A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here

Post 361

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

soon find out, got mine tonight too. Ate out at the weekend, with dessert. But climbed Ben Nevis (smiley - wow) so I'd better have shifted some. Though, not as much as I would've done had I done Nevis and still been good smiley - erm

Dress fitting tonight so that's it now, won't be allowed to lose any more till holiday. smiley - sadface

Saturday weight loss here

Post 362

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Oh and sorry Tash - congrats to you smiley - ok

It's that flippin exercise that works innit smiley - grrsmiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here

Post 363


good luck all! I've got mine tonight as well. apologies for going all girly smiley - diva but what's the dress like queegle? and when is the big day?

Saturday weight loss here

Post 364

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

I'm only the bridesmaid, not the bride. She's seeing the dress for the first time tonight - wasn't around when I chose it! Am trying to get a pic done tonight, will post on web tomorrow.

Wedding day is 24th September in Vegas baby!!!

Saturday weight loss here

Post 365


a Vegas wedding fantastic!!! Tell all the details.....will Elvis be there? and will it be at a drive-through?
friends who got married there last year said it cost too much for Elvis to do the ceremony so instead they hired him as the photographer instead. don't know why Elvis photographers are cheaper than Elvis ministers!!! funny old world.
hope you can manage a photo if the dress!! I'm so excited.....I love weddings!!smiley - boing

Saturday weight loss here

Post 366

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Didn't get a chance to get a photo, forgot to buy batteries for the digital camera smiley - doh

Also didn't get to go for weigh-in, we were running so late, I would've been too late for the dress fitting smiley - erm. It's a one piece dark red dress, with clear beading on the bodice, and, it was tried on for the first time with the shoes I'd traipsed down to London for, and it all matches! smiley - wow The bride really liked it too, which was cool. smiley - smiley

Elvis won't be singing, she had wanted it but it was too expensive. I'll let her know about the Elvis photographer being cheaper! smiley - cheers

How did you guys get on with your weigh-ins?

Saturday weight loss here

Post 367

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Three pounds off since the last weigh in two weeks ago, so that is a pound and a half a week - not spectacular but good and steady. Am resolved to have a really good week this week in anticipation of my upcoming 3 weeks working overseas again. And will really try not to make things worse while I'm away.

The dress sounds cool queegle - I'm sure you look stunning smiley - diva

Saturday weight loss here

Post 368

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Yay well done! Slow and steady is the best way.

Rose (bride) saw the dress and said it was nice, then she saw it on and went 'wow, it's really slimming!', she was really pleased that it looked so nice, cuz she's ever so proud of me and my weight loss smiley - blushsmiley - biggrin

Somebody at work2 has just started Slimming World too. Her (rich) boss has said he'll give her a grand (£1,000 for non english slang users smiley - winkeye) if she loses 2 stone by christmas and keeps it off until April... now _that's_ an incentive! smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here

Post 369


hi guys,
i'm smiling today as well with a loss of 4lbs, most of which came off 24 hours after changing form the green diet to the red one. I'm not sure if this means I was losing on the green which didn't show up ...perhaps due to the increased bulk of the type of food or if my metabolism is just not suited to it. Either way I'm a happy bunny and intend to stick to red for the foreseeable future! Glad to hear that its working for you too Kelli!!! Are you on red or green or a mixture of both? How will you cope when you are abroad?

Queegle your dress sounds absolutely fab, and also the sort of thing you can wear after the wedding as well which is always a bonus. As for the dress looking "slimming"....bet the lbs you have lost and all the miles you have walked have something to do with it as well You must look fab smiley - diva. Now if only I could find someone to sponsor me £1K for my weight loss I'd have 11.2p by now......any takers out there? smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here

Post 370

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well done Fi! 4 lb is great! Your loss was probably a combination of both your green days and your red day. I know they say you can stick to just one colour forever if you want but I wouldn't do that - simply because you do miss out on some important food groups. And anyway, a change is as good as a rest smiley - smiley

I have a mixture of 3 red and 4 green. I prefer green (cheaper and a bit more varied) but the boyfriend sulks if there is no meat in his dinner, so I tend to have green mon-thurs when I am only feeding me, and red fri-sun when I am feeding the both of us. I'll happily put no meat in my curry/chilli/tagine/stirfry if that means I can have it with rice/pasta/noodles/cous cous/potato. I actually really struggle on red days to find a decent substrate for my food - it seems odd to eat curry with no rice/naan for example.

Anyway, even if this diet is not 'special' and I'm losing just because I'm cutting down on the calories it has gone a good way towards re-motivating me again smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here

Post 371


I'm with you with preferring green days, I find then cheap easy and much more tasty. It doesn't feel at all as if you are on a diet as there is nothing "missing" from the plate. I struggle a little with making sauces for my rice and pasta but am becoming more inventive. Bachelors pasta is my lifesaver....9mins and I've got a meal. I'm just a bit reluctant to go back to green in case I pile on the pounds again (1.5 last week) even although I was as good as gold anyway am glad you have re-found your lost motivation, it good timing if you are gearing up to a work trip!

Saturday weight loss here

Post 372

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

4lb!! wow! well done!

