A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 1

Matthew Kershaw

* Despite the Island being almost 60 % covered in dense forest, it is almost impossible to venture in. Mainly because of the dense vines that cloak the ancient pines, but also the rockface covering the fringe, that includes the waterfall & hilltop region, forms a formidable challenge to negoiate... *

* After some further investigation of the waterfall region there appears to be a large fracture in the rock face, just large enough for a human to inch their way through... *

* As one approaches, one but can't fail to detect the sudden drop of temperature here... *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 2


*Using his spear to force his way throw the forest*

Kiddo: Oof, ar! Doh! ow! oof, stupid, oof, stupid, ow! arg!...etc. etc.

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 3

Matthew Kershaw

* After dissappearing through the fissure, Kiddo meets with even more vines, tree branches & ground cover... *

* He can here exotic birds in the trees & the sound of insects... *

* He starts to shiver a little... *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 4

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Ever get the feeling that we don't want you in the forest...
*Whispers to MK*
You have to stop him before he finds the sacrificial temple which hides the...
*A blinding flash of light takes William back to the Jetty*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 5

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K rides by just to look innocent... smiley - winkeye *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 6

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 7

Matthew Kershaw

* He moves through the fissure with relevative ease, pushing further on he moves past the foliage, which kind of looks like it was recently disturbed... *

* The mornful howl of a strange bird can be heard over the buzz of insects & the trickle of water... *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 8


*eats heads through the crack in search of adventure, food and perhaps one of those large jars of Nutella*


Survivor - The Forest...

Post 9

Matthew Kershaw

* The fissure reveals much the same thing... smiley - winkeye *

* trees,trees, vines, trees... *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 10

Matthew Kershaw

* Although, it's not impossible to work your way through... smiley - winkeye *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 11

Will Jenkins (Dead)

*From deep within the Forest can be heard screams of "Help, Help"*
*Caution is advised as many bird's exist here which have learnt to lure thier prey by mimicking certain sounds*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
GB flies over the forest and looks down.
Unfortunately the foliage is too thick to allow her to see anyone on the ground.
{no sound}
*listens again
*leaves rustle
*wind whistles
*birds twitter
"No-one here? That IS unusual.....I think I'll land and see if there's a trail for me to follow......"

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*tucks wings behind back
*adjusts halo
*looks around
*spots trail
*starts to follow it......

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 14

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That was post #13!!
I hope it's not going to be UNLUCKY!
What's that noise?
Someone's shouting for help!
{Or could it be those clever, mimicking, birds-of-prey?}
GB starts running in the direction of the calls for help.....

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 15


*Kiddo tries to clear out as much area as he can, it's a big task.
He hears something far away. Someone calling for help? He also hears movement among the trees and foliage.*

Kiddo: Wh-who's there?

*He holds out his spear and stares into the forest*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 16

Matthew Kershaw

* G.B comes across an eerie glade in which not a sound can be heard... 8-( *

* Just then her WAP phone rings, causing her to leap as lest 3 feet into the air... *

#### Hi, it's Matthew...I need you back at the Jetty urgently... *

* Meanwhile... *

* Kiddo in his haste to rescue the unknown person get inextricably lost in the undergrowth...smiley - bigeyes *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 17


Kiddo: Well that's just great. I suppose if I keep going straight throw I'm bound to come to one in of the island. Of course, I could be heading the long way through, and this *is* a fairly big island. It could take me all day, or longer, to get out of here!



Survivor - The Forest...

Post 18

Matthew Kershaw

* Despite Kiddo's cries the trees not only reduce vision to near zero but also create an effective sound barrier, to say nothing of the rocky surrounds... *

* On the otherhand Kiddo does stumble across some purple berries...smiley - smiley *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 19


Kiddo: Then how come the others could hear things and I heard something earlier? This forest is enchanted and it's out to get me!
Oh look purple berries. I wonder if they're good to eat. I'll just pick some and put them in my pocket. I bet Ox would know.

*Still further into the forest*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 20

Matthew Kershaw

* A sound barrier to far off noises, but you can still here the sound of the birds in the adjacent trees... smiley - winkeye *

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