A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 21

Matthew Kershaw

* Kiddo just sees a package attached to a parachute go flying high above... *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 22


*Kiddo makes his way through the his own path, gets lost and finds himself wandering around trying to get out of the forest.*

Kiddo: There I am. I'm sure glad I found me. Now that I've caught up with me we better get back together.

*The two Kiddos join and fall over*

Kiddo: Whoa, I guess I shouldn't have tried any of those berries.

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 23

Matthew Kershaw

ROFL!!! smiley - smiley

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 24


*Now lost more then ever, Kiddo stumbles through the forest. Getting tangled in vines and occasionally bumping into a tree.*

Kiddo: OOOOH! The sailor's life is a life for me! Tuttly um tum tum, tuttly um tum tee! But I've never cared a thing about the weather 'cause the weather never ever cared a thing for me!

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 25

Matthew Kershaw

* Kiddo finally stumbles upon a small stream, it flows to the left & ascends to the right...smiley - winkeye *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 26


Kiddo: Hmmm judging from this stream I can deduce that to my left is the ocean. Of course, there's ocean all around me BUT, that way could possibly be the shortest way.

Come, my noble steed! Onward ho!

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 27

Matthew Kershaw

* Kiddo makes a sage decision that leads him back to the fissure... *

* With a little luck he might be able to grab the parcel in time !!! smiley - bigeyes *

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 28


Kiddo: NO! I'd rather take a nap.

*Meanwhile, Ox is fending off sharks to get the package*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Don't tell the officials but I have organized a Party! at the beach!http://www.h2g2.com/AddThread?forum=49657
See you there!!!

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 30

Fashion Cat


Survivor - The Forest...

Post 31

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*Tweet wanders through the foilage, for once not wearing a bikini due to the cold night air. Instead she's kitted out in a pair of jeans, white t-shirt (still covered in blood from where she wiped her knife on it) and hiking boots.*
*She's carrying an ingenious device- a compass smiley - winkeye*
*Striding through the trees, she's determined to discover what all the fuss is about*
*She mutters*
The only think I hope for *slashes a branch with her knife* is a yellow glow at the back of this thing, which will show me there's a McDonald's nearby.
*moves further into the forest, pulling on a hat to ward off the increasing cold...*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 32


*Kiddo goes into the forest because he was wondering what Tweetie was doing and because he doesn't have anything else to do.*

*Using his spear he knocks down more vines and foliage. He uses his pocket knife to carve errows on the trees to be twice as sure not to get lost.*

*He jumps when he feels something move in his pocket. The spoon!*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 33

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one


Survivor - The Forest...

Post 34


Kiddo: Why is it so cold in here? How long have I been wandering through the forest?
*Checks his watch, it stopped working.*
Great! At least I'm not TOO lost.

*He goes further into a new part of the forest.*
There's something special in this forest and I'm going to find it! Or get horribly lost trying!

*The spoon shakes violently in his pocket. Kiddo pulls it out.*

Wow! Am I hallucinating again or is this spoon pointing me towards something? Hopefully not to certain death.
Onward then.

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 35


*Kes, back at camp, is waiting for a momentous reply from Peaceful. While waiting, he feels something twitching in his pocket. NO - it's not what you were thinking! His golden spoon is moving. For some unaccountable reason, he briefly has a mental picture of Zack, cold, lost, somewhere dark. He frowns*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 36


*Kiddo shivers, lying on the ground by a tree.*

*His spoon wobbles madly.*

Kiddo: I sure hope I don't die out here. I will be very angry if I die! And you can bet I'm going to put up one heck of a fuss!

*Eventually Kiddo sleeps.*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 37

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
No, you won't die, Kiddo. I am your Guardian Angel, as well as the Marshall {but not a big, bad one!} here. I am watching.....

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 38


Kiddo: *smiley - smileysmiles in his sleep*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 39

Fashion Cat

oh dear.. am I gonna be the big bad marshall then??

*FC flies overhead towards the other camp, almost bumping into a large bird who seems to be intenly looking at a spot on the ground.... It begins to descend rapidly.....*

Survivor - The Forest...

Post 40

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
KIDDO! Wake up! That's not a bird, it's not a plane, it's a pteradactyl! And it'll eat you for breakfast! RUN!!!!!

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