A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 121


*Watches clouds of smoke drift up from the bushes where Hati is sitting*smiley - laugh

It was still dark when I woke up, so instead of gazing at wildlife whilst drinking my first smiley - coffee of the day, I sat in a daze and watched my washing machine churn a few pairs of jeans.smiley - online2long

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 122

Researcher 185550

Yeah I heard washing machines beat sitting on mountains reflecting on the nature of eternity hands down.

Why smiley - coffee instead of smiley - tea?

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 123

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

the nature of eternity is a pain in the butt...

...when you have sat on a mountaintop for hours smiley - zen

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 124


Due to the necessity of speed Roadkill dearest. smiley - zoom

Unless I make 'real' coffee, using instant smiley - coffee is always the quickest and easiest option when I'm in a sleepy daze and confronted with a teabag/teapot OR a jar of instant coffee, a mug and spoon. smiley - chef

I usually move on to smiley - tea after at least two ½ pint mugs of smiley - coffee and have drunk my way through 3 pints of smiley - coffee & smiley - tea by the time I've got the kids off to school. smiley - angel

I need to consume lots of hot and wet stuff before I can face looking at myself in a mirror! smiley - witch

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 125

Researcher 185550

Ahhh. Right. Doesn't all caffeine make you irritable with everyone else?

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 126


Pierce! smiley - runsmiley - hug

Simulpost! smiley - magic

Yeah, but where would you be able to boil a kettle up, especially when in a hurry, on the top of a mountain? smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 127


I'm always irritable Roadkill! smiley - bat Just ask my kids, the smiley - dogs, smiley - cats and my hubby who stays in bed until I'm almost human in order to avoid me. smiley - cool

You should see me when I have PMT/PMS!smiley - monster

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 128

Researcher 185550

With one of those storm kettly things. But due to the change in air pressure you'd only be able to get lukewarm tea, so you'd periodically have to descend and make some smiley - coffee/smiley - tea and put it in a flask, /then/ get back to meditating on the nature of eternity smiley - zen.

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 129


I'd need one of those rubber ring things to sit on, a very heavy duvet, sunglasses, a good book and some unfortunate fool to carry it all for me... smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 130

Researcher 185550

Yeah. Kind of defeats the point of abandoning all worldly posessions to devote your energies to the truer nature of reality, doesn't it?

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 131


*turns unused corner of bar into a hermit's cave and settles in to meditate*

Dang, figuring this out could take an eternity. Better fortify myself.

*returns to cave with smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - burgersmiley - crispssmiley - stiffdrink *

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 132

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermWhat's to figure?!?
smiley - biggrin We eat, drink, smoke, f**k, sleep, then do it all over again.
smiley - tongueoutNo rocket science there... ===~~...passes to the left.
...*conciders kicking WR...but hasn't the energy...*
smiley - zen

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 133

Researcher 168814

*quickly sits himself to that place left of Pans smiley - tongueout

===smiley - star~~~~

Do we actually do these things? or is this just the pub doing it to us...smiley - crispssmiley - drunksmiley - bigeyessmiley - zzz

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 134


It's all fibs, you know, Gwennie is slim and gorgeous!

*downs a very stiff G&T as its been that kind of day*

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 135

Just Another Number

*staggers back in. swaying giddily, suffering from awful side-effects of being exposed to excessive fall-out from weapons-grade alcoholic mixtures, tobacco and energy drinks which no longer work as a hangover cure like they always used to. hoping that the strange pain in stomach will go away soon.* smiley - ill

Did you know that apples are better than caffeine at waking you up in the morning?

smiley - toffeeapple

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 136

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - tongueoutYep...I knew that. smiley - ermLast time someone hit me with an apple whilst I was asleep, I not only awakend, but I ran him down and made wild, animal love to him. smiley - bigeyes Er, wait, that might not have been an apple he hit me with.smiley - tongueoutNever mind.
smiley - sadface Last time I went to the mountains to reflect inwardly...I returned to make THE biggest mistake in my entire life.smiley - puffUp to that point anyway.
And caerwynn's right, our Gwennie's a living doll.smiley - erm'Sept for those huge gunboats she calls feet. smiley - angel
...*passes to the left...* ==~ ~~

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 137


smiley - blushThanks Caerwynnsmiley - ok

*Passes a large brown envelope discretely into Caerwynn's hand*

What these things Pan? smiley - bigeyes

*Places her gunboats on a bar stool and wiggles her still slightly hairy toes*

I'm surprised that I wasn't auditioned for the part of a hobbit in the LotR movie... smiley - laugh

So tell me Pan, in your neck of the woods being hit by an apple, or something more unmentionable considered as foreplay then? smiley - cool

Ahh! I hear my kettle boiling, which means it's time for my half pint of smiley - coffee and my meditation in front of the washing machine... smiley - zen

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 138

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

I sorely miss my HRT.

Oh look! There are my teeth! smiley - smiley

*Puts her teeth back in not noticing the wind up key. As soon as she bites down they begin to open and shut at an alarming rate.*


*Arms flailing and completely out of control she hurtles around the Pub scattering tables and drinks in her wake. Fred the Foul Smelly one tries lunging for safety, but the old chompers land right on his butt. Then m-r gets butted a good one in return.*

smiley - yuk HALP!


Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 139


*Sizes up the situation, and takes decisive action ...... downing his pint in one gulp, and upending the smiley - empty over the rampaging gnashers, thus trapping them. Slides a beermat under the glass, and lifts the angry teeth onto the bar, where they are displayed for all to see.*

Nothing to it! Mine's a pint, I thank you ...

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 140


*Wonders whether Kes has realised how dangerous his situation is and bends down to examine the upturned glass with the gnashing chompers still chattering away within*

Somehow the BeeGees spring to mind...smiley - cdouble

Mari how does it feel to have an empty smiley - ale glass shoved over one's head? Are you alright my dear, only you seem to have turned a rather peculiar colour? smiley - erm

*Hopes that Kes has kept his health insurance policy up to date*

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