A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 441


Its a weightwatchers class that a friend dragged me to. I didn't really want to go because I'd tried them before (what haven't I tried smiley - biggrin but it has changed and I now find it much easier to followsmiley - ok. Apologies if you know all this already, but the diet is a points system which you calculate using a wee card they give you, based on the calories and %saturated fat. This means you can work out the value in virtually anything and there are additional book to help with the unknowns, such as takeaways and eating out. To give you a general idea I'm allowed 22 points per day and a chow mein is about 9 points. Not bad! I'm finding it much easier (and more effective) than the slimming world diet so I'm hoping I might have found my idea diet. Much to my absolute astonishment I have been able to lose weight without exercise which is an all time first for me. Next step is getting back to the gym can't think of better incentive than losing 5.5 in one week. Well done Kelli!!! smiley - diva

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 442

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

First week is always the easiest. We'll see if it keeps going when I weigh myself tomorrow...

That sounds good Fi. I think the best thing about the diet clubs is the group encouragement, although I like the sound of the Rosemary Connelly ones where you get an exercise class at the meeting.

I'm keeping a food and exercise diary again to keep me motivated, it does seem to help a lot, at least makes me think twice when I want to eat something.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 443

Titania (gone for lunch)

I just found out on the Swedish Weight Watchers' site about fat free Pringles - do you have them in the UK?

They are not available in Sweden, obviously because they contain olestra, which is forbidden here...

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 444


I haven't heard of them but I am def going to try and find out about them. I find smiley - crisps one of the hardest things to give up. Besides smiley - choc that is! Is olestra the fat substitute with all the nasty side effects?

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 445

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I think it is, I seem to recall hearing about olestra in conjunction with other nastier words...

Things seem to have gone well last week, I already feel a lot thinner - I had crossed over my really fat point when I start to look and feel really porky. Back under that again now and feeling much better for it.

I think this will be a difficult week as I am overseas again, living in a hotel. I've brought a couscous dinner with me for each night I am here (just add boiling water and wait) so I won't be tempted by anything in the hotel restaurant and fingers crossed I will have access to healthy food at lunch. The hotel has a gym so I must use that every day, and have brought my yoga DVD to play on my laptop too. Really determined not to let this job derail my progress.

Hope the rest of you are getting on okay smiley - ok

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 446

Titania (gone for lunch)

Great planning there, Kelli!smiley - ok

The only thing I know about olestra is that it's banned in Sweden, but I don't know why - I see if I can find a trustable site with info...

Apparently the fat free Pringles are on sale in the US - one of the Swedes had a friend who had recently been over and had bought her some - so I suppose the American authorities think olestra is OK...smiley - huh

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 447

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

smiley - book

I'm back at work! smiley - biggrin Thought for a moment this morning what a pain that is, but the thought of being stuck indoors for another week is even more horrible!

Didn't do Any yoga while off smiley - doh but my trousers are more baggy than they were a couple of weeks ago - partially due to being skint! I have discovered the wonderful value of carrots. Super cheap, and stops me munching on rubbish. Trying to give up smoking.. no, strike that - I AM giving up smoking! Dammit! I'll put 'days without cigarettes' as my tag - will be a daily reminder.

Must bring a set of scales home. Glad this thread is up again - it does help! smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 448

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

kelli - does your tag relate to 9.25lb lost over 2 weeks? Brill-i-ant! smiley - ok

Must bring scales home! Will stick a reminder on my phone to do that today, dammit! smiley - space Have been buying loads of salady type stuff. I've decided to go back to what I was eating last year - they had a great canteen where I was working so I had salad every day. This year I have to create my own lunches! Plus my spots were much better - I look like I've got acne at the mo', it's really horrid. smiley - sadface Still, it's fixable.

Eating healthier will help, but I know now that it was all the walking I did that got me toned last year - was doing pretty well!
Is a pic from my friend's wedding in Vegas (me on the left) - I'm probably a stone heavier now, wanna get back down to that and better!

Can't do loads of exercise straight away cuz my legs are taking longer to recover from the operation than they have done previously (must be me agesmiley - biggrin), but still aiming to do the 25k Waendel Walk in May http://www.waendelweekend.com and hopefully climb a mountain again this year!

Giving up smoking is hard - I feel as though I've lost my anger (for want of a better word), so it's very heard to discipline myself. But that's better than smoking - I'll keep telling myself that smiley - smiley

It's gone a bit quiet - how are the rest of you getting on?

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 449

Titania (gone for lunch)

You look good in that photo, queegle!smiley - rose

I've lost my motivation and haven't been able to find it, yet. Once spring is here for real (looks out at snowfall) I'll try talking myself into taking the looong way to w*rk in the mornings again (1 hour of walking, fast enough to break out in sweat and needing a shower).

Currently I'm just focusing on maintaining my current weight, and I've managed to do it reasonably well.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 450

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Phwoor! You look great there queeg! DG is an idiot...

