A Conversation for Atross City Welcomes Careful Drivers...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 81

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] we're not going to let you get away with it, GL.

[evillene] give me a break, you'll forget within five minutes.

[sea] ....forget what???

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 82

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Not if I can stop you. My lady. Blah blah.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 83

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

Of course.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 84

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea looks comfused*

[sea] no, really. forget what?

[evillene] what?

*uncomfortable pause*

[sea] i forget.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 85

Uncle Heavy [sic]

[This conversation has rather ground to a halt. Let's see if we can't get it going again.]


You insane genii have gone too far this time...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 86

Hopelessly Paranoid

*sighs* We're evil and you've got nothing on us! So go away and find some medieval evidence before you send the town watch on us...*Evil Smirk (trademarks not invented yet), one hand makes small shooing motions*

Go on.... get....


Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 87

Uncle Heavy [sic]

[Why do you sign your name in a sperm? :-p ?]

I believ this forum is part of an article devoted to the aiding/foiling of evil genii. Unless your idea of foiling is more in the vein of 'not foiling', I'm going to stick to my instincts.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 88

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Giguschild (a Xenomorph, newly consigned to CHOPPERS) bursts in through the window, and lands crouching on the floor. Adroitly he leaps onto the cieling and surveys the scene. He is puzzled by the fact that his suit, shades and gun have all gone. At last, he realises about this time-shift thing; he then realises that nothing is happening here. In order to rectify this, he places a bank note he recovered from the raided bank in the hands of sea. He scuttles into a dark corner to see what happens. Sea starts to protest that she is innocent...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 89

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[to Heavy] I don't suppose instigating problems on the part of /heroes/ would be construed as anything?

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 90

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

BTW, any villain man (or whatever) enough can duell me at the Super Battle forum, at my page...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 91

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Yeah. It would be construed as justice. Punk.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 92


I move that we leave this conversation and move to the other one. It's too difficult to have to check both conversations before posting. Do I hear anyone second the motion?

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 93

Hopelessly Paranoid

This forum was meant to be for the villains and for the heros to peek in on the world of the villains for info while they acted in the other... I'm sorry I did not make that clear... obviously hero's can still take part... but there's no way they're getting into the castle without something sufficiently cunning and well thought out... after much plot winding also smiley - winkeye... It isn;t a sperm, dammit! its a bottle of HP sauce... not the brand... just a bad pun... dammit again... its Eomando's fault... she made it up...

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 94


Ah, I see. This is the intro forum. I'll just stick to the other one, to keep my sanity, if you don't mind.

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 95

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I wholeheartedly agree, and apologise for trashing your office.

Maybe its a saucy sprem?

Scene One; silence that you just *know* someone's going to break!

Post 96

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

I will go to the other forum as soon as I figure out what, in fact, is going on over there.

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