A Conversation for The Concert and Ballot Counting Room

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 1

Zak T Duck

*Wheels in a full ballot box, double checking that the timelock's set correctly, with the others arriving tomorrow evening*

*A truck arrives filled with smiley - ale,smiley - stiffdrink, softdrink and food*

*A second truck arrives with a giant bottle of gin labelled "Property of Croz, three day supply" smiley - winkeye*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 2


Gosh, thanks, I'm famished smiley - groan Winning an election is hard work.
We are winning, right? smiley - tongueout

smiley - blacksheep

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 3

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

A very large tanker arrives laden with <vodka&vimto> followed by a Reliant Robin full of sherry

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 4

fords - number 1 all over heaven

*fords stumbles in with the Duty Free*

Did someone say party? *hic*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 5

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

shouldn't tha both be busy on the hustings?

'ave a 'ollands Meat & Potato Pie & a <vodka&vimto> to fortify thee

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'll pass on the pie but I'll have one of them there vodka and Vimtos! smiley - cheers

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*A Churchill dog hot air baloon appears on the horizon and sweeps in neatly dropping the yellow badgerine down smiley - coolsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing *gets out of the badgerine and gets the baders to unload the 'gear' smiley - evilgrin

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 8

Trin Tragula

*Sits on a ricketty wooden folding chair in a calm corner and whistles a happy tune. Air of quiet confidence, though not of chicken-counting smugness*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 9

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

*smiley - dragon arrives from Dragonhouse with two magnificient dragon sized thrones*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 10

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

*arrives via an open skylight wearing an overly-sized rossette*

smiley - redwine

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 11

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Arrives with several crates of beer a dictaphone, camera, a badge that says press and a face that says "I drew the short straw"*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 12

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*plonks himself down in the middle of the floor wearing his "this is not a mad-take-over-scheme" Party badge*

Well, I may be likely to lose, but it was the taking part that counted smiley - tongueout

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 13

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

*smiley - dragon prepares foggy smiley - dragonsmiley - stiffdrink*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 14

Ivan the Terribly Average

*sits quietly in a corner, sipping smiley - stiffdrink and waiting for something to happen*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 15


(Wanders around closely watching the count and munching smiley - crisps)

Was that a concession speech, Jack? smiley - bigeyes

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 16

Ivan the Terribly Average

Concession? No, it sounded full-price to me. smiley - silly

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd just like to say that rumours of rumours, have greatly exagerated the positions, and not necessarily entirely negated themselves from procedings, but that we are, as I'm sure all teh other candidates are, pleased greatly to be in such a position as to be here today on the day of the offical count, and hoping as I'm sure do our fellow candidates, that no ill practise or malvoting has occured during this election. smiley - evilgrin *makes a vodka smoothy for breckfast smiley - ojsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - magic

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 18

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

blah blah blah....

*smiley - dragon squeezes big vodka drenched lemon into 2legs mouth*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - erm *drinks mor eof the vodka smoothy.... smiley - drool ooo nearly time for lunchtime beer smiley - ale

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 20


Arrives in a big pink n purple flowery van

smiley - diva

smiley - stiffdrink

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The Big Count and Election Party!

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