A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 461

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

A lb off is brill - going the right way and all that!

Didn't get scales last night smiley - cross, I *knew* I should've gone to Argos before getting home, but didn't, got in, sat down, housemate cracked open the beers and put Guns & Roses on the stereo smiley - ok. 3 bottles later I couldn't go anywhere so had a relaxing candlelit bath. smiley - biggrin

Will pick up scales tonight. Will probably weigh myself every 5 minutes for the first few days! But was thinking about writing a weekly logs of weight change and cumulative loss. It helped last year when Slimming World were keeping track of things.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 462

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I've got a sheet of paper stuck to the wall at home with my target weight each saturday (approx 1 lb off per week for 49 weeks) and I write my actual weight next to it when I get up and weigh myself on a saturday morning. It really helps to keep a track smiley - ok I think this is one of the things I would benefit from by going to a class but I can't find one on a saturday - as I'm abroad half the time I would end up paying meeting fees all the time for meetings I couldn't go to...

If I keep a track at home I can put the cumulative loss in my tag for all to see - no hiding for this dieter!

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 463


The scales sound like a good idea as does keeping a track of how things are goingsmiley - ok Don't think I am brave enough to stick a sheet to the wall where anyone can see it yet, don't want the world to know my weight yet smiley - blush. Have convinced myself that the boyfriend thinks I'm somewhere between 8-8.5 stone smiley - silly At least that's how he makes me feel smiley - kiss

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 464

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Bless 'im smiley - biggrin

Well we don't have too many people trooping through the back bedroom so i don't mind it being there - I do hide it if somebody else comes to stay in there though smiley - laugh

I've been thinking about my weightloss/gain cycles, and I always seem to shift the most between february and august, then it goes back on again in the autumn/winter months. Probably because with spring and summer approaching I don't feel like eating all the stodgy stuff that I crave when the nights start drawing in. I suppose this year I have good incentive to at least not gain anything over those months but I think that will be the most difficult part. Perhaps I should follow the ducks and go south for the winter

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 465

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - groan

Only a pound off this week - it had to slow down eventually I suppose! Still, I didn't eat much this week and did even more exercise than usual so one pound seems a bit mean smiley - grr

Ah well, maybe I wasn't eating enough. Am back at home this week so I can dump the cous cous diet and go back to my healthy meals smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 466

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

back at home in your new house baby!! smiley - boing Do lots of smiley - boinging - super weight loss! smiley - ok

Have bought scales!! Have to wait till I get home to weigh meself. I'm now going to create a chart type thing... perhaps then I'll do some work smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 467

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Right, the problem with £3.29 scales, is that it takes a while to get an accurate reading.. smiley - cross, but after a while, I figured I am currently 13st 4lb. smiley - erm Not great, but it coulda been worse. smiley - space Looking at the chart in the nurse's office the other day, I need to get to 12stone to be in the 'normal' category. Think my ideal weight is 11st 7lb, but 12 stone would be great! smiley - space Made myself a chart with columns for Weight, Plus/Minus, and Cumulative loss. Hoping to lose 2lb a week... I've got a big dance gig to go to on 5th June..

Have souped up a friends bike to borrow, and have bought mine home to work on... but it needs a lot of work! Will go for a ride tonight, start to build up for the 5mile ride to work! smiley - yikes It's possible.

How y'all doin'? smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 468

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I'm hungry smiley - erm

Well done with getting your chart all done - now try not to use it like a revision timetable (I always spent more time fiddling with the timetable than doing the actual revision smiley - laugh).

2lb a week is quite ambitious seeing as you aren't too far from your ideal weight, but all the extra cycling should help you on the way smiley - ok

So people, how are we all planning to deal with the upcoming smiley - chocfest?

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 469


There is no way I can cope with an egg this year, and the boyfriend isn't really a fan of sweet things so instead we have agreed to but a 'housey' present, we are going to get one of those outdoor heaters for the garden. Its a practical solution to the problem but why do I still feel like it won't be the same without the smiley - choc. I guess that's part of my problem smiley - wah. Weigh in tomorrow so get this weeks results then smiley - erm

PS I'm hungry too.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 470

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

*eating a carrot*

2lb a week is a goal - if it only becomes 1lb a week that'll still be cool. smiley - space Though, that won't be happening this weekend... I've got quite a smiley - choc stash... gave it up for lent, and will probably make myself sick of it by Sunday night... mind you, that'd still be a good thing smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 471

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I've told the fiance that I don't want any easter eggs, but he still wanted an enormous one - it'll be difficult to watch him eat his while I haven't got anything, and I don't think a bowl of raspberries will feel quite the same...

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 472

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

blimey, you guys almost make me feel guilty..... almost smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 473

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Don't feel guilty - you've got a planned smiley - choc binge. I'll probably end up with an unplanned one that I'll feel a whole lot worse about smiley - laugh

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 474


Was a bit disgusted by my lack of progress this week, has slowed to an almost-grinding halt of 0.5lbs.
So I bought myself one of those pedometer things to calculate how many steps/miles I am walking a day. I switched it on for the first time last night and I went for a walk round the local village, about 3mile round circuit. Not bad considering it was rainy and miserable (usually my sign to stay home and stay warm) so I guess it worked. I have been a bit disturbed by how little I walk about during the day, so far its only notched up 2 bars (There are 8 on the screen=1mile so that is approx1/4mile) smiley - puff. Not really what you would call super active. Still at least its getting me up and about so here's hoping it shows up next week.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 475

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I fancy getting one of those, was it expensive? 0.5 lbs is still progress (although I agree it feels a bit frustrating if you've been trying hard) so don't beat yourself up about it. Seems like you're using it as motivation though smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 476


Thanks, Kelli that cheered me up and I need all the help I can get at the moment smiley - hug. As for the pedometer, it was a bargain at £12. I've seen them on-line for £19.99 but you could probably get it cheaper than that if you hunted about. I would def recommend it smiley - cheers

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 477

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Big smiley - hug then. Don't forget, out of giant oaks, tiny acorns fall smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 478

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

-0.5lb is better than gaining. smiley - hug

Slipped with the cigs - new housemate moved in, brought lots of wine, had a couple of rollies then bought a packet of fags yesterday smiley - cross, but it's reminded me of why I decided to quit, cuz I feel like shite!

My bum looks huge in these jeans - I'm determined to get exercising. Don't like being bigger again smiley - sadface

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 479

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - groan Nothing lost this week, possibly the worst week for this to happen. I was already feeling really grumpy and left out over the whole easter egg thing - feels like I am denying myself for nothing at all! If you looked at my food diary you'd see that apart from last saturday when I had approx 1800 cals I haven't had more than 1300 calories any day. I have also either walked 5 miles or done 30 mins in the gym every day.

What more can I do? I could give up one meal a day, or stop eating fruit. There are no other extras in my diet at all!

Really fed up, or rather, actually very hungry but thoroughly miserable.

Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

Post 480

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

smiley - hug some weeks are like that, it's a bitch! Could be all sorts of things though - water retention or summat. Don't be blue (hopefully you're better by now!) Stick some cool choons on and boogy smiley - ok

Put on 2lb last weeksmiley - cross... that was on Saturday's weigh-in, before we'd cracked open the chocolate smiley - yikes But am going swimming this week.. and got a wedding to go to on 15 May, so that's a good goal smiley - smiley

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Saturday weight loss here - firmly back on the wagon

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