A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 101


Well, it says Metal Detector. The again, it also says Magic Wand, but that would be less useful. How does it work - and welcome back, Kiddo - missed ya!

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 102


I could manage it, ive seen people use them where im from

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 103


OK, Lintilla - you wanted a job - you got a job. Kiddo - grab some driftwood. Whenever Lintilla detects something, mark it out with the wood. The we'll see how many, or how big a thing we've got.

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 104

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Anyway, that was one of nine lives, gone, now...

* Lintilla... pyrotechnics??? Dangerous! For one so young, such a dangerous hobby...

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 105


Butr kes its otta batteries!

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 106

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* That's so right! Manners!

Oh, hi Kiddo!!!

Should I go on digging?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 107


... and Peaceful, my dearest Queen of Spades, guess what ...
*She has collapsed (as indicated in previous simulposts). She is turning an interesting colour*
*Another image - a fresh one! A chorus ... "Lilac wine, so sweet, and so heavy" ...
*There's no makeup on those lips now - lilac is the wrong colour.*
Hey - what do I do?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 108


im very good peaceful so its safe.

*examines the detecor in a way far beyond her years*

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 109

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Trying to pull herself together -- all her eight lives, at least...

No, Kes, really -- I want to help!!!

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 110


*... But a better Universe slides into place - Kes had imagined it - Peaceful is well, and directing operations*

Damn! Just warming up for a mouth-to-mouth session. Curses! Foiled again!

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 111


Batteries, Lintilla? It needs batteries? Bloody hell!
*He checks a second tag: "Batteries not included"*
Let me think about this for a minute.

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 112

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Wow!!!! *

* Deeply ponders on the matter of energy... detectors must somehow...

But how about this "ON" button?

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 113


is peaceful okay?!

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 114


*Kes checks everything available - at the camp, and in his pockets*
Got it! Check this out! We have:
- one empty ration tin (steel plate)
- one golden spoon (good job I kept it)
- some audio cable - that i pulled out at the cave mouth
- lots of sea water

You see! We can do it! Yippee!
*They stare at him*

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 115

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* which is useless, without batteries smiley - smiley

* where can they find an energy source???

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 116

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* PE looks ok, she feels ok... but another universe seems to be making gibberish of all her very wise observations...

* Now, only seven of her lives seem to remain...

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 117


Look - a battery! Two dissimilar metals - steel and gold - an electrolyte - sea water.
Dip the spoon into the tin of sea water - don't let it touch the bottom. Connect one wire to the tin- hold the other one against the spoon - now - touch the two wires against your tongue, Kiddo - go on.
*Kiddo touches - jumps back and blinks*
Not much - only about two volts - but this thing runs on a torch battery.
It'll be messy - Kiddo - you carry the can (ha ha) - follow Lintilla with the detector.
Let's go!

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 118

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Now THAT is one resourceful stamp collector for you...

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 119


*sweeps up and down the beach lugging the large instrument*

The Dig Starts Here.....

Post 120

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* PE decides to look on, keep quiet, and see if the simulpost attacks stop after a while...

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