A Conversation for The Concert and Ballot Counting Room

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 101

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011


The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 102


the suspense is killing me.

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 103

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

*passes round a bag of humbugs*

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 104

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Where will the axe fall first, I wonder... smiley - huh

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 105

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Bah! Humbugs. My Favourite! smiley - drool

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 106

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on top
"What is a humbug ? