A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 541


1lb off. I need a smiley.
smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 542

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Yeah but how much pants would you feel if that 1lb was on? Off is darned good! smiley - ok

Didn't go to gym last night, but, as part of my new shift at work, I've just spent the last hour or so lugging around monitors and base units for stock checks... have just stopped for a coffee and cig, but will be at least another hour of this! smiley - puff No need to pay for a gym... just come and work here! smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 543

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

of Fi's progress. I went two in the wrong direction last week smiley - groan Probably because was away working the week before. Have started the new job now and joined the gym here. So far have been 4 times out of 4 days, and am considering a second session this evening...

Well done Fi smiley - smiley

Queegle, we should all chuck in our jobs and go and work for Pickfords smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 544


Hi My name is Mysticdreamer smiley - magic

Kelli told me about your diet site and I'd love to join.smiley - smiley
I'm 17 stone 7lbs shrieksmiley - wah
Not trying to make excuses but very stressedsmiley - erm due to redundancy threat at work, motherinlaw and depression(doctors words)smiley - huh
I'd love to hear from anyone who's overcome comfort eating and is it true that anti-depressants can help you lose weight?
Sorry, know I sound like a walking disaster areasmiley - sadface but I can be fun, honest.

Nice to meet you all.smiley - hug
smiley - magic

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 545

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Welcome to the Loser's gang mystic!smiley - biggrin

(just about to leave work so excuse my very brief message smiley - sorry)

A friend of mine said quite a cool thing the other day which has helped me recently; "Nothing tastes as good as slim feels" smiley - ok

Another quote I live by is "change what you cannot accept and accept what you cannot change" - it pretty much applies to most of life, and has helped me a lot to overcome the worries I can't do anything about. If you can't do 'owt, brooding over it isn't going to make any difference whatsoever!

Welcome again.. look forward to hearing from you! smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 546

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Glad you decided to come over Mysticdreamer smiley - ok

Like Queegle, I'm just off home now (decided once was enough for the gym today - but if I get to do this tv thing I'll be there at least twice a day!), so I'll have to be brief...

I don't think anti-depressants make you lose weight as a direct effect, but they may help indirectly. If you are eating because you feel down and the anti-depressants make you feel better then maybe it is easier to stick to your diet/exercise regime and lose weight on your own.

So what do you think you'll try in order to shift some weight? I think most of us here are trying to increase our activity levels a bit as well as trying to be good with food. Fi, which class is it that you go to, is it WW? Queegle and I have both tried and been successful with the slimming world plan. We've all had our ups and downs here - but we keep trying!

Welcome smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 547

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013


smiley - yikes

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 548


Thanks Kelli for the welcomesmiley - smiley
Its so nice to know there are others facing the same struggle.smiley - ok

What am I thinking of doing? smiley - erm
Well, weightwatchers has worked for me in the past (38 pounds) but I hate going on my own in the lunchtime, its such a rushsmiley - wah
Years ago I lost weight with appetite suppressants but they had horrid sideeffects and wouldn't do that again.
Have seen something in the paper called Lighterlife, but I think you have to buy the food and its probably really expensive.smiley - sadface
So do you think Slimmingworld works for you? I guess you will have to follow the TV diet from now on though?
As you've lost so much, I guess you don't have much more to lose?

Mysticdreamersmiley - magic

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 549


Hello Queeglesmiley - smiley
Thanks for the welcome!
Thats good advice that you've givensmiley - ok
I do tend to worry about everything, even things as you say I can't change. Like motherinlaw visiting, competing for our own jobs at work etc. I need to chill alittlesmiley - cool

I guess will set myself (small)goals and try to keep to them.