You guys are shifting me into motivation gear again! smiley - cheers

Saturday weight loss here

Post 373

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

well done everyone - sounds like we are back to the downward slide (literally). I guess the weather is getting colder your way, though, as mine is heating up, so brace yourselves for winter.

It's 25degC today, and I am loving it! Perfect now the days are getting longer and I can no longer put off the excuse that it's dark at 6am- I will have to start dragging my butt down to the park and jogging again...YAYAYYYYY!!!!

Saturday weight loss here

Post 374

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'd better go to the weigh-in on Monday - I haven't been there for more than 2 weeks, first because of a bad cold (fever, soar throat), and then because I *knew* I had gained weight not bothering about what I was eating during the 4 days I spent mostly in bed, home from w*rk, no exercise, nothing...

I'm attending a series of lectures held by a nutrionist (that's the Swedish word for it, but it sounds as if it might be the same in English), very interesting and more detailed info than what they tell you at the Weight Watchers...

I'm trying one of the tips the nutrionist gave - maximum 3 hours between each meal (even if it's just a fruit) to keep the digestion and the - uh - burning of fat? (couldn't find the expression in the dictionary) going constantly without slowing down. That and trying to eat stuff with a low - hmmm... *throws away dictionary* glychemical index? to keep my bloodsugar level even.

I have to set the alarm to remember to eat at least every third hour, because otherwise I tend to forget about it. The trouble is to not eat more than I usually do, just more often.

Saturday weight loss here

Post 375

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

It'd be good to go Titania, even if you get a shock, it'll get you back in the swing of things.

Eating little and often is what my mum's always said about being better for you. As a species, we're naturally more inclined towards grazing than gorging, so eating little and often suits our biological functions better. (Or summat smiley - biggrin)

Got a lift into work _again_ today.. but I intend to go for a walk at lunchtime and will walk home if poss.
The dress seemed a little tighter on the hips this time than when I first tried it, so I can afford to lose a few pounds round that area smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here

Post 376

Annie Mouse

Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't been around, it's been very hectic in Annie's smiley - earthworld! Tashall's envelope must have been delayed in the post as well, cos it took a long time to reach me!

I must confess that the long summer hols and consequently the continuous comings and goings of my family have served to sabotage my plans. To this end I have not been holier than thou, smiley - angel & smiley - devil, and although I haven't gained any weight (phew!) I haven't lost any more. So hopefully things can get back on an even keel - I wonder what is normal any more? - and I can get back on track and tread the straight and narrow once again.

My immediate goal is to reduce myself as much as possible by the end of October for a long-awaited family bonanza-type event. Hopefully as most of them haven't seen me since I began this journey the visual impact will render them speechless - unlikely, but certainly desirable!smiley - biggrin

Well I realise you have all been posting and conversing for a long time, and try as I might I don't think I can ever catch up to where you are. The support has been great and it's wonderful to have met such friendly people, and to communicate in this way smiley - magic. However, on reflection, I dont think the virtual life is for me, smiley - erm my brain just can't cope with it! I wonder if we met, unknowingly, eg in the supermarket or at the bus-stop would we be as free with our chatter and descriptions of our lives and weight-loss journeys? I think not, but then we humans are fairly restrained folk, aren't we? smiley - martiansmile

So I will probably look you up occasionally and may even post from time to time to tell you how good smiley - angel or bad smiley - devil I am! Good luck with your lives and I hope you achieve all your goals. Look me up if you feel like it - I'm nearly always ready for a chatter!

Lots of love, Annie smiley - mouse x

Saturday weight loss here

Post 377

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Good luck Annie smiley - ok

I'm making a cake for a the hen night party, which means I have to do a couple of practice cakes, before I find a recipe I'm happy with. Of course this means testing them smiley - erm. But I've had one slice of the cake I did last night, and left the rest in a tub with a big sign saying "EAT ME" for the other housemates smiley - biggrin. I have to test the cake, because I don't trust anybody's judgement as well as my own... but I guess I didn't have to lick the spoon used for the lemon hinted butter icing.. or the whisks... smiley - erm tastes sooo niiiiice smiley - drool

A friend may be helping me tonight, so I'll give all the implements to her to lick clean!

Weigh-in for us Slimmers World girlies tonight...
I haven't been for two weeks, but after Ben Nevis, and dancing me bits off at an all night gig at the weekend, I _feel_ a bit lighter!

Saturday weight loss here

Post 378

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Am dreadeing tonight, have put on according to my scales at home. Not sure why, have followed the rules smiley - erm

I *have* been to the gym far more than usual this week, maybe that has affected things?

Good luck to everyone else...

Saturday weight loss here

Post 379

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Was slimmer of the week smiley - bigeyes

Lost 3.5 lb, but I really don't know how since I really had put on according to my scales at home. Ah well, best not question it too deeply...

Will be missing next week as I'm abroad for work. Am very nervous about having to live on hotel food again, not sure how I can maintain the diet when I don't control how things are cooked. Last time, in rome I put a lot back on but I did eat a lot more in the way of biscuits and things I shouldn't eat. Will try to be stronger this time.

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here

Post 380

Titania (gone for lunch)

Wow - well done, Kelli!smiley - diva

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Saturday weight loss here

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