A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...


Post 241


It's a tough choice, isn't it? I'm taking little or nothing. GB took nothing.
Do you have Lotteries where you come from? We do where I live.
For no effort, you might win a fortune - like this treasure.
You know what happens to the winners - I read it in the papers - so many examples - they live it up for a while, then they become unhappy, and it all goes horribly wrong.

What I mean is - if you haven't earned it - it has no value.
No value - only a price.
I haven't earned this. I'd rather leave with something of real value.
Do you understand?


Post 242

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* PE shivers and somehow breaks away from the magnetic enchantment that the treasure had begun to spin.

* It's not going to get me! It's not! I'm free now! I'm better! I know who I really am!

* ...and I know who I really love! How Kes had matured... he looked... he was a man now... he was strong...

* He was gorgeous! smiley - smiley

Last fling

Post 243


Peaceful - I have something to tell you. After that, if you don't hit me, I have a favour to ask. First - about the stamps. I appreciate your trust and honesty in giving them back to me - appreciate it almost more than I can express ... so I've returned them. Last night, while you were sleeping, I ..er, I put them back .. where you had kept them ... safe ..
*Peaceful looks straight at him and raises an eyebrow*
Yes, well, nothing else happened - honest - you have them ... for safe keeping.
So don't go swimming 'til you've put them in your bag.
*Waits to be hit ....*
Can I ask the favour now?


Post 244

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Yes, I think I do, Kes... people not born into money simply don't know what to do with it.

Some people who are born rich don't either... but that's a different matter...

I don't want to be unhappy...

And I don't mind w*rk either. There really is nothing nicer than sitting back and watching others do it. No. No, Kes. That was a joke!!!!!!

Don't look at me like that!!!!!!!!!

Last fling

Post 245

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Now, answering what you've just said...

Kes, I think you were right to trust me... A while ago, I was never sure what I was going to do...

And I apologize... that day -- when I ate your edible mushroom stamp... I'm really sorry for that!

Your stamps are safe with me...

What is it you were going to ask?

Last fling

Post 246


I have no right to ask. Really, I should wait until we're off the island, and free of its influence, but ..... the time we've spent together has been .. terrific for me. You .. you've helped me grow up in all sorts of ways ...
*He whispers something in her ear. She returns a smile and a knowing look*
Not just that ... but, well, it was, wasn't it?
Time here is running out. Could we - one more time - ?
*Another whisper.*
May I escort you to the cave?

Last fling

Post 247

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* PE thought of her scientific ambitions... how she'd really wanted to explore that cave...

* Many mysteries still lingered around those dark cave walls...

* After all, why not?

That might be a good idea, Kes...

But there's something I'd like to tell you when we get there...

Last fling

Post 248


*Arm in arm, they walk into the cool, comforting darkness of the cave.
An (imaginary) outside observer would see nothing, and could only speculate.*

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Post 249

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Last fling

Post 250

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* smiley - smiley


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Post 251

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* the dark cave walls cannot speak, they are dumb - a bit like lovely PE, though ... on the other hand --not as bright...

* anyone not busy exploring the cave, get out of here!!!

* this is a private exploration zone...

Last fling

Post 252

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* It's not easy to explore a cave with your fingertips in the dark... only very brilliant scientists and resourceful stamp collectors have been able to do it, to this day...

* PE finally decides she can share some of her thoughts with her beloved fellow-explorer-survivor and friend ...


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Post 253

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

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Post 254


No hurry, Peaceful.
Time is not on our side, but it isn't our enemy either.
Are you sure the stamps are tucked away safely?

Last fling

Post 255

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* PE thinks Kes is probably exploring some more...

* So she begins, hoping the dreaded events she calls 'simulposts' don't start all over. Again.

Kes... while I was sleeping... I had such strange dreams. It was funny... lots of princes and stable boys and angels and children and executive producers...

Have you noticed how it's really too quiet on the island. Even the animals are quiet.

And the humanesque trees aren't making all the noise they used to...

It's just TOO quiet. Seems something has happened. I FEEL it!

* She shivers.

Last fling

Post 256


I hadn't noticed - to be honest. I've been rather ... occupied. But you are right.
Of the dream ... maybe it's in our power to ensure a happy ending, maybe not ... but we have a lovely interlude right now.
We will go exploring ... perhaps in a few more minutes, Hmmm?

Last fling

Post 257

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* PE decides to do something very elegant...

* she swoons in his arms...

* the cave really doesn't look that sinister...

* even looks as if it really is shining too... another hidden treasure -- but an invisible one...

* Two cave explorers and their discoveries... let's leave them alone for a second or two... smiley - smiley

Last fling

Post 258


*The couple emerge from the cave, blinking in the light. Another look, another squeeze, another kiss ... then to work*
Let's see how our friends are doing. You check GB and Lintilla - I'll check ddgb.
How do they look?

Last fling

Post 259

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* PE checks Lintilla first. Poor child. What kind of parents...

* The Angel, -- kindest of angels -- is looking much better.

* They'll be all right. If they wake up and need something, she'll come back and help them, that's for sure!

Last fling

Post 260

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Looks at Kes, not sure what to think, what to say...

* strangely, she thinks she knows what they should do...

* they should look around the island for clues...

[now, wasn't that brilliant?]

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