A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 61

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

smiley - ill JAN you will be pleased to know that i also got wrecked for your birthdaysmiley - ill

Actually it was the Melbourne cup yesterday which is supposedly a horse race but when translated to Australian actually means any excuse for a rather loooonng lunch.

Rumour has it i was home at about 10ish but this is yet to be confirmed smiley - ill

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 62


Poor lad! Have a medicinal smiley - ale or two smiley - alesmiley - ale

I think the ghost has disappeared. He heard a rumour that we were going to make CP an ale bar, so we wouldn't be serving any spirits smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 63

Researcher 168814

So we just have to make sure the smiley - ghost doesn´t contact the jin and has his three wishes...

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 64


*uncertain WHOOP! sound is heard from the alley, a hole opens in the ground and Hati climbs out*

Is this a November thread? Or X-masthread already?

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 65

Researcher 168814

smiley - smooch Hati!!! *wonders about threads and holes and needles and what can be going through where...*

This is the Novemberthread all right... I cannot even tell if we have decoration...

We had quite a mess though already... seems to start earlier each monthsmiley - tongueout

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 66


*finally comes too after several too many smiley - stiffdrinks to find that she has been mysteriously transported to a new thread, without the faintest idea of what's going on*

Bar Steward another smiley - stiffdrink if you would be so kind?

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 67


*In the absence of barstaff. Kes concocts a therapeutic smiley - stiffdrink and hands it over.*

There you are. Good to see you're with us again smiley - winkeyesmiley - cheers ... and welcome to the rest of November smiley - smiley

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 68


Thank you Kes, feeling just a little squiffey after that party smiley - winkeye

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 69


Somehow it feels like I've missed most of the party. smiley - erm I wonder if there's anything left for drinking or sumthing... smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 70


We had to dispose of the punch before it evolved any more ... but there's plenty of smiley - bubbly or smiley - stiffdrink around smiley - smiley

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 71

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*nice and cozy in her electric blanket on the ledge in the alley...
watching the blaze in the fire ring...calls in to the Pub goers...*
smiley - biggrin Still pa-lenty of herbal remedy out here ya' know. ==~~smiley - puff
...*sips flat bubbly...wonders what 'flat' bubbly should be called, since it's no longer bubbly...sometimes has 'deep' thoughts like this...smiley - scientist...decides it's just wine...*
smiley - tongueoutHey, when you've all recovered from The Party, why not decorate the Pub?smiley - biggrinGuess you could just leave it bare,less stuff to catch fire later. smiley - bigeyes And besides soon we'll be decorating for Christmas!...*is pelted by various fly objects she had no idea could fly...*

smiley - crossCould ya' at least let me know when that 'husssy' is off my couch? Cuz, if she, er, hesmiley - flusteredif he messes with me too much more, I'll put a sign on his eye, & it'll say:Closed!smiley - zen
...*sips her brandy...& enjoys making smoke rings into animal shapes...*smiley - redwine ~~~~~@< smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 72


*Rinses out the stainless steel and begins mixing a drink for Pan* smiley - smileysmiley - ok

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 73

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesOooooo....*blows smoke ring kisses at Kes...hopes she has a straw long enough to reach her bucket-o-tinis!...*smiley - biggrin Kes?! This is this first bucket all month!...*wonders what day it is...doesn't care...*
smiley - biggrin I'm jussss Blessed! That's all. smiley - ok

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 74

Researcher 185550

Hey! What are you doing with that paint stripper?

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 75

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Who? Me? I don't have any paint stripper. Has anyone found my dentures yet? I watched that horserace, but I didn't know that I was supposed to drink anything. smiley - cross I didn't have a good hat anyway.

Pan, can you make a turkey?

*Grabs a smiley - stiffdrink, picks up her knitting and sits down in her rocking chair. She is warily keeping an eye on the huddled figure on the Blue Goo couch who keeps muttering to himself and twitching from time to time.*

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 76


*bleary eyed, but feeling more the thing*

Did your teeth go under the couch, mari-rea? That's were most mislaid things seem to turn in my house.

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 77

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Good suggestion, Caerwynn. I'll go look.

*Gets down on her hands and knees to look under the couch. She searches around making disgusted noises as she rootles with her hands. She tries not to disturb Egon because he doesn't look all that stable to her at the moment. All at once she freezes and lets out a yelp!*


smiley - yuk

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 78


Found them?

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 79

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

either that - or she finally found the goat smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes: November 2002

Post 80


*hussy doesn't move*

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