A Conversation for Scandals and Rumour

What do you want.

Post 101

Styx the Rat

*scampers in* so, now Peregrin has been seen wandering in the Gents at the coffee shop looking for condoms. http://www.h2g2.com/F26140?thread=42989&post=468397 just what is this 'plastic iguana' that he's offering for free? *scampers out*

What do you want.

Post 102


Ah, I believe I smell yet another scandal in the works. smiley - smiley

What do you want.

Post 103

Garius Lupus

And the last time I was in there, I read a shocking limerick that was signed BB.

Pierrot: Aaaaawwwwk, there once was a Fenchurch from Nantucket
Now, now, Pierrot, we aren't going to repeat it here.

Pierrot: Saw a baby she liked, so she took it
That's enough Pierrot

Pierrot: She's running for Prez
Stop, please.

Pierrot: And here's what she says
Okay, enough now.

Pierrot: If you don't vote for me, you can just fu-Aaaaawk
*elbows Pierrot*.

What do you want.

Post 104

Styx the Rat

tsk tsk more scandals a certain male italian prez candidate is hanging out in the ladies not only that, but writing disgusting grafiti and it looks like the press is trying to cover it up http://www.h2g2.com/F26140?thread=31314&post=467673 *scampers off*

What do you want.

Post 105


I just want to point out that Don Alfredo's public statement mentioned "exploring the galaxies", when, as nearly every other candidate knows, there's about twelve forums and pages dedicated to exploring the cosmos (Saving The Galaxy, The H2G2 Space Station, Crater Labs, Inc., and STUMPED, to name a few). This isn't a scandal, I just want to inform the Don's that that section of the speech was ill-informed.

However, the remarks made about making more restaurants, etc.-seems that Don Alfredo may be trying to monopolize all of the restaurants in h2g2.

*Sits back and decides to watch the fun*

What do you want.

Post 106

Demon Drawer

Well the Doughnut stall and Mama Peta's will remain in other hands. smiley - smiley

What do you want.

Post 107


I sure hope so. I wouldn't want someone taking over all of the restaurants. It's much better when no one person owns more than one. Well, maybe two.smiley - smiley

What do you want.

Post 108

Demon Drawer

Well I own one and Joanna owns one. smiley - smiley

I also own the ski resort and beach hut though. smiley - winkeye

What do you want.

Post 109

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Oh no..perhaps I have too many then...?

the Great Hall on the Space Station...& the Cantina...

no...that's OK...that's just 2...so long as nothing happens to Joanna...& of course nothing will...smiley - smiley

What do you want.

Post 110


I think that the cantina and restaurants in the space station's don't count as the same thing. Anyway, I'd bet that there are plenty of places to eat and drink, and the Don's just haven't heard of all of them yet. smiley - smiley

What do you want.

Post 111

Styx the Rat

Does the Cantina serve rats?

What do you want.

Post 112

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

So, as long as they haven't heard of them all....we're safe from being monopolised...smiley - smiley

What do you want.

Post 113

Styx the Rat

You avoid my question.

What do you want.

Post 114

Post Team

You've been watching too much Monty Python Styx! No civilised place would dare serve rats... or do you mean serve as in provide food to...?!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

What do you want.

Post 115

Fenchurch M. Mercury

There was an impertinent parrot
It was well - known that no one cared for it
He thought the antidote
To Fenny's vote
Was to curse to the public, and scare it.

Well it's NOT. I will note tolerate such an exhibition of disrespect for the population, you lil' (censored).

What do you want.

Post 116

Styx the Rat

people can be helpful

so, a not named person tells me that new prez and vp people will be added on Thursday
looks like one cooks rats and the other chases rats
hey wait. this is no good.

you sure about this, DD? I don't want no baldrick cooking me or a fancy cat chasing me.

What do you want.

Post 117

Don Alfredo

Nobodyat this community will eat you Styx. I will personally see to that.

I would like some salad with celery though.

What do you want.

Post 118

Garius Lupus

You will personally see to eating him, Don A?

And Pierrot has something to say to you, Fenny, for his repeating BB's limerick.

*nudges Pierrot*
Pierrot: Aaaaawwwwk, hurumph.

Come on, Pierrot. You hurt someones feelings and you need to appologize.
Pierrot: Aaaawwwk, I didn't write it.

I know, Pierrot, but you repeated it. That is almost as bad.
Pierrot: Aaawwwk, He should appologize.

Perhaps, but right now you need to
Pierrot: Aaaaawwwk, A pirate never appologizes.

Yes, but you're not a pirate's parrot any more. Come on, we have been over all of this. Now appologize.
Pierrot: Aaaaawwwk, mmmbmbmbmbm.

What? Speak up.
Pierrot: Aaaaawk, I'm Sssssssssssssss.

What do you want.

Post 119

Garius Lupus

If Styx's second-hand info from DD is correct, then it looks like we may have a new presidential candidate today. The Celery would like to be the first to welcome him/her and his/her running mate to the race. As a fellow candidate, he also wishes to apologize on DD's behalf for prematurely disclosing your secret. smiley - smiley

Pierrot: Aaaaaawk, Let the fancy cat out of the bag.

What do you want.

Post 120

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I hope a URL will be posted here so that we know where to go to visit the new ticket.

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