunch)

What a pity neither of you made it to the London meet-up - it would have been nice meeting you again!smiley - smiley That said, I'm not sure if I'll go to the weigh-in tonight - not after a weekend in London!smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 426

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Did you go Titania? It'll give you something to work from at least.

Haven't started the yoga yet. smiley - erm Lacking in motivation, mainly due to knackeredness smiley - doh

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 427

Titania (gone for lunch)

Yep, I was there - here are some photos from the meet-up:


Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 428


Hello All,
Have put on 10lbs smiley - wah but did have a lovely holiday in Mexico and a great Christmas and New Year and am relaxed and revitalised, if a little rounder. Ah well, who cares I was round to start with anyway smiley - blush. What's more I am now ready to roll up my sleeves and get stuck into the old diet malarkey again, although I have resolved to try and get away from calorie counting/point watching/protein munching in a bid to make proper lifestyle changes and try to accept that this is for keeps, not just a few months. So top of my to-do list is to get fit again and re-visit the gym. All support/nagging and spare motivation willing accepted smiley - hug.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 429


Its awfully quite in here.....has everyone else given up and gone home? *looks about anxiously in case got the time and place wrong*

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 430

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well mine is officially back on so that I can fit into a fab wedding dress smiley - loveblush

smiley - puffk - nil by mouth

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 431


Hey, stand a bit closer Kelli smiley - hug.....I want to catch your motivation and that engagement virus from you! To your fab news smiley - redwine. Low cal of course smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 432

Titania (gone for lunch)

Still here - weight loss a bit of 'sometimes you win, sometimes you lose' kind of thing currently...

I went to a weigh-in last week - and *of course* my body had started gathering water (PMT)!smiley - yikes I weighed myself in the morning (after breakfast, fully dressed) and felt confident enough to go the WW weigh-in the evening6 - only to discover that I had gained 2.8 kg (6.2 ounces?) during the day!smiley - grr Hate this, hate this, hate this... *currently feeling about as wobbly as a hippo*

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 433

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

smiley - biggrin not a lot you can do about that though, so don't sweat it too much smiley - hug

I've put on since christmas, quite a bit. This I think is mainly due to giving up my evening job, so not only am I missing out being on my feet for 4 hours 4 times a week, but I also have time to eat dinners!

I got weighted recently at a pre-op assessment (going into have my varicose veins operation this Saturday), and weighed 84kilos, can't remember what that is in pounds, think it's just over 13 stone. smiley - space Which, also I'm not overly happy about, it means I must've been about 12 1/2 stone at Chrimble, which is great! smiley - space Oh the years I've wanted to get down to 12 stone! smiley - biggrin

I'm still skinnier than I was at the summer meet last year smiley - ok, but want to get back that toned self I had when I came back from USA in October. smiley - space Exercise is the only thing that's going to do that... bugger smiley - winkeye

Am going to be laid up in bed for a while after my op, but I plan to do yoga at least on my top half, and then move to my bottom half as I recuperate. smiley - spaceSeeing as I'll be off work for 2 weeks, there's really no excuse!

Here's to getting 'Saturday Weight Loss' back on track! smiley - bubblysmiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 434


Titania,, that happens to me every single month and I always get fooled by it and panic before I remember what's going on. Don't worry about it too much by tomorrow you'll be to the loo every hour and balance will be restored. Queegle, I certainly join you in a toast to getting things back on tracksmiley - bubblysmiley - ok. And also to all going well for you this Saturday. Here have some . Still just think of the fab upper arms you'll have if you do tone up for two weeks while off work....smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 435

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well I can heartily recommend getting engaged as an incentive to get back in shape! Every time I think about eating something I shouldn't I look at my rock and picture me in a wedding dress as I look now - certainly helps me back away from the smiley - crisps

I have worked out I need to lose 49 lb to reach a sustainable weight. I need to do that by the beginning of next Febrary so that I can start dress shopping and have the most choice. Coincidentally that is 49 weeks so i have a target of 1 lb a week.

So, am newly motivated but I'll probably need some help along the way...

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 436

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hey - great motivator Kelli - and congrats!smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 437


I'm doing better. Joined a new class for motivation and it seems to be working, 9lbs lost the first three weeks and its not been too difficult so far. I think this diet suits me better as it is based on healthy eating rather than purporting to be a magic wand........I can buy convenience food during the week, have a selection of recipes for the weekend and have even had the odd Chinese takeaway (much to the boyfriends delight, he hates not being able to splurge at the weekend smiley - redwine, smiley - crisps, smiley - choc). So fingers crossed, I'm back on track for the moment. smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 438

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

That sounds great Fi, is it a national chain or a local class? 9lb is a fantastic start - especially if you can have the occasional take away smiley - drool

Are you upping your exercise too? I'm focussing on getting my exercise levels back up again as it really does seem to be the key for me shifting any weight. Making things public helps me too so my new diet is going into my nickname so everyone can keep an eye on me - there is nowhere to hid if it is in my name...

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 439

You can call me TC

I was wondering (rather silly really) where does it all go? I mean if each of us lost a pound a week, we'd have collectively lost a few tonnes within a year. Is the earth then lighter?

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 440

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well mine floats around near my body waiting for the first opportunity to reattach smiley - laugh

I managed to get five pounds off last week - but was able to make a really aggressive start with lots of walking and extra exercise. That might be a bit more difficult next week but we shall see. I'm having a really difficult day today, I'm really hungry and am desperately fighting the urge to eat.

*goes to look at pictures of wedding dresses*

Not sure how long that is going to work...

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