A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 181

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

GB, flying overhead, sees Lintilla pulling the envelope out of her pocket, and reaching for the fire......
No....! Lintilla, don't!!!
GB crashes to the ground in a heap.

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 182


I don't think I need this anymore, the letter just reminds me to be good and I think I no longer need to be reminded anymore.
*Remembers not to spak to strangers*
Your not in my tribe.
*moves towards PE's sleeping figure*

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 183

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*GB tries to get up, but can't.
She lays still, watching, waiting, flapping her wings, trying to get Peaceful's attention....
.....and where's Kes?
Why isn't he protecting the precious stamp? smiley - sadface

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 184

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Still very fast asleep, the lovely PE dreams she sees an angel falling down.

* a tear drops from her sleeping eyes... a fallen angel, how very sad...

* further images of princely executive producers falling in love... and the kingdom's bounty being subtracted... it's a strange dream...

* dreams of being stranded... the angel will not be able to ferry them away if she can't fly...

* another dream turning into a nightmare.

* PE decides to rewind her dream, see if it improves...

* things could be worse, of course...

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 185

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*weak flutter
Thinks: Yes, things could be worse....bur not much!
*weaker flutter

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 186


*Kiddo Pops back into existence.*

Kiddo: Oh sorry guys. I seem to have been temporarily not here.
Did I miss everything yet again while I was gone? Did we get treasure? We did!? Hot dog...er...did I get any? Oh well, I guess I don't really need it. Sorry I couldn't answer your questions yesterday. I'll tell you know whether you know already or not.

GB didn't really tell me anything about digging (well kinda).

And Tweetie is fine I guess. She's not really pregnant. It turns out the doctor wasn't a real doctor at all.

There, if you already knew, you know again.

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 187

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*GB drags herself up onto one elbow, trying desperately to attract Kiddo's attention.
Kiddo! GB barely manages to utter his name.
*Kiddo looks around
He sees the fallen Angel, and rushes to her side.
Scoops her up in his arms, and carries her towards the fire.
Kiddo...I have to tell you, have to....have...

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 188


Kiddo: What!? Tell me what!?

*Kiddo looks worried for GB.*

What's wrong!? Are you hurt? Well of course you're hurt, what a stupid question. I'm sorry I...

*Shuts up to hear what she has to say.*

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 189



Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 190

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

{croaky voice}
Kiddo...Kes and I found, we found, well, he did all the digging...
Yes? Kiddo prompts GB further
We found a chest, full of, full, er.....
*drifts into unconsciousness

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 191


*Holds GB's limp body.*

Kiddo: Oh no! What do I do? I've never had to deal with an unconscious person before. Though I've been one several times on this island.

I guess I should just lay her out here on the beach. Wait no. This is too close to the water. How am I suppose to move her?

A little help here please!

Okay, uh...er... uh... er.... uh...

I'm getting in a rut!

*Gently places her head on the sand.*

Okay. If you stay unconscious for a long time I'll move you before the tide comes in. I'll stay and watch you.

Crud, I'm getting hungry. That can wait. Where is everybody!

Lintilla Don't.......!!!!

Post 192


*Disturbed by the shouting, Kes wakes, and runs across*
Kiddo - what?
GB - hey GB - wake up.
Kiddo - what happened?

Galaxy Babe

Post 193


Kiddo: I just found her hear on the ground. She looked hurt. She tried to tell me something.
Something about you and her digging and finding something. A chest? Did you find a chest filled with something?

Galaxy Babe

Post 194


Yes, she and I did find treasure - and I will tell you all about it - exactly where it is ... but after I've talked to Peaceful.
Kiddo - right now, Galaxy Babe is a higher priority than gold. She looked, well very happy when I last saw her ... now she looks so sad.
What sort of medicine does an angel need? Any ideas?
*He gently checks to see what GB might be carrying with her, in case it would be useful. He checks her pulse and respiration*

Galaxy Babe

Post 195


*Much less scared now that Kes is here, she find the courage to speak*
I didn't mean to hurt her. *runs up and give kes a big hug, she feels safer in his arms*
She swooped down and hurt herself and she was a stranger and I didn't know if she was safe to talk to her and now she is badly hurt and I didnt mean to do it. * she looses her attempt at holding back tears dispite her attempt to not be a burden to kes.*
NOw I'm crying and you'll be upset with me.
*the tears are pouring down now.*

Galaxy Babe

Post 196


*Kiddo looks around nervously. He felt even more like he never knows what to do.*

Kiddo: Why would she want to tell me that you found treasure so badly? I don't care about any treasure!

Whisper: GB, wake up...

Galaxy Babe

Post 197


No, I'm not upset with you. Thanks for explaining.
I have an idea - you tell me if I'm right ...
What do angels bring - apart from help?
They try to bring us some joy and happiness.
So unless they get their rest, they run low on joy.
Just like you get tired if you haven't had any food.
It makes them weak - GB shouldn't be working so hard.

Go and get her a drink of water - come back in a minute ... OK

*Kes waits 'til Lintilla has gone, then bends close to GB*
I hope this is going to work
GB - can you hear me?

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with tears.
And how else can it be?
The deeper the sorrow carves into your being
The more joy it can contain.
Is not the cup that holds you wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?
You are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.
When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and silver, needs must your joy or sorrow rise and fall.

Now I understand why you took nothing from the treasure chest.
Perhaps I should have done the same.

*GB's colour improves. She looks more at peace. With a little rest ... one hopes, one watches..*

Galaxy Babe

Post 198


*How is it that Kes always knows what to do in any situation.*
*Still, Kiddo was glad to see Galaxy Babe getting better. He stayed silent for a long while.*

Galaxy Babe

Post 199

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*runs into the beach from the jetty in tears*

*sees Kes.. tries to pull herself together.*


*sobs loudly*

Galaxy Babe

Post 200


Kiddo - we'll need to keep watch over GB 'til she recovers. I have no idea how long it will take - never seen an unwell angel before.
Peaceful seems to be asleep at the moment - I'll tell you about the treasure, but promise me that you won't do anything 'til I've spoken to Peaceful. OK?

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