A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 121

soeasilyamused, or sea

i don't know if i like the fact that this is one of H2G2's five busiest forums, along with hitperson's...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 122

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

*apparently unphased by the activities in the room, continues to hum...*

*those interested enough to listen are surprised to note that the blending of counterpoints sound much like an Ozzy Osborne song*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 123

soeasilyamused, or sea

have a look at the war room, entity... smiley - sadface

Initiation for new recruits

Post 124

soeasilyamused, or sea

bye all, for a while, i leave this room in NYC's capable hands... read my confession and goodbye message at http://www.h2g2.com/F46306?thread=71447

Initiation for new recruits

Post 125

Archangel Zax

*enters wearing thick black hooded cloak and a rubber nose*

*sits near wall and waits*

*Head explodes*

*heart burns to a crisp*


*curls up on floor and falls asleep listening to the humming*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 126

RedFish ><>


cmon fish, you can hold out, just two and a half days more if this...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 127

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)

*Recovers from Hanson induced trance*

Hey, where did all these people come from?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 128

RedFish ><>

Where did they come from?

Well some people think there was a large bang a long time ago which started a chain reaction which resulted in them.

Some beleive that a diety of some description created them becuase it had a sadistic sense of humour.

Others beleive that they dont really exist, and they are just figments of your imagination.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 129

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)

If you're a figment of my imagination, can I make you give me some of that wine and ice-cream that you've been hoarding in your fishbowl?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 130

RedFish ><>

No! its mine! all mine!

Initiation for new recruits

Post 131

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC watches the comedy of Jezzrian unsuccessfully trying to strangle a fish*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 132

RedFish ><>


Im being strangled by my own security officer!!!

*electrifies Jezzrian*

Stop it. Its mine. You cant have it. Theres some in the war room if you want it. smiley - sadface

Initiation for new recruits

Post 133

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)

*Glares at RedFish*

You know I can't leave, and you are the only one in here with food, so share or I'll toast ya.

*Raises hand and mutters arcanely before realising that she can teleport some food into the room.

Hang on a second

*concentrates and a tub of Ice cream appears in fromt of her*

There. You got lucky Red, next time watch out, nothing comes between me and Ice cream. Anyboby want some?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 134


can i go to sleep in her?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 135

RedFish ><>

I assume, for the sake of Jezzrian, that when you say "can I go to sleep in her", you mean "can I go to sleep in here"?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 136

soeasilyamused, or sea

that could be taken many ways, most of them very, very wrong.

and if you guys want ice cream and wine, you could always go to my ice cream shop. i serve both (and i usually forget to check ID's too!) i forgot the link but it's in mixed nuts's space shopping center...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 137

RedFish ><>

*illuminates a corner of the room where serveral crates of ice-cream and wine are lying*

No need to travel, I had it shipped here smiley - smiley

Initiation for new recruits

Post 138

soeasilyamused, or sea

*thinks: 'that redfish thinks of EVERYTHING!'*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 139

RedFish ><>

*telepatically intercepts that think*

Its all part of the job smiley - smiley

Initiation for new recruits

Post 140

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

it's beginning to look rather cramped in there...

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