A Conversation for Musicians Guild Membership Page
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Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Sep 26, 2002
Hey, what's a Tart have ta' do to get on this list? Cuz I'll do it, so don't tempt me!
I signed on looooooooooooong ago, but am 'I' listed...I think not!
Whazzzamatter...suddenly musicians don't like Tarts?!? Oh, now, that'll be the day.
I play all things musical. I have an alto sax, keyboard(s), trumpet, two Cherokee flutes, a six string, a twelve string, an E Flat alto horn...try finding one of those these daze...an other stuff.
I'm a certified Pink Floyd-a-holic...an' proud of it, in case someone wants ta' make somethin' of it or sumthing.
Now can I be on the 'list'?!?
I'm not groveling, I'm jusss doing some yoga.
...*passes out love beads for everyone...forgets the year she left the band...doesn't care...*
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h2g2 Musicians Guild Posted Sep 26, 2002
Aha... an 'ignored musician'
There was a period when no-one was checking the list, but it's now back in operation, so welcome to the Guild!
You can now go to A434648 and put the Guild badge on your personal space. Hooray!
Danny B.
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Coldjam Posted Oct 2, 2002
To Snock,
Perfect pitch with an accordian is not hitting the sides of the dumpster... Sorry... It works for a banjo too!
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Mu Beta Posted Oct 3, 2002
"There was a period when no-one was checking the list"
Is that because the person with that responsibility was spending his entire day refreshing Greebo's Personal Space every ten seconds?
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Mu Beta Posted Oct 5, 2002
No-one loved her much this morning. I was quite surprised when I got there first after 11 minutes.
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Dylmts Posted Oct 13, 2002
Hi I'm Tom
1.Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet, Cornet, Euphonium, Baritone, Horn, Guitar, Harmonica, Didgeridoo, Piano, Yes I do sing.
2.I like Holst and Vaughn Williams. I like moloko and foo fighters. I love Milla Jovovich know one knows she sings. I like Ska-punk, electronica, techno, vocal, folk, jazz anything really.
3.I want to meet like minded people, I want a badge on my home site, I want to get some recognition going for Milla Jovovich's musical career she is the greatest.
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caper_plip Posted Oct 13, 2002
Hi there!
Well, let's see...
1. I play the violin and the piano, and can do one rhythm on the drumkit
2. I like JS Bach, Vivaldi, Delius, Debussy, Saint-Säens, Gershwin - and Latin music (Brazil, especially the samba), Spanish... the Beatles, Queen, some Elvis, and some pop music (depending on the quality)
3. Well, everything that everyone has said before... I would just be repeating their words (including the Badge bit) but I'd like to discuss and gain inspiration on music as such...
Caper Plip
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Mu Beta Posted Oct 13, 2002
Oooh - I like this idea - if we bung this thread up then Danny won't have time to win the quiz...
Right, my name's Wilfred, I play the sousaphone, flugelhorn, Iranian bagpipes and glockenspiel, and I would particularly like the Guild of Musicians to help me out seeking for the early piano sonatas of Frederick Kuhlau (Gnomon's probably got some, but I'll take the risk). I particularly enjoy listening to atonal Inodnesian nose-flute music, but relax by listening to Motorhead.
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h2g2 Musicians Guild Posted Oct 14, 2002
To Dylmts and Caper Plip - Welcome to the Guild The cherished badge is at A434648
And I think Master B knows what he can do with his Flugelhorn
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Researcher 206575 Posted Oct 17, 2002
My name is David and I am a 31 year old guitar player and singer. I can play about any stringed instrument really because I play strictly by ear. I can also play the drums. I actually am in negotiations right now with a big producer in Nashville. I have worked very hard to get where I am.
My favorite singers are many so I will list only some. I like new artists, The Dixie Chicks, and Keith Urban and older are John Prine, The Grateful Dead, Jim Croce, and Eric Clapton. I also love Phish, Rusted Root, and The String Cheese Incident.
The only thing I want from the musicians guild is time to just check out other people and watch as they learn and enjoy and talk about what I really love...music!!
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h2g2 Musicians Guild Posted Oct 18, 2002
Hi David
Welcome to the Guild - you'll find the membership badge at A434648, which you can put on your personal space.
Good luck with the record deal!
Danny B.
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Robinton Posted Oct 20, 2002
I play the flute.
My favorite music genres are classical, oldies rock, alternative rock.
I don't think so.
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Robinton Posted Oct 20, 2002
I play the flute.
My favorite music genres are classical, oldies rock, alternative rock.
I don't know of any specific thing I want from the guild right now.
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- 421: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Sep 26, 2002)
- 422: h2g2 Musicians Guild (Sep 26, 2002)
- 423: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Sep 26, 2002)
- 424: ChiKiSpirit -- A1008604 (Sep 29, 2002)
- 425: Coldjam (Oct 2, 2002)
- 426: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Oct 3, 2002)
- 427: Mu Beta (Oct 3, 2002)
- 428: Danny B (Oct 3, 2002)
- 429: Pandora...Born Again Tart (Oct 4, 2002)
- 430: Mu Beta (Oct 5, 2002)
- 431: Dylmts (Oct 13, 2002)
- 432: caper_plip (Oct 13, 2002)
- 433: Mu Beta (Oct 13, 2002)
- 434: h2g2 Musicians Guild (Oct 14, 2002)
- 435: Mu Beta (Oct 14, 2002)
- 436: Mu Beta (Oct 14, 2002)
- 437: Researcher 206575 (Oct 17, 2002)
- 438: h2g2 Musicians Guild (Oct 18, 2002)
- 439: Robinton (Oct 20, 2002)
- 440: Robinton (Oct 20, 2002)
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