A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 501


1/2 on. smiley - sadface

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 502

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Oh how disappointing after last week's triumph! smiley - hug

Would it have anything to do with your bin full of red wine bottles? smiley - biggrin

*also sends Queegle some confidence vibessmiley - fairy*
because she *is* fab! Not just saying that from the perspective of some random punter you talk to on the internerd, I have met you in real life remember. You made me feel really comfortable at the summer meet last year by being so friendly and marvellous smiley - kiss

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 503

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

fanks smiley - blush, that really cheered me up last week smiley - smileysmiley - tasmiley - cheers

Aww Fi, still, half a pound isn't that much to lose - there's more variation than that between going to bed and getting up in the morning smiley - hug

Lost 2lb last week, but then I was very, very skint! Living on rice and soup! Payday meant a splurgy weekend, but got my office cleaning job now, which means a couple of hours of exercise a day smiley - ok

Plus, doing the Waendel Walk this weekend with the bride in the photos - 18 miles round the outskirts of Wellingborough smiley - yikes But thankfully interspersed with a few pubs, and lots of squaddies around to chat to smiley - bigeyes

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 504

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

That reminds me *bustles off to change name*

3/4 on this week. Oh well, I'll get there in the end. Was a bit down last week and ate a lot of things I shouldn't, also had a bit of a bad weekend so next week might be a bit of a problem weigh-in but just treat is like a little bump in the road that I'll get past.

A couple of hours of cleaning is great exercise queegle! Fancy doing my place too, just to help with the exercise levels of course smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 505

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Hmmm, did the 25k walk, was good fun, ate a fair bit of chocolate on the way round though. smiley - space My scales reckon I've put on 8lb last week smiley - erm!

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 506


1lb off this week smiley - erm. Think I'll aim slightly lower this week and just try to stay the same as I'm eating out a few nights this week.

8lbs on smiley - yikes no way can that be right. Not after 25K!!! I'd say you've got sounds to sue the manufactures for the mental trauma you have suffered smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 507

You can call me TC

For the first time in my life I will be doing something radical - quite by chance - about my weight.


Quite soon.

Anyone heard of Herbalife? A friend has been using it and is quite happy, and has invited a group of us to go to a presentation - no strings attached. I need a system to work by, I think - I can't just vaguely "cut back". But my problem is then going to be doing exercises and the like. I give up after two minutes.

Suppose I have to increase very very slowly. Any tips?

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 508

Titania (gone for lunch)

Is there any statistics available for how many of those that have used Herbalife that have also managed to *maintain* their new weight?

I'm a bit dubious about all these pills and powders and stuff, because very often people don't really change their eating habits but return to their old habits after having finished the 'diet' - and very soon they have gained weight again...smiley - erm

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 509

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

I've heard of Herbalife but only the name, don't know anybody that's tried it. smiley - spaceI guess once you've done it, you don't return to your normal eating habits, but completely change them to a healthier regime in order to keep it off. It's easier to stay stable at a weight than lose it. Keep us posted! smiley - ok

My friend popped up with the idea of doing a half marathon the other day smiley - yikes. She reckoned we could just walk it, and it'd be easy cuz I walked 16 miles on Saturday.. but that was with pub breaks!
Upon investigating their timescale of starting and "Cheering the last few home" - we'd have to cover 3.25 miles every hour, which is some pretty fast walking! smiley - spaceWhen she realised that she wasn't quite so eager! But, it would be cool, very cool, to have done it. And it's a great goal for motivation. smiley - puff
So, the plan is... going to start the training (even though we're a few weeks behind the training schedule), and see how I feel in a month. If I reckon it's viable, I'll do it, if not, I won't.
But it would be cool.... smiley - bigeyes

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 510

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Well... the scales reckon I've lost 4lb this week! smiley - ok But considering I'd 'gained' 8lb the previous week, I'm not too worried.

