Catwoman's Old U-Page
Created | Updated Mar 18, 2005
Okay, so originally I only got started here because (a few years ago) I had gone through a stage, with a couple of my friends, of using words like 'hoopy' in everyday conversation, due to a slight obsession with HHGTTG. But recently I've begun to have conversations with strange, random people, and to wonder what I'd said wrong if they didn't reply. And now I feel the need to belong to things (see below) and I even complain if The Post doesn't materialise on time.
Speaking of the Post (capitals letter, remember, so it must be important) I've actually had things published a few times, both on the front page and in the hallowed halls of AGG/GAG/CAC. You can find these in the Stuff of Mine that has been Published page. And if you weant to know what all those letters stand for, well, you'll just have to go find out won't you? I promise it's nothing nasty.
That does sound quite impressive, doesn't it? I was considering leaving the page that way, but honesty has overruled, and I feel obliged to point out that it's not actually that hard to get into AGG/GAG/CAC, just write something that definitely doesn't fit the Edited Guide (if it's full of lies that also helps), and then go ask nicely. And I have discovered that The Post Team are also open to pleading, although you have to grovel and sound really desperate... er, I mean enthusiastic.
So here's1 my roundup of places that I think you should drop in on.
Cat Stuff
The CatHouse
The Greebo Appreciation Society does exactly what it says on the tin. It appreciates Greebo. You should too. (please don't tell her that I'm not actually a Greeblet)
The League Of Thundercats, I don't really know what they're supposed to DO, I am the only LightningCat, so whatever it is I don't technically have to do it, which is probably a good thing.
I'm a Christian now. Which is nice.
PREVIOUS TEXT IN THIS SECTION: I am currently looking into Christianity. When I was younger I was something that I absolutely hate, which is a follower of the convenient religion. I had never really thought about it, and didn't actively participate, but would have ticked the appropriate box on the census form. Then I thought about it for a but, decided that I had been given no good reason to actually believe (definition of belief being 'thinking it is true') in the teachings, and so the last census from had me ticking the 'none' box. I was never a hardcore atheist, and I dislike the term agnostic because of its suggestion of apathy, so I don't really know. But now I have been asked to think about it seriously, so I am.
Something Lighter
Lighter than enlightenment? How can this be?
I don't have a lot of stuff to recommed here, but The Bookworms Club is usually worth a glance.
If you're really bored, try sending an anonymous message out into the ether. You get one back, as well.
Random Quotes Guild need I say any more?
I am the Knight of Inappropriate Names and didn't know which category to put this in.
Oh, and I also may be a member of the H2G2 Royal Procrastinator's Society. That is, I went there and said hello, but I don't know if I joined. I should probably sort that out sometime.
Something Darker
Black is not one colour, it is a multitude Explained at The Many Colours of Black2
My Motto
Believe in what isn't, as if it were, until it becomes.
Written by Jeffrey Deaver, who wrote lots and lots of very good books, which don't get acknowledged because of the genre. But they are very very good. And it's a pleasant philosophy to have, if not always overly helpful (I will do well in my exams...).
My College
Official site or Guide Entry in the process of being written. And just in case someone offers you a drink and then proceeds to put a penny in it, watch out!
I guess I should also point out a Factual Entry which has the advantage of actually having been written, but isn't quite as interesting. Sorry.
My Number
I am Researcher no. 166251.
1*(6*6+2+5-1)=42 Isn't that nice?
Useful Stuff
H2Jargon or whatever it's calling itself now. This is what all the words mean.
Using GuideML in the Edited Guide is more useful than most of the GuideML help pages as it actually says what stuff does and how to use it.
Web Safe Colours shows all the colours (and codes) that you can use on your pages, if you want them to look pretty.
Things I Like
Eddie Izzard (in supermarkets and on history)
Childrens Books (think Philip Pullman, J K Rowling, Isobelle Carmody, William Nicholson)
Adults Books (especialy along the lines of Jeffrey Deaver, James Patterson, Dean Koontz)
Cats (you threw the stick away, you can go get it)
Sci-fi (Terry Pratchett, DNA, Stargate, X-files)
Hard Books (that come under the title 'Penguin Popular Classics' and Tolkien - read the Silmarillion, but only if you really really want to)
Science (as long as you remember that it might all be rubbish)
Internet access (why can I not be connected all the time?)
Laptops (not that I've got one, but they are lovely)
You (only kidding, I haven't got the foggiest who you are, but if you've read this far I've got to give you something)
Purple (well, I do, what's your problem?)
People who tell the truth about themselves (even when there's no way to check, like here)
Coming Soon...
My version of the 'list of people at the bottom of your page to show that you have friends and know interesting people'. Volunteers, guinea pigs, etc welcome.
Pinwheel Pearl: Olympic vertical wall-driving champion, looking for Ya-Yas around the Japanese Maple. Currently absent, and greatly missed.
Awix: Because he still speaks to me even after I called him a girl (well the name is kinda androgynous) and for writing something really cool about me in his version of this list.
FABT: Would the Borg assimilate Tribbles? Well, they do reproduce extremely fast, and you would have an everlasting supply. Who knows.
Greebo: ACE, feline, Assistant Editor of The Post (she can put in a good word for you if bribed with , so what more could you want?
Swiv:Watches DVDs, studies history, translates name into Elvish. So no more weird than the rest.
More people (and colours) coming, and I know I've missed people out, this list really is horrendously short. The 'friends list' thing kinda makes it obsolete, but you get much better comments like this. Also I really hope the thing saying whose friend I am (as opposed to who my friends are) will work now, and have nice results.