I'll let you know how it goes
better runsmiley - run

smiley - magic

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 550

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Weighed meself on a friend's scales yesterday morning - 13st. Weighed meself on my scales this morning - 13st 8lb. smiley - erm I think my scales are definitely a pile of pants! Dagnabbit. Maybe it's cuz they're so cheap... maybe expensive inaccurate scales make you seem lighter rather than heavier... smiley - doh

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 551


Hi Kelli, Queegle and anyone else!smiley - smiley

Went to the docs on Monday and my blood pressure has gone skyhigh.smiley - sadface He has now put me on tablets for that in addition to antidepressants!, arghhhhhhhhhhhhh
Seriously though, I now have a really good incentive to lose weight and this is Day Two.
My neighbour gave me the Atkins Diet book but that the Doc said was contraversial, so... just low fat for the mo.
Did well yesterday, but I've so far to go.smiley - sadface

You're right about different scales, its amazing how light my home ones weigh!

Take care
Mysticdreamersmiley - magic

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 552

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

*sure I posted here yesterday* smiley - grr

I would steer clear of the atkins thing for now mystic - it definitely works for some people but has unpleasant effects for others and I think you have enough to worry about for now!

Sorry to hear about your BP, but if you can use it as motivation to shed a few pounds then that is ok. Has the quack given you any advice on how to lose some weight? They might be able to put you in contact with a dietician who can help you, and we are always here to listen! So if this is day 2, how did you find day 1? Low fat doesn't have to mean starving yourself or missing out on anything, it is just about making the right choices at the right times.

Are you planning on doing any exercise to go with the diet? It will probably help with the depression as well as the weightloss so is probably worth thinking about smiley - ok

Queegle, I am about 6 lb heavier on my scales at home than the ones in my gym, and I have more clothes on in the gym. Obviously my scales were too cheap smiley - laugh Wonder how much I'd have to spend to get some that tell me with all honesty that I weigh 11 and a half stone!?

Mystic - you said I can't have much more to lose smiley - laugh Wish it were true! I have about another three stones to lose - I was much heavier than you when I started this and don't even have the excuse of being tall.

This tv thing is becoming more of a scarey reality now I have got the shooting schedule!

Fi - haven't heard from you in a while, how are you getting on?

Titania, did you decide to try the Atkins thing now that you've got your swedish copy of the book?

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 553

Titania (gone for lunch)

Yes, I've been on an 'Atkins-inspired' diet for three weeks now, and so far I'm not missing bread, potatoes or pasta, but I do enjoy eating full fat cheeses like feta and mozarella...smiley - drool

I'm eating more fat than I did on the WW diet, but still nowhere near as much as the Atkins book says. I've tried keeping the amount of carbs down to 60 g per day, but I rarely manage - but it's still a lot less than before.

So far no negative effects.

I went to a WW weigh-in last night - and discovered I had lost 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds?) since last weigh-in five weeks ago!smiley - boing

The first two of the last five weeks I kept the WW diet, but I've been an a several months long stand still on that diet.

The last three weeks I've tried to eat 'inspired by Atkins' wise.

If I still had a stand-still the first two weeks, then that would mean that I've lost the 2.5 kg in three weeks!

I wouldn't recommend the Atkins diet to someone who's new to dieting though - I'd say you need to be aware of what effects various foods have on your body, having achieved that knowledge through personal experience rather than reading in a book

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 554

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Fuzzy housemate said that me doing Atkins may be the reason why I have more trouble with spots... because my body went without various types of food for so long, when I started having them again, it didn't like it. smiley - ermsmiley - space That may be the case, I certainly never had trouble with the little ones on my forehead before I started Atkins. Though I think the main reason for my post-adolescent acne is working in a warehouse environment!

Meant to be good, but was forced to eat some Bakewell tart Monday, then housemate brought home pastries last night smiley - yikessmiley - drool

Have managed to go to the gym once in this trial period.. it ends on Friday smiley - erm

Still trying to get used to this new 7am-3pm shift at work smiley - yawn, I think I'll be able to exercise more once I've got a schedule in my head for my days. But keep staying up till 11pm watching Big Brother! smiley - doh

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 555

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Auntie's scales say I'm 13stone... think I'll bin mine!

