A Conversation for Atross City Welcomes Careful Drivers...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 21

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[No she doesn't, because this seems to be two different rooms: one for good guys, one for bad guys]

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 22

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Right. Whatever.]

[Each clone simultaneously signs on the same line, on the same contract]

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 23

Insane Endeavour

Um... yeah...

I don't know much about STUMPED, I'm afraid, I've never had that much to do with them in my line of work here in Atross City, but it seems that they are, as they call themselves, very evil genii, and capable of terrible deeds!

Just look at the details on this fax.

Members of Evil Genii have been found, despite their leader HP's contract, spitting at the few superheroes that have been able to work within Atross City's boundries, considering the union regulations that are so stringent. Whether this behaviour is acquitted by the organisation is not yet known.

Oh yes, and by the way, the various superheroes have also been found dead. It presumed the murderers being part of Evil Genii and this being a large spitting-cover-up. This could be a small problem.

I mean, this is serious stuff!


Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 24


*Affy hears some distant evil yelling. It sounds as if KL's Minion Monitering Service has shown that some of his minions are trying to sign away all of the things they already signed away when they first joined STUMPED. Desipte the signatures, the contracts are still not binding, apparently*

Geez, KL's ticked. I can hear him yelling from here. Hope he doesn't show up and try to take over, or there could be a supervillains war on our hands (STUMPED vs. Evil Genii).

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 25

soeasilyamused, or sea

[spitting on superheroes? sounds like fun!!! smiley - winkeye ]

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 26

Hopelessly Paranoid

*HP regards all of them with a disdainful eyebrow*

NYC, if that is your name... fine... you don't have to sign the contract. That just means you won't have access to EG's large pool of funds and resources. Oh, and it means you're legally trespassing by being in this office.

*holds up a Pad With A Small Red Button (tm)*

This button will call security here in 3 seconds. Judging by your frame, general motion and the size of your hand, I think it would take you about 5 seconds to sign that contract...

Security here is remarkably.... good...

Initial it, if you can...*evil smirk (c)*

As for you two. May I remind you that Insane Endeavour is in HER office, briefing HER team of crime fighters. YOU are in MY office. I LIKE to USE capital LETTERS....ahem... sorry... anyway, there will be no dumping of tea on people you can't see, and no lawyers. The services I offer you much outweigh the contract you enter into. Besides, who wants to spit anyway?

If you're not going to sign, then you're subject to the same consequences as NYC over there...

Security don't have weapons... then again, they won't need them...

Don't think of it as a job... its more like the freemasons... except nobody actually knows what the freemasons are like, so the anology crumbles there. Anyway, Evil Genii are just dedicated to giving villains a better start in life. More evil education and training, evil summer schools for those who need them, evil extra curricular activities such as evil hockey, evil basketball and evil croquet...

Trust me, I'm a genius.... *evil smile (c)*

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 27

soeasilyamused, or sea

[evillene] evil croquet? you're on!

*evillene signs the contract. sea looks slightly suspicious, but signs also*

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 28

Insane Endeavour

A supervillan war? That could be dangerous!

Mind you... it might kill off some of our opponents... which might not necessarily be a bad thing: I'd just get worried if they settled their scores and launched a joint war against us! Would we be able to fight back I wonder? smiley - sadface


Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 29

Hopelessly Paranoid

*HP smiles at evillene and sea, at which point a small man dressed like a lawyer walks in, HP glares at him and draws his finger across his throat, the lawyer yipes, looks at sea and evillene with an apologetic smile, then backs out. One of HP's Evil Burly Henchmen (tm) walks to his table and whispers in his ear, sneers at the three newbies and walks out, HP looks slightly frustrated*

Damn them... Damn them to heck! *slams a fist on his table, at which the small executive swinging ball toy starts in motion, creating an eerie clacking*

Some Ex-EGs are trying to smear my name.... spitting! Spitting at Superheros, no less! Well... if they want a fight, they'll get it...

Sea, Evillene, welcome to the Evil Genii family. Your first mission is to track these do-badders down... stop them spitting by any means necessary. Oh, and feel free to pursue any evil deeds of your own, but remember the mission... oh, and try not to mess anything up...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 30

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea and evillene salute and exit*

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 31

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea re-enters sheepishly*

[sea] um... exactly where are they doing this?

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 32

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] We'd like to know, too.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 33

Hopelessly Paranoid

*eyebrows arch*

You're supposed to be evil genii... you do the thinking... harrass some members of the public if you're stuck... do something heroic, thats bound to attract the bad 'uns... quick quick... go!!

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 34

Hopelessly Paranoid

oh, and YKlones... sign the contract first... I'll not have you spitting

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 35

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

[Mewtwo] }Yeah, but something shocked ye. Own up, this is barking time, this is major lunch, this is stool approaching critical mass, this is ... this is ... TOTAL VOCABULARY FAILURE!{

[Vekura] {Shut UP! We're FLANGING!}

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 36


*Affy has been listening to the people at Evil Genii with his bug on NYC (whether he's been kicked out or not) and deduces that EG may be up to something soon. He pushes a button on his trenchcoat, loads his magnum, and makes sure that his OmeGAuntlet is functioning*

I'm going to patrol outside. If any STUMPED/EG members show, I'll show 'em what a CHOPPER agent can do!

*Floats out using his latest invention-the FFT (Fireproof Floating Trenchcoat)*

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 37

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea blushes*

[evillene] thinking has never been her strong point, HP. we'll just be going now. would anyone mind if we started a new thread for that?

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 38

Hopelessly Paranoid

*nods* well, since you asked so nicely... but you'll have to put up with intermittent plot developments... we're on a low budget... http://www.h2g2.com/F53368?thread=78676&post=614131 [HP}=~~

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 39

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] Ah, but of course!

[Y4C] By the way, we DID sign.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 40


*Affy, patrolling in the sky, sees some strange activity in another conversation, and goes to investigate*

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