A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Busiest Forum!

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Has anyone else noticed that we have the busiest forum! Wa-hay!!
Surely that's a good enough reason to have a Party! smiley - smiley
Eh? What? It's Friday? Another good reason......smiley - winkeye

Busiest Forum!

Post 2


Kiddo: A party? Here on the island? Or is this for people not on the island too?

Busiest Forum!

Post 3

Matthew Kershaw

It's been like that since about 24 hours ago... smiley - bigeyes

Mind you, the list doesn't update that often...

Still, with the multiple forums here, I think its a fair enough... smiley - smiley

BTW Just because it's been a hard 5 Days, for some...smiley - winkeye

A plane is due to fly over soon to drop a hamper of homecooked food & refereshments that should see you through the weekend... smiley - bigeyes

Good Luck !!! smiley - smiley


Busiest Forum!

Post 4


Kiddo: Hey Matthew, I have a question. Has a lot of the stuff happening on the island been planned out with some others (such as what the spoons are for and where things are hidden), or does everyone just kind of think of something as they go and decide by what others have posted?

Busiest Forum!

Post 5

Matthew Kershaw

I certainly had some idea of what the topography & legend of the Island entailed, but other things I make up to suit the requirements of the responses...the spoons were G.B idea from memory so you had better ask here !!! smiley - winkeye


Busiest Forum!

Post 6


Kiddo: It was Kes who first made the spoons do something. I think.

Busiest Forum!

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Kiddo - I know you question was directed at M.K* but I think he's disappeared for the weekend {I did notice some rather lovely young females vying for his attention on the Jetty before}.
So, I will answer for him, as he appointed me a Marshall {but not a Big, Bad Marshall}.
Nobody here has the slightest idea of what is going to happen.
M.K* didn't even know I had planted the golden spoons in people's pockets while they were on the helicopter ride out here. smiley - smiley
I had to be sneaky because before Survivor started, I placed ten golden buckets at the Waterfall to be found. M.K* sent a Big, Bad Marshall to remove them! smiley - sadface
Everyone is following everyone else's posts and adding their own bit to the story. It makes great reading, eh? smiley - winkeye

Busiest Forum!

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

How was that for a sim post!
3 of us! I better inform the Patron Saint{s} of Triplicates!
Sorry, M.K*, I thought you had disappeared for the weekend...
So you KNEW I had planted the golden spoons after all, but didn't do anything about it? And I thought I'd got one over you there.....A good job I hadn't told the Patron Saint of Deviousness {is there one?} or I'd have to take it back....smiley - smiley

Busiest Forum!

Post 9

Matthew Kershaw

LOL!!! smiley - winkeye

Busiest Forum!

Post 10

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Not so busy now though is it?

Busiest Forum!

Post 11


Gagdreek: *just passing through*

Busiest Forum!

Post 12

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Left alone again I see.

Busiest Forum!

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*whistles in the dark*

Busiest Forum!

Post 14

Will Jenkins (Dead)

At least GB hasn't deserted me...

Busiest Forum!

Post 15

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Never!smiley - smiley

Busiest Forum!

Post 16

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Here, have a PGGB!

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