A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

Last fling

Post 261


*Having been told about the "Forest" dream ...*
No, Peaceful, I don't think that's silly at all - you know the island - anything can happen.
We can't leave someone in trouble - not even Bid Evil Dan.
You gather up the knife and some water. I'll write a message in the sand for the others when they wake up.
*He picks a sheltered spot under the cave roof, where the wind does not reach. He writes*


Last fling

Post 262


Right Peaceful - to the forest!
I know the way towards the temple - you tell me as soon as you see the part from your dream.
Come on - time for a last adventure.
*They head to The Forest (Got it, dear reader? The Forest)*

Last fling

Post 263

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Where should we begin?

I was thinking of the forest...

But there are a lot of places to cover... we'd better...

Oh, Kes!!!

* She shivers. Again.

Galaxy Babe

Post 264

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*GB stirs
Her head feels like she had been at a week-long party!
She looked around.
Steadily getting to her feet, she stumbles to the cave.
Spying the note, she staggers on through the cave, unable to fly, her wings hurt too much...
Along the way, she remembered....snatches of something....what was it? She thought she heard the Crab, but no, that can't be! He was sensible & he left the island, with his love. After I warned him about the radioactive canisters, and he must have told the dolphins because they are gone too!
So, how did she hear the poetry?
*reads backlog
Oh, Kes!
*A tear escapes her eye, and she hastily wipes it away. I shouldn't be afraid to show when I am moved, but Kes touches my heart, in a way I never felt before. Such a wonderful soul. Oh, I hope I get the chance to look deep into those soulful eyes once more, and thank him, before we leave the island, before he & Peaceful...
*GB sobs
Why do I keep falling for the wrong men?????

Galaxy Babe

Post 265

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* An angels words still linger in the tropical air...

* Sad, prescient words...

* Words of a once fallen angel, who'd gotten back her flight-power...

* Anyway, Lintilla was still there, fast asleep...

* PE holds the sleeping child in her arms...

* She was silent, for many long long hours...

* Not Here *

Post 266

Matthew Kershaw

* ROLF !!! ...smiley - smiley *

Fuzzy? Crispy?

Post 267

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Finally -- after sobbing silently for hours and hours...
PE is silent at last...

* A glimmer of understanding shines in her eyes...

* She carefully arranged the remains of her expensive silk
shawl - and spoke to the sleeping, trusting child,

... Lintilla, a man like Kes is never really gone...
he has left us a precious legacy, we shall always remember
him with love and affection...

... and we will try to keep his stamp collection...
By the way, do you still have that upside-down stamp?


Post 268

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
Peaceful, Lintilla, I have good news for you....Kes is in Heaven now, and being made a Guardian Angel, because he was good, honest and pure in heart. A beautiful Archangel bestowed the honour of Patron Saint of Lost Poets upon him. I watched the ceremony, it was beautiful! I am sure if you need a Guardian Angel any time, you can call on him....
Anyway, would you like some help in getting off this island?


Post 269


*Kiddo is awake now. He sits staring out at the ocean.*

Kiddo: crud
~one more sigh~

*Last day on the island, GB is fine, everyone loves Kes, big happy ending. blah dee dah.*

*Kiddo Gets up and goes into the forest*


Post 270

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

hotly pursued by GB.....
Kiddo wait!
*Kiddo turns
Please come with me to Hidden Beach!
There's something there I need your help with....and someone who will be delighted to see you! smiley - bigeyes

the payoff.....

Post 271

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*Ignoring the dangers because who cares at this point, Petunia struggles over the rocks to Hidden Beach. Her feminine eyes catch the glint of real gold smiley - bigeyes. Moves toward the treasure*


Post 272


*kiddo follows GB back to Hidden Beach*



Post 273

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*Petunia sees her old new friend Kiddo, and overwhelmed with emotions and exhaustion, begins sobbing*

Kiddo! I was afraid I might not see you again! There's good news for everyone. We must find the others if they don't find us. Look, we're rich!

*Scoops hands into the treasure chest and flings some of the gold into the air, glinting sunlight. A passing seagull grabs one of the gold pieces, a lucky sign that they will have safe travels and rich lives smiley - winkeye*


Post 274

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Oh! I knew it!!!!

I knew he was good! He deserves the honour...

* reverently inclines her lovely forehead...

How wonderful!!!!

Yes, we will be needing help to get off the island,
I was thinking of rafts or dolphins...

But angels are quicker, you know... and the child must be brought to safely!


* Lintilla and PE cry for help...*


Post 275


Kiddo: Not see me again? Why?
Rich? Oh yeah, that.
Hey, I'm sorry I just left you back there at the waterfall. I, uh... well I'm sorry. I could have at least said bye.

Can you believe it's all over? Find the others? Why?


Post 276

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

...Oh, Petunia... Kiddo...

We're all rich and standed, though,

better join us... make it loud - so they can hear us from heaven!!!



Post 277

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
You shouted??? smiley - smiley


Post 278

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Oh that's okay, Kiddo. I should apologize myself. I've sort of been in my own little world. And you were worried about Tweetie. Oh look, here's GB smiley - smiley!

Marooned? Never!

Post 279

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*GB smiles at the stranded, bedraggled Survivors...
How different they all were, from the people who arrived on the island, 3 weeks ago.
And how proud, their Guardian Angel was of them!!
With her aural light glowing brightly, GB beckons them all to come to her...
"Kiddo, Petunia, Lintilla and Peaceful, I have come to take you home, I may have been play-acting as a Marshall in this project of M.K*'s, but my real reason for being here, was to watch over you!"
*gasps of astonishment all round
"Now, gather up as much treasure as you can carry, I think I can manage the four of you....oh, and Peaceful, I have a message from Saint Kes, the Patron Saint of Lost Poets, he said you can keep the stamps...."
*GB gathers the four weary people up into her wings
A ray of light momentarily blinds them, but the next moment, they are safe and sound, back in their own homepages!
*from far away, they can hear bells....
It's the Angel's Party! in Heaven, welcoming Galaxy Babe back.

**************THIS REALLY IS THE END!!!!!*********************

Marooned? Never!

Post 280


can...can i not post here anymore?

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