A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 101

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)

Fish, if you make them turn on Britney I swear to God, Stan and any major or minor deities that may be listening that I will utterly annihalate you.

*Raises one hand and mutters ominously*

Bet you regret bringing magic into this forum _now_ smiley - smiley

Initiation for new recruits

Post 102

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)

umm... stan=satan.


Initiation for new recruits

Post 103

soeasilyamused, or sea

*looks much more at ease*
don't worry, britney will only be used as a last resort...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 104

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)

On good


I think that we can keep Fish on his best behaviour if we all work together, after all nobody wants the Britney punishment, do they _Fish_?

Initiation for new recruits

Post 105

RedFish ><>

Okay I will be quiet. Great news about the celery isnt it?


Initiation for new recruits

Post 106

soeasilyamused, or sea

yeah, can you believe someone named amy the ant thinks i kidnapped him?! that's really funny! i don't have the brains to pull something like that off...

Initiation for new recruits

Post 107

soeasilyamused, or sea

hey, does anyone know who this HITPERSON fellow really is???

Initiation for new recruits

Post 108

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions


Initiation for new recruits

Post 109

RedFish ><>

Not a clue, and I wont listen to anyone slandering any of my and Masque's supporters.

Initiation for new recruits

Post 110

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)

Neither will I!

*glares about in an aimless manner, slightly hampered by the fact that it is pitch black*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 111

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*snickers by how much that aimless stare reminds him of Radio Shack employees when you ask them a technical question*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 112

soeasilyamused, or sea

*gives them both mental hugs*
thanks, guys. and as a gsture of goodwill...
*snaps britney spears CD in half*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 113

Jezzrian, ps of Dubious Reasoning, Muse of Death Scenes (Masque/RedFish for DICTATOR)


Initiation for new recruits

Post 114

RedFish ><>

Oh thank cod!

Initiation for new recruits

Post 115

soeasilyamused, or sea

*giggles at the fish joke*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 116

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*wakes up after previously passing out due to Gargle Blasters*

Who are you?
Where am I?
What am I doing here?


Initiation for new recruits

Post 117

soeasilyamused, or sea

repeat after me, corrupt one: alcohol is bad. drinking is bad. drunkenness is bad.
here's another gargle blaster to help your headache!

Initiation for new recruits

Post 118

The Corrupt One (MIA)

Ahhh...now I feel better. That one did the trick!

Now...what music is playing right now? If it's anything but "Albequerque", I will kill all you people right now.

Just kidding--but it still better be Albequerque. smiley - winkeye

Initiation for new recruits

Post 119

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

*stops humming along to MMMMbop and decides to sit a bit closer to the Fish bowl to better discourage any further attempts on The Boss' life*

Are you alright, Boss?

*Relaxes, satisfied that all is well.*

*Leans back, closes eyes and begins to hum the chorus of "Oops, I did it again"*

Initiation for new recruits

Post 120

The Corrupt One (MIA)


*starts humming a conflicting tune*

*the humming is identified as Smash Mouth's "Walkin' On The Sun", one of The Corrupt One's favorite songs*

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