A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 141


He seems to have gone off exploring on his own.
Hmm. So we're not sure what we're looking for.
The choice is easy - do nothing, or keep looking. I'm inclined to trust to GB's instincts. She wouldn't have taken the risk if it wasn't important,

Look - we're half way through already (no signals yet) - let's keep going. Then, when we've scanned the beach, we'll take a break, and figure out that to do. Dig - I expect, if we get a signal!

Maybe Peaceful Bay wasn't the only place affected?

While we walk, would you like me to tell you something about the stamp collection - it's something I've only just realised, and I think it's funny, but you may not. Want to know?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 142

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* But no, her nose it not bruised. Though it had been an ugly fall, it had been achieved gracefully...

What d'you think this is?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 143

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Getting back on her two lovely feet, and pretending nothing had happened,

Yes, tell me!

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 144


*Kes looks round - Peaceful has fallen into the sand.*
Oh - are you alright? I'm sorry - I was watching the detector, and talking, and - oh I'm sorry.
What did you trip over
Not a simulpost sticking out of the sand, surely?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 145

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* She hoped Kes hadn't noticed her tripping over that funny rock...

* would be nice to know what he'd been thinking...

* + Galaxy Babe had always been so careful and considerate, so Kes must be right...

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 146

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Looking around, very carefully - for any threatening simulpost attacks...

Yes, let's go on scanning the beach + you can tell me that thing about the stamps...

smiley - smiley

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 147


You had me worried there for a minute. *small hug, resume scanning*
Yes - the stamps. I haven't stopped laughing inside since I realised.
OK - I split the album in two - one piece valuable, the other not, and we took one piece each.
Just so you know, I gave you the valuable half - not that it matters now.
*Looks at P, but can't interpret the return look*
When we were wrecked, I took your half out of the boat, and the two halves got mixed up. I didn't know which was which - they both look the same.
Remember how could you were - I had to light a fire, and the only dry paper was the two books. I set light to one of them to start our fire.
The other one is still in my pocket. Do you see what's so funny?
I haven't looked at it yet. Get it?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 148

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Well, Kes, that really is too bad... But you really don't have to worry about the stamps... I took out all the ones you'd told me were valuable... so they're not lost... At least the ones I had in my half --

And here are the valuable ones from your half... You can have them back...

* she thinks her slightly paranoid period is over now...

We can always fight over who is going to get Lintilla's upside airplane stamp, if you'd like to smiley - smiley

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 149


Well - you're the scientist - I've got Schrodinger's cat in my pocket!
The book is either worth $250,000 , or it's worth nothing. I don't know which - 'cos I haven't looked yet.
And as long as I don't look - it could be either - it might be worth a lot, .. or it might not.
As long as I don't look, we have an evens chance of the money - and that's good odds. So I'm not looking
It's a laugh, isn't it?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 150

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* But, were those really the valuable stamps?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 151


*Kes stares as Peaceful removes a small clump of stamps from ..... Look - she's a lady. I'm not saying where they've been. OK. Not even if you ask nicely and hands them to him. He checks them - they are the valuable ones ... and she's given them back*
Peaceful ... thank you. ... Why?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 152


*An unwelcome interruption*
What? *swings the detector again*
Peaceful - scrape a mark in the sand here - with your foot - we've found something.
*A little further along* Bliip *very faint*
Another -- mark it.

*The rest of the beach reveals nothing.*

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 153


*Why did she do that? Kes can't figure it out yet*

Peaceful - I don't know about you, but I need a rest. We've been out in the heat all this time. Can we go back to the cave - top up on water, check Lintilla, and just sit for a bit - I can't do another thing for about an hour.
Come on - sit with me - tell me about yourself, or just sit, but I need a break.

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 154

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

What's going on?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 155


Hey! sb! really good to see you. D'you know you've got sand in your hair?
Well, here's the news. Peaceful and I explored the cave (but I won't describe what happened). Enough to say we're back here. Lintilla's asleep by the fire. Kiddo was here, but seems to have wandered off.

This thing *points to the ACME Whatsit* is a metal detector - it belongs to Galaxy Babe, who put it on the beach at great personal risk. From this, we deduce there's something interesting buried here. We've scanned the beach, and got two signals - onle large, one small. See the crosses marked in the sand over there? That's where we picked up the signals.

We had just stopped for a rest when you arrived. Care to hazard a guess at what's under the sand?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 156


*sb shakes his head, and walks off to inspect the beach. Kes checks his companions - both fast asleep, and adds a little wood to the fire - the remains of yesterday's fish must be smoked - not wasted. He muses*

Woo! Not long to go, not that I particularly want to go. I wonder why Peaceful returned the valuable stamps? She could have got clean away with it, and I'd never have known. Well, if she's still the same after we get off the island, I suppose I'll know why.

*He realises that the stamps are in his shirt pocket - not a very safe place. He smiles.*
Come on, my fine perforated friends - you should be somewhere warm, dry and safe.
*Very gently, he returns them to Peaceful - replacing them exactly from whence they came.*

Hmm. Two weeks ago I wouldn't have known what I was doing, and wouldn't have dared to do that.
Two days ago, yesterday, even, I'd have been all over her like a rash. Not today.
Haven't gone off her - not at all - quite the opposite, but ... well, what's the song? "That ain't no way to treat a lady"? Something like that, anyway.
OK - Galaxy Babe - if you're listening - I heard what you said. Now the actions are matching the words - thanks for the advice.

*He looks at the "battery" and fiddles with it for a couple of minutes, thinking.*

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 157


*When Kes removes the spoon from the tin, the battery stops fizzing.*

You got that right too - even the metals - the gold is untouched (*wipes and pockets the spoon*) - it was the tin that dissolved.

*He realises that he can recall all the things taught him at school - even the ones he never thought he'd remembered the next day. All the little experiences he'd had now slotted into context. Everything added to everything else - most of it made sense. He'd be doing a lot of reading, a lot of learning, a lot of living ... this time next week.*

I suppose this is the way the others see things. I bet I could talk with the crab now, if he was here - at any rate, I'd hear, or feel, what he was on about.

*Enough musing. Time to collect some more fresh water, check the rocks for fish, then .... whatever*

OK Day - we're ready.

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 158

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

GB yawns, stretches, flaps the sand out of her wings, gets to her feet & trips down to the water's edge to splash her face.
Oh, what a lovely morning!
*Sees all the fresh footprints in the sand and the sticks planted like markers.
GB smiles and thinks: Someone was here last night after all!
*reads backlog
*marvels at the ability of Kes & Peaceful to stay awake for 2 consecutive nights
Yes, I'm listening, Kes...smiley - winkeye

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 159

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

WOW - my first post of the day.....and it was a simulpost. smiley - winkeye
"squits" Kes...

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 160


GB - good to see you - I love that trick of becoming invisible while you rest.
Well, you won't be allowed to help, but do take a seat here, and have some water - watch the show.
Excuse me for a moment ...

*He bends to pick up the shovel, and nods towards Peaceful*
The crab knew - didn't he? Her - Queen of Swords, Queen of Spades. Time for me to borrow her "sword".
*He smiles, and starts digging at the point where the larger signal was returned*

*A wide hole is needed - sand slips back into holes 'til it rests ar about a 40 degree angle - the "natural angle of repose" - so a small hole is no good. So it takes time - we can talk, though ...*

Hey - GB - did you know Peaceful was the lemur? I only figured that out today. Have you seen the crab? Looks like everyone's paring up. Has the jetty degenerated into debauchery yet.

Oh - don't get the wrong idea - is ddgb still on the island and still in "search and destroy" mode?

*and dig, and dig, and dig...*

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