A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 241

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Ooh...messy...smiley - smiley

*dodges BB's tin of veg then throws a custard pie at him*

Just to add to the general, covered in custard thing...smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 242


*Is hit by the custard, but throws a sub at FC*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 243

Fashion Cat

eek! *sees sub approaching rapidly, mangages to jump out the way in time, and it blats into Baldy*


*dives into custard filled pool*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 244

Hopelessly Paranoid

*after rescuing Giydr from a mazss of projectile ices and incendiary deserts, he attaches him to a piece of string on his wrist so he NEVER gets lost*

Hello hello custardy people!

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 245


*Throws a chicken Kiev at Eomando and Ming*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 246

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

funny people.
weird, but nice.

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 247


That's true. We're currently having a food fight to get all the food-throwing out of everyone's systems before moving to a new foodless pool.

*Throws a fishfinger at Hannah*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 248

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*throws a cake at BB*

I like it.

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 249


*Catches cake, eats a slice, and throws some ice-cream at Hannah.*

I'm glad you like it - catch! smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 250

Ming Mang

*has been trying to keep out of it for a change, but, looking down at herself realises that she hasn't manged it, as she is plastered in various items of food, most recently splatterings of cake, ice-cream and a whole chicken kiev*
Hmmmm. smiley - sadface

*goes outside for a bit*
*after a while a creaking is heard inside the building where everyone is still having a foodfight...*
*the roof disappears via a conveniently placed wormhole and everyone inside becomes covered in large amounts of confectionary from the Sweet Shop, http://www.h2g2.com/A362882*
*Ming calmly reappears, as does the roof, and begins eating the sweets*

smiley - bigeyes


Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 251


*Throws a jam sponge at Ming*

Ha! smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 252


*throws chicken korma at Ming*
*a large pie falls from the sky*
*dives for cover*
*begins throwing smiley - fish everywhere*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 253

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

as long as they're not my 2 fish, Chance and Ardal, then that's OK...smiley - winkeye

do smiley - fish like being thrown around?? smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 254


smiley - fish don't mind, as long as they're dead first. smiley - smiley

*particularly wet one smacks E round the face*
*is followed up by a large, very much alive souris*

I'll give safe haven to the first person who realises what the second object is, which appears to have vanished.....

*down E's back*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 255

Fashion Cat

a mouse??? yuk! oh poor E...

right, partner... *conspires with E* you go to the right, I'll take the left...

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 256


And I'll take the high road out of here!
*moves into void in the pool somewhere*
*a large amount of tartar sauce flies out and heads the attack off at the pass*
One two. Two. Two. One. One two one. One two. I suggest you stay away from this thing, and take cover.
*tomato sauce*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 257


*Fires current bun at Baldrick*
Wonder why no-one is fighting with a spotted dick & custard?

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 258


*the bun is thrown back out of the void*
*straight into BB's face*
*pie to BB*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 259

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Baldrick, quit being a cowerd & come out of that void to be splattered!!! smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 260

Fashion Cat

E... as his VP, I happen to know a back route *winks*

come on... *evil grin*

*E and FC climb to the top of the hell tower and slide down landing on top of the void... they disappear*

*strange laughter can be heard...*

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