A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 141

soeasilyamused, or sea

*the initiates seem to notice the walls expanding a few feet. they think they are hallucinating from the weird al exposure, but they are not. the walls actually expanded*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 142

RedFish ><>

*when the walls expanded they went out from the middle so everything stayed in the position it had occupied before, except it became 2 meters further away from a wall. This is unfortunate for RedFish who's fishbowl was sitting on a shelf just before the expansion, and now is sitting in thin air as the shelf has just fallen to the floor. The fishbowl plummets towards the floor but RedFish manages to pull it out of the dive just in time. He then is so releved that he stops paying attention and flies the bowl straight into a wall*



Initiation for new recruits

Post 143

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

My second day in this infernal chamber draws to a close...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 144

soeasilyamused, or sea

*looks very guilty for her responsitility for the fishbowl*
here, redfish. an unbreakable fishbowl. it's just regular glass, enchanted so that it won't shatter.
*fills the bowl with water and puts it on a new shelf, then puts redfish into it*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 145

RedFish ><>

Thankyou sea. *still rather shaken*

*teleports his belongings from the messy heap on the floor into his new bowl, and creates a silver rim on it, like the last one had*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 146

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*munching on popcorn*

This is actually quite amusing.

popcorn, sea?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 147

RedFish ><>

amusing? well.... i guess it might have been, but i wasnt to aware of the humour as i flew into a wall at 240km/h

Initiation for new recruits

Post 148

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

slapstick is never funny to the one getting hurt, silly!
but I'll have Jezzrian or someone else run into the wall if you still question the comedy of it all...

*NYC fingers the control panel anxiously*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 149

soeasilyamused, or sea

*grins and munches on some popcorn, eyes fixed on the initiation chamber*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 150

soeasilyamused, or sea

hmm... i don't know who you should pick, NYC. they've all been nice to me...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 151

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

well, Lord Byancbaldich seems to have had the easiest time here...

*NYC puts the observation glass's gravity on high for LB, and watches him have no choice but to run towards it at full speed*


*watches as RedFish snickers in his bowl, but stops as soon as he thinks somebody's watching*

Sorry LB, but it was for entertainment purposes only... smiley - winkeye

Initiation for new recruits

Post 152

soeasilyamused, or sea

*laughs until she falls off chair, knocking popcorn all over the floor*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 153

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

*sleeps through the physical molestation of the Boss*

*snores loudly through the expanding of walls and breaking of glass*

*mumbles something unintelligable while the fish is put into new bowl*

*snorts and almost wakes up*

*almost but not quite...*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 154

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

and could somebody hit Entity with a cattle prod or something? He isn't supposed to sleep through his initiation!

Argh, I'll have to so it myself...

*NYC grabs a cattle prod, and heads into the chamber, only to take three steps and trip over a lump he believes to be the Corrupt One.*


*NYC walks cautiously in a straight line, until he meets a wall with a shelf on it, turns, and finds another lump on the floor and shocks it.*

I don't know if that was the one, but I'm going to have a very difficult time finding my way out. Why didn't I think of picking up my infra-red goggle this morning?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 155

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*revived from humming by NYC Student*

That damn H*nson song's still on...

*fights her way over to the CD player. She takes out the H*nson CD and snaps it in two. It is immediately replaced by Eiffel 65's "Blue"*

Well, that's a little better...oops, sorry, excuse me.

*returns to being a heap in the corner*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 156

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

umm, Weird Al was playing just then, and I remember somebody saying they would go on a murderous rampage if it was no longer playing...

Corrupt One? You're near the door... could you stop being a heap in the corner and start shouting so I can find my way out?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 157

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*gets back up, annoyed.*

Okay, you find the Weird Al CD, put that back on, and then I might start shouting for you.

*returns to heap-like state*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 158

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

but... but... you broke it...

*NYC tries to mimic heap-like state, hoping the murderous rampage passes him by*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 159

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*gets up, wanders to the heap that is NYC Student*

Sorry about that...but I've been in this infernal booth for far too long now, and I think someone in here put a hex on me besides everything else. The hex forces me to hear endless loops of annoying music that isn't really on...

*becomes aware that NYC Student remains a heap despite the conversation*

Oh, B*lgium.

*goes back to her own corner and becomes a heap yet again*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 160

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC sits up, struck by some enlightenment*

Wait a sec... it was YOU who promised a murderous rampage if the music was changed...

Can you still help me get out?

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