Thinking about climbing Mount Snowdon now, instead of doing the half marathon. Have to do something I think - need to have a big exercise linked achievement at some point this year. smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 511

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Got myself a feww 10 day membership to the local Livingwell gym...smiley - wow BRING IT ON!! smiley - puff

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 512

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

"feww" = free smiley - spacesmiley - doh

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 513


1.5 off this week smiley - ok Didn't have a very good week so didn't expect a loss. Not that I'm complaining mind it just that sometimes there is no rhyme nor reason to the way this works smiley - doh

I haven't heard of Herbalife so can't offer any help there, sorry.

"A big exercise linked achievement " sound like a great plan. Not sure what I'd do though....mountains and marathons are out of my league. Any ideas for a baby plan for a couch potato?

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 514

Titania (gone for lunch)

A book I had ordered was finally delivered yesterday - the first ever book in Swedish about the Atkins diet. It weighs a ton and there is a lot of reading to do before I get to the meals and recipes section!smiley - yikes

After reading some very heated discussions on the net I've decided to form my own opinion - it remains to be seen if I decide to try it after I've finished reading...

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 515

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hi all, sorry I've been a bit quiet recently, too much w*rk, not enough internet time...

Titania, glad your book has shown up, let us know what you think when you've had time to read and digest it smiley - ok

On activity targets - I'm inspired by the pictures from this weekend's walk the walk midnight marathon and have decided to sign up for next year's event. It is a marathon that leaves hyde park at midnight and is a walking event, so it takes 6+ hours to complete! It is usually done in a bra, or t-shirt with a bra on it as it is in aid of breast cancer charities. If I start training for it now then I *should* be fit enough by this time next year, and all the training should help me get into the wedding dress of my dreams...

smiley - puffk - realising I haven't updated my nickname - 2.5 on in the last two weeks smiley - groan

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 516

Titania (gone for lunch)

You're doing great Kelli - way ahead of schedule!smiley - ok

I've found a lot of false information about Atkins on the net, and also rumours and myths - which makes me wonder if someone has deliberately been spreading *desinformation*...smiley - erm I can think of a couple of companies that wouldn't want people to cut down on their carbohydrates

So far I've discovered that I'm mostly on a a low carbohydrate diet but with a lot less fat than the Atkins diet - which is probably the reason I experience hunger feelings a lot. So - do I stick to the WW way or do I cut down further on the carbohydrates and add some fat?

I'll finish reading this book first before deciding... I know I cut down so much on fat while doing the WW thing that I got health troubles - the Weight Watchers are not good enough at pointing out that you *do* need fat for some very essential processes in your body!

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 517

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

You're still ahead of schedule kelli, and now you've got motivation smiley - ok

I think it just goes to show - no 'diet' works great, they all cut out something that essentially we need in our systems. The answer truly is exercise smiley - groansmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

Speaking of which - actually made it to the gym yesterday, burned off about 200 calories.. which should cover the chocolate bar I had earlier in the day! Most important thing though, is that I feel great, mentally, for doing it smiley - smiley

A friend of mine said a good one yesterday: "Nothing tastes as good as slim feels".

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 518

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

And bloody well done Fi! smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 519

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Only just ahead! Not expecting much for this week or next week - next week is my last week working away from home so things should go better after that.

On the motivation side, I have been in contact with a researcher for a tv program that I might take part in. It is a program about a new diet designed by some london doctor-to-the-stars. If I do it I would get a cosultation with him, when I would be given a ten week programme to follow. They would track my progress on camera and I would keep a video diary too. What do you think ladies? Does this sound like a good idea? I am slightly worried about being made to look stupid but it would be good for motivation - can't hide from the cameras!

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 520


Do you know what the perspective of the program is going to be (documentary? reality tv? ) and how much say-so you would have if you were not happy with the way it was going? I guess your biggest worry is the potential for public humiliation but if your instinct says that the program is going to be sensitively handled then I would think it is worth the risk......the support, self-knowledge and weight loss might be a life changing experience. And if you don't try it you'll never know. I'd say go for it Kelli smiley - ok. Just don't foret us all when you are a star smiley - diva

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Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

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