A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 281


*the pie compresses, sneaks through a gap and splats Ming*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 282

Ming Mang

Hey! That's not fair! What did I do to you?
*thinks about this*
*very very quietly removes Baldrick from his thingy-jig-whatever-it-is using quantum mechanics again*
*Baldrick hasn't notiiced*
*calmly continues eating sweets*

My teeth are going to rot soon...
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 283


*stomps back into void*
The large jet of water that hit me in the head made me aware of my situation.
*sets up quantum excluders*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 284

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

typical that the one & only Suspect Package you had left in your pockets would be a dud..smiley - sadface

Hang on....pockets means clothes....and clothes means sharks.....!!!!

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 285


*thoughtfully splats E in the face with jelly*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 286

Ming Mang

*thinks "this won't do"*
*wonders what she'll do about it*
*continues eating sweets*


*removes Baldrick from his void again*
*Baldrick, again, hasn't noticed*
*continues calmly eating sweets*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 287


Blub! Thankyou, anti-remover system.
*sets up extra strong excluders and superglues them down*
*returns to void*
*a large pineapple flies out and collapses Ming's shelter*
*several large dollops of ice cream splat Ming square in the face and knock her into the pool*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 288

Ming Mang

My shelter! That was MINE!!!
*climbs out of pool and begins reconstructing the shelter, only much much deeper in the sweets*
*removes the whole area surrounding Baldrick and his void, and including Baldrick and his void from the Swimming Pool*
*settles back down in shelter and continues eating sweets*


Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 289


*climbs up into the rafters and sets up a hideout*
*commandeers and upgrades the rafter gun*
*begins dropping hard rum truffles on the shelter*
*followed by pineapples*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 290

Fashion Cat

what a noise those rum truffles are making....

oh... for a normal, water filled cannon.... smiley - sadface

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 291


Well, we'll have plain water and no food in Swimming Pool III: Water Only. There's no reason why we can't start that conversation now and have both of them carrying on together, with food in this one, water in the other.

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 292


So, for water-only swimming, see: http://www.h2g2.com/F44378?thread=67967 FOOD FIGHT CONTINUES!

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 293

Fashion Cat

wonderful idea BB... though somehow i can see a loose pie entering the water only forum!!!

smiley - bigeyes

*splashes across*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 294


The pool III is protected by a food detector - all food is immedieatley destroyed on entry, so it is impossible for food to get there, or the cannons to be tampered with. Any violations will immediately be reported to Continuity.

*Throws a pie at FC*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 295

Fashion Cat


*sends custard flowing from her cannon*

eek! i wish w**k was this fun.. *imagines throwing a custard pie at her line manager...* hur hur hur

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 296


Sadly work and fun don't always go together.... smiley - sadface

*Throws eggs and flower at Baldrick*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 297


*makes cake out of the ingredients so kindly provided*
*throws it down*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 298


*Throws a battenburg at Balders*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 299


Battenburg down the hatches!
*sends pie and spinach cascading down*

Swimming Pool II: Food Fight

Post 300


*Throws a bread and butter pudding back at Baldrick*

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