A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers


Post 1

cheerful pessimist

Day one for me (April 12th 2007
Starting Weight : 13 stone
Target Weight: 9 stone
Time Scale: by October 2007

Woke up feeling a mixture of fear and resentment. I’ve been here before why am I so fat again. How did I let this happen? Let me explain myself to those that don’t remember me.

2 year ago just after my 40th birthday I hit an all time low. I looked in the mirror and saw a mound of flab with arms and legs. Feeling at the time this was inevitable due to age and slowing metabolism I sat back and thought I am just middle aged this is what happens in mid life. Then something happened that changed my thinking…

My dear father was diagnosed with aggressive terminal cancer. He was first diagnosed with cancer in 2000. He had a haemorrhage and was rushed to A&E. On the first occasion he was misdiagnosed with Diverticulitis but after a second haemorrhage and colonoscopy they discovered a tumour the size of a grapefruit at the sequel. He was treated with chemotherapy and Surgery to remove part of his bowel and part of his bladder (it had broken through his bladder)

He thought he was over it but a year later a second primary appeared in the lower part of the remaining bowel and he had to have radiotherapy and further surgery to totally remove his entire colon and fit him with an illieostomy bag.

Again we thought he was out of the woods but he started passing blood in his urine and after a turp operation it was discovered secondary’s from the bowel were in his bladder and urethra.

He had more chemotherapy but had to stop as his kidneys were not coping well.

Then we were called in to the Consultant to be informed that my father had a very poor prognosis as the cancer in his urethra was very aggressive.

This prompted me to lose the weight, my father has always worried about me and I wanted to do something for him. I successfully lost 5 stone and went from a size 24 to a size 8 in just over 5 months on the Cambridge diet.

My father is still with me today (2 years on), still poorly but I am ashamed to say I haven’t kept the weight off and it’s gradually all returned! I am so angry with myself!

Right…so I’ve turned a corner, I realise that if I want to successfully lose weight and keep it off I have to do it for the right reasons…and whilst doing it to make my sick father happy is an honourable one…doing it for myself is far more likely to make me succeed in the long term.

Day one continued

Right so I woke up….feeling as I have mentioned above. I Then did the following things:-

• Bathed, washed hair – examining my horrible flabby tummy in the bath
• Applied make up to my pig like features, noticing every wrinkle
• Collected together my son, Mikes Passport, Birth Certificate etc for the Police Check he needs to undertake to help out in his school for work experience
• Went to Mum and Dads to see if Dad was ok (he went to Hospital last night as his catheter kept stopping due to blood clots in the urethra
• Arrived at work at 7.30am
• Made my Strawberry shake with my battery blender…brilliant item
• Made a black coffee with sweeteners and then proceeded to type this!


Post 2

cheerful pessimist

just had the most disgusting Mushroom Soup for lunch

I dont like Mushrooms so why I decided to have it I dont know!

Im walking home in a minute so some excersize and fresh air.

Ive not been very good on the water front though....I will drink loads throughout the rest of the day instead...lol



Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Gaining weight again after having lost a lot of weight is, unfortunately, rather common. Especially if one has lost a lot of weight in a very short time - it's as if one's mind is still the mind of a fat person.

I wish you good luck - I'm sure you'll make it this time too!smiley - cheerup


Post 4

cheerful pessimist

Thank you for your comment Titania..and boosting my confidence

Day one was a good one. I left work and despite being surrounded by food and having to cook the meal for the rest of my family I didnt pick or finish up the left overs. I drank water rather than fizzy drinks and woke this morning feeling like I had been a very good girl!

Ive brought tons of fruit in to work today...Fridays are always a bad day as I associate them with the indulgent start of the weekend...starting with goodies handed out by the company...Repeat after me..."I will not eat chocolate, I will not eat chocolate!"

So Day 2 is going well ( so far)...will make my next comment on Tuesday (Day 6)...hopefully will report how good I have been!



Post 5

You can call me TC

Well done. The first step is always the hardest.

Take my hand and I'll take yours. You have inspired me. I shall make tomorrow my first day. (It's not too late to get some weight off for the summer.)

I only have scales with kg on. Will post my weight tomorrow, as it's Saturday.

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