The h2g2 Post 05.03.09

1 Conversation

Posted: 05th March 2009



Online Gardening

Do you know browser games? They really can eat up all your spare time – not that I have too much of that anyway! I recently opened an account on a German website, and I've planted, watered, harvested, bought and sold virtual vegetables and flowers for virtual money ever since. The creators of the game have put a lot of thought into it, the graphics are appealing, and you can even communicate with others. It is strangely addictive... as is hootoo, and the h2g2 Post. There was a thread on Ask h2g2 the other week, initiated by JimCracker, wondering whether people read the Post at all, and if they do, why so few of them comment. The upcome of the discussion was to create a forum where people can suggest new ideas and generally discuss all things Post related. Icy North was so nice to set up the h2g2 Post Readers' Forum and it has got quite some interesting feedback. Please, go and read, comment, suggest...

One of the suggestions was that about a Global Writers' Workshop, by dmitrigheorgheni. You'll find his introduction in the Features below.
benjaminpmoore is searching for volunteers for the second instalment of Whatever Next, our successful collaborative story from last year. There you go, you don't need to be an official volunteer with badge and all to get involved in the site. A good idea, enthusiasm and a little time is all it needs.

Speaking of volunteers: I wouldn't have managed to get the Post up and running in time if it hadn't been for Beatrice and lil who took on some of my work in addition to their own work. A good friend offered to help, but with Bea and lil being that effective, there wasn't really all that much left to do. The eds were as helpful as they always are, blobbing our cartoons and photos, and reassuring me that I had done everything exactly right. I promised Derek the other day that I'd include a 'Laugh of the Day' in my future Random Ramblings. Unfortunately, a mean headache and nausea knocked me out for most of Monday, so I never made it to write my column. I haven't forgotten about it, though.

To prevent you from forgetting our next deadline: Submissions for the next issue will need to be with us by midnight on Sunday 15th March.

Enjoy this marvellous issue of the Post!




















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