Had a bit of a pig-out weekend. This is the last week of the second job, so I'll have a lot more time on my hands. Will start the yoga properly.. no excuses left! smiley - yikes

How's everybody doing? smiley - space This hot weather definitely lends itself to eating a lot more salads... unfortunately it also lends itself to ice cream smiley - droolsmiley - dohsmiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 556

Titania (gone for lunch)

You're right about the salads, queegle!smiley - ok

I've been keeping a careful eye on my body and its reaction to the 'Atkins inspired' diet, and I'm surprised to notice that it actually gives me a pretty good idea about my body...

...I weighed myself at home this morning, guessing my weight first - and I was only 0.1 kg off!smiley - biggrin

I'm a bit dubious about having lost 1 kg in one week though - but then, I always weigh less in the mornings than in the afternoons... maybe I should weigh myself again tonight to make sure?

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 557


Hi everyone!smiley - smiley

I'm back at work, after one weeks rest, and my BP has come slightly down. Probably due to the tablets.
Not happy being on BP tablets and Prozac, feel a bit of a failure.smiley - wah
Still as you say this is a really good incentive to lose weight!
The Doc didn't really advise how to go about it, just said low salt and low fat.
On the weekend I went out and spent a fortune on reduced fat foods like WW bakewell tart, go ahead cereal bars etc. I do have a sweet tooth and don't want to feel deprivedsmiley - cakesmiley - choc, but looking on the labels at home even though they are low fat some have quite a bit of sugar or salt.
Can anyone advise?smiley - erm
On the exercise front, I have been advised to walk, I'm on the fifth floor here so I could walk upstairs?smiley - run
Kelli, when will the show be on TV? Its not the "You are what you eat" programme on this week is it? I know I asked before about it, if you've answered on another thread sorry!
There was some kind of Atkins type diet in the News of the World on Sunday, going to look closer this evening, while he's watching the footie!

Love Mysticdreamersmiley - magic

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 558

Titania (gone for lunch)

Many low fat products are unfortunately very rich of sugar - which will raise your blood sugar fast and then make it dive even lower than before, leading to more craving and so on...

I'd recommend making your own, say, fruit yoghurt by mixing plain low-fat yoghurt with fresh fruit.

Fruit salads are very refreshing this time of year, with maybe a bit of low-fat vanilla yoghurt as sauce.

If you're fond of chocolate, a brand with high content of cocoa (75-80%) will often satisfy your craving requiring less chocolate.

Five floors in one go might be a bit much if you're not used to exercise - try stepping out of the list one floor below the one you work on and just walk one floor up. If that feels OK, step out two floors below and so on, slowly adding the number of floors...

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 559


Thanks Titaniasmiley - smiley for your advice.
You're right, five floors is abit much to start with for one who does no exercise.smiley - biggrin I might give myself a coronary.
No seriously, I am going to start some walking at lunchtime,smiley - run and as you say may get out of the lift one floor below and work my way up!
You're right some of the diet foods aren't what they seem, but I do have a sweet tooth, your yoghurt sounds appetisingsmiley - ok, will try and do my own thing.
How are you getting on, I was thinking of joining a class, maybe not to follow their advice so much as have a regular weighing day to keep me on the straight and narrow.smiley - cakesmiley - choc

Mysticsmiley - magic

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 560

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, there is a jungle of diets out there and while one might work perfectly for some, it might not work perfectly for *everyone* - the only way to find out is to try them out

Personally I found the Weight Watchers very good for getting started on losing weight - I was lucky enough to find a class lead by a very nice young woman. Finding a person that suits you is very important, I think. This woman is always supportive, will always listen if you want to talk and will *never* try to make you feel embarassed if you've happened to gain some weight. *And* she encourages people to ask questions during class.

Also seeing other overweight people in the class, or former overweight people reach their goal can be an inspiration - I remember thinking about one woman 'Oh my God! She lost *how* much? That's more than twice as much as I need to lose. Right, that does it - if she could make it, then I can!

If you can find a friend who will go with you, and who will join you in losing weight, then that's a great help!

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