A Conversation for Scandals and Rumour

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 41

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

As an established resident of the great state of Florida...

I demand a recount!

I distinctly saw Baldrick sprinkling chads on ice cream cones he was selling from his stall.

Don Alfredo directed his partisans to intimidate voters under 3 feet tall.

I am concerned that your vote-counting methods did not pick up all virtual votes.

smiley - silly

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 42


Yeah, and I hear some people mistakenly voted for Demon Drawer instead of The Celery! They were confused by the instructions, and wrote 'Demon Drawer' in their ballot emails, thinking they were voting for The Celery. smiley - winkeye

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 43

Demon Drawer

Strange I thought it was the other way around. A also think the last three votes were actually pregnant chads and should not have been added to Peregrin's piles after all. smiley - winkeye

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 44

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

...DD, I agree, especially as those pregnant chads have since given birth and the new votes are still in Peregrin's vote pile.
Not fair! Not fair!

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 45


Well, if it comes to that, I have a feeling that some of The Celery's voters were underage smiley - tongueout

smiley - silly

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 46

Chris Tonks

And, well, all the people who voted for anyone but me were just insane!

*realises who's in this thread with him...*

Ahem...oh heck...


*Very fast.*

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 47

Demon Drawer

Now that was a case of the insane caliing the insane insane if ever I saw one. smiley - winkeye

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 48

Chris Tonks

*Note, well, question: And you've seen many of those cases have you? smiley - winkeye*

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 49

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

A little less partisan rhetoric, if you please, gentlemen.

I propose that all the ballots be taken by chariot to Mogadishu and kept under guard by local warlords until the judges decide what to do about my protest.

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 50


Good idea, shame that I happened to destroy the ballots and evidence of the voting as soon as I gained power. Unfortunate really, we'll just have to accept the result.

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 51

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

What about the virtual ballots then?

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 52

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I have reason to believe that over 50,000 ballots were accidentally not counted. smiley - silly

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 53


Want to take this to the h2g2 Supreme Court?

smiley - biggrin

Actually I think the US candidates ought to have their problems solved on the Jerry Springer show... it would be much more suitable than all this legal battling smiley - biggrin

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 54


I've nabbed a bit of this conversation for my column in the Post... let me know if you don't want me to do this and I'll take it out.

- Peregrin the Plagarist

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 55


...I thought the legal battling was the Jerry Springer show, except without Jerry Springer as he's been busy with the Miss World competition in the Millennium Dome's Body Zone. smiley - wow


Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 56

Demon Drawer

Ok let's do this on Jerry at http://www.h2g2.com/F46364?thread=91299&skip=0&show=20

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 57

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

OK with me Peregrin -- couldn't resist reviving this thread in light of current events! smiley - winkeye

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 58


smiley - bigeyes and I could resist stealing it and putting it in the Post...

Psstt!! A little birdie told me...

Post 59



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