Yep, 9.25 lb in 2 weeks. It is always easier at the start and I was at home for those two weeks so could walk to the station to get to work, most days I even walked to the next station on the line (about 3 miles away) so I had tons of exercise. Really trying hard to not do any backsliding this week - have either done my yoga or visited the gym every day and am sticking to my cous cous. I have run out now though, so tonight I will have to eat at the hotel - will be having grilled fisha nd salad smiley - biggrin

I have to admit though *guilty look* that I have eaten the little smiley - choc that the maid leaves on the pillow every day. Oh the shame! I have no will power in the face of temptation smiley - biggrin

Titania, maintaining is just as important as losing so well done smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 451

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, maintaining my weight is something I *will* have to learn once I've reached my goal, so I might just as well practise on the way there...smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 452

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Having one pillow smiley - choc a day is better than denying yourself completely then gorging smiley - ok
The bride in the pic is my best mate - naturally slim girl smiley - aliensmile. Though she looked even more fabulous for the wedding cuz she'd been doing an hour of yoga every day for the previous months.

Well done Titania for your maintenance, that really is fantastic smiley - ok It's almost as difficult doing that than getting it off.

Didn't get scales yesterday - had to go home and put my feet up, but did lots of housework last night - enough to break a sweat!

Being without cigarettes is starting to get to me again, but I've got Loads of salady things to nibble on here in work. Haven't had any wheat for 2 days and I've had no new spots come up! Obviously have got an intolerance. Reminds me of a quote by Chris Rock "Americans have got too much food, they've become allergic to food! You don't here anybody in Rwanda being lactose intolerant!" smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 453


Hi Queegle, glad to see that your back after your op and looking good......you look FAB in that photo smiley - diva!!!! And it won't take you long to shift a stone once you get stuck in again!

Kelli, 9.5lbs wow! At this rate you'll be in that wedding dress in no time! Good luck with the hotel living, it can't be easy with all that temptation around, its hard enough walking past food in the supermarket never minding passing up meals that someone else has cooked for you. Just keep thinking of that dress.....unless puffball is the look you want then you can eat what you like!! smiley - silly

Titania, I sympathise with you losing your motivation, I've been there myself more times than I care to remember and it ain't much fun. I've only recently become motivated again after about a year of struggling. Big congrats on being able to maintain though, I've yet to manage that and usually end up backsliding by a stone (or usually two). If its any help I prodded myself back into action with a couple of hypnotherapy session which were fantastic. Perhaps you would find it helpful? Finding a new class has also helped me, as has going along with a friend as I'm less tempted to wimp out. I have now lost 10lbs which is apparently a dress size and am starting to feel a bit healthier for it. Next class is on Tuesday so will report further progress then. Good luck to all meanwhile!!smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 454

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Weighed meself at mum's - 13st 7lb. Had trainers on though, but that's what I was before I got ill last year... all that good work gone to waste! smiley - erm Good though, motivational.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 455

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - hug for queegle, but at least you are seeing it in the right light - good motivation to get back on the wagon. And at least this time you know it can be done smiley - ok

I lost quite a lot last week, I actually don't think that is a healthy rate though, so I am going to try and change things a bit this week. I am in hotels again, and have brought some cous cous and rice meals as I did last week, but I think I will try and have some protein each day to add to it. Will still try to keep up the exercise levels though.

I am almost back down to my previous lightest now, should be there in a couple of weeks so I am really looking forward to losing some *new* pounds smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 456


Oh dear! Have put on 5lbs over the weekend due to having friends round and making merry........just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope part of it was the 4pints of water I drunk before going to bed so I wouldn't have a mega hangover this morning at work. It did work, but have spent all morning smiley - run to the loo! Back on track today with a salad for lunch and raspberries for snacks.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 457

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Well done kelli!! smiley - divasmiley - oksmiley - ok

Fi, probably was those 4 pints of water smiley - laugh

I'm feeling quite ill, think I'm coming down with a nasty cold. Just feeling very spaced out, but not really hungry at all. Only had a sausage and a few strawberries so far today. Still, at least it'll help me get back on track! smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 458

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

How long have I been going on about getting my scales from mum's.... about the last 18 months I think.... smiley - space Just looked at Argos, they've got bathroom scales for £3.29!!smiley - dohsmiley - space Seeing as I spent more than that in the pub last night, I think I could make the investment! Have reserved and am picking them up tonight! smiley - wow

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 459


Was just the water, I lost 1lb! Not the best loss in the world but still another baby step in the right direction. smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 460

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

That is great Fi smiley - ok Every pound off is a pound in the right direction after all smiley - biggrin

Haven't had anything I shouldn't so far this week (this week's hotel doesn't leave pillow smiley - choc so I haven't even had that), but on the other hand, I don't think I am eating enough. I'll just end up slowing my metabolism down if I'm not careful and then it'll be impossible to shift anything.

I am hoping that the fact that I am exercising a lot will keep my metabolism buzzing along smiley - erm

Queegle, yep, a basic set of bathroom scales is pretty cheap! Do try to avoid weighing yourself every five minutes to see if you've lost anything yet though, tempting as it is.

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