A Conversation for Atross City Welcomes Careful Drivers...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 61

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea grins*

[sea] very much better... smiley - smiley

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 62

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*Suddenly, claws shoot, wolverine style, from Uncle's wrists. With deft movements, he deflects the hail of bullets with ease, while continuing the conversation. He winks suggestively (no, not like that) at mewtwo.

Look. You're ruining a potential employer's office. Not good for job prospects, huh, NYC?

D'oh, now im speaking like a yank.

PS, why not join in the bank raid at Atross City first national? It'll be fun, and I can whip yo' honky ass in more than one forum

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 63

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Uncle Heavy wishes to make it clear that he is a senior member of CHOPPERS. Perhaps he should have introduced himself first. He is pleased to meet you all.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 64

Uncle Heavy [sic]

He says that a script would be very nice. He thanks you.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 65

Hopelessly Paranoid

*sighs with usual disdain*

Listen up do-gooders... I think you'll find that we haven't actually committed any crimes... therefore there is no point in fighting. Secondly, you've just broken a very expensive skylight window, the bill shall be sent to you directly... Thirdly... you both are guilty of TRESPASSING and ASSAULT... so get OUT of my office or I shall have to call the authorities...

*makes shooing signs*

Go on, away with you... don't come back to my headquarters until you've got some decent plot and evidence to back you up... you don't see me raiding your offices for no reason...*thinks*... though that may be a good idea...


Blasted superheros... always so eager to fire off their big guns... can't they wait for a climax?

*Hits the guard who sniggers in fits of inuendo*


Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 66

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[Lord Ancba gives the guard a baleful stare]

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 67

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Listen. There are several reasons for why we should be here. A veritable clutch. Allow me:

1. As we speak, I, and others like me, am under fire from your minions
2. My dear friend mewtwo has been insulted and beaten up
3. In a somewhat bizarre twist of continuity, my comrades and I are at this very moment attempting to thwart your EG minions at what may or may not be the Atross City First National

So there.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 68

Garius Lupus

*A large wolf bounds into the office with its fangs barred. The members of CHOPPERS and STUMPED are not sure whether to cower or cheer, since they are familiar with two wolves on opposite sides of the virtue scale. The wolf leaps across the room to stand beside Affy and UH, then transforms into the human shape of GL*

Greetings. Another member of STUMPED is here to join the fight.

That bank has dissappeared into the past. At the moment, as well as being here, I'm working over at CLI to rescue you and Affy, while leaving the rest of the baddies in the past.
</whispered aside to UH and Affy

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 69

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I'm sorry. was that STUMPED (Boo) or CHOPPERS (Hurrah)?

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 70

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

He was merely trying to confuse us. HE is a member of CHOPPERS.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 71


*Pushes some buttons on his watch, and loads up the STUMPED web site*

Actually, according to this, he's a member of STUMPED. See?

*Shows the watch to the STUMPED members, glad that KL never really gets around to updating things like that*

Anyway, Uncle Heavy's got a point. You're organization is directly commiting crimes elsewhere, and, unlike with STUMPED, you (HP, the leader, are directly involved (where KL is careful enough to cover his tracks). Therefore, I think CHOPPERS has enough evidence to come in. Although, we do kind of infringe on that breaking and entering thing...

*Notices glares from GL and UH*

...but that's aside from the point.

*Pulls out a burin, chants a few spells, and starts doodling strange looking symbols on the air*

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 72

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*Grins smugly*

So call the police then.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 73

Hopelessly Paranoid

*sighs again*

Attention span...people....

If you had been paying any attention whatsoever, you would know that those committing the crimes were ex-EG's and those part of my cohort have been sent to stop them....

*there is a quantum ripple through the air, all the furnishings turn to their medieval equivalents and the walls to stone, HP now wears a silly feathered cap. Holograms of people who AREN'T supposed to be here because they are ELSEWHERE dissappear (play by the rules guys smiley - tongueout ). HP blinks*

What in blazes happened there...

Well at least those silly hero people are gone...

*stands and walks to the window, gazing over the medieval metropolis that Atross City (now Ye Olde Atrosse Towne) has become*

This is certainly a turn of events... And I think it is in our favour... Now we won't have to worry about super powered gadgets and gizmo's that can do anything, holograms or bugs... This is a good old fashioned world... lets make it a BAD old fashioned world.. MWOOhahahhaha... MWOOOOhahahahaha... MWOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAA*wheeeze*... (more Evil Maniacal Laughter tm)


[Cut to outside Paranoid Tower... which has now become a medieval stronghold with the a spire taller than that of any other building in the city]

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 74

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[The hoverchair crashes to the floor. Flopsy hisses]

Well, we must find a way to prevent the city from returning to normality.

[He glances out the window and sees a Black Knight charging at a young Hero of Time]

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 75

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] i'm lost.

[evillene] so am i.

[sea] we'll figure it out sooner or later.

[evillene] and GL, don't try to fool us. we know you're in CHOPPERS. Big Bad Werewolf, your alter-ego, is in STUMPED.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 76

Hopelessly Paranoid


hmmm, a werewolf.. he could prove awfully useful... find him, if you can...

In the mean time... get this heroic abomination out of here...


Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 77


*Afgncaap5, thinking fairly quickly, changes from his holistic detective/mad scientist gear, and into his enchanter/adventurer gear. Because that gear is already in medeival times anyway, he can still use them. However, he won't be able to just mess with the laws of physics like he could with his sci-fi gizmos. He is now limited to the things he could do in Zork, nothing more. He is currently escaping from the barn, thanks to the REZROV spell*

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 78

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] we haven't seen BBW lately. i think maybe GL is holding him hostage. evillene and i will look out for BBW though.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 79

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*Uncle reguards his new attire. Silks. Satins. Velvet. Pantaloons. Tights. Floppy Hat. Feather. Lavendar purfume. THe equivalent of a tux. Flourishes to the ladies present. Motions to mewtwos and Affy to clap the villains into irons. He can't do it, on account of his aristocratic, feudal-system baring*

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 80

Garius Lupus

*GL, who has transported himself from the future, is now in the barn/warehouse, freeing the captive good guys. He wonders if he can claim that his mistake in stating his organizational affiliation (understandable after being schizophrenic and belonging to both until recently dividing his personality among a clone and himself) was a deliberate ploy to confuse the bad guys. Decides to just let it pass and hope no one notices.

Thinks that it is a good thing that Big Bad Werewolf has no way to get back here to the past. Realizes that both KL and BBW were actually alive at this time in history and hopes that they are nowhere near this location.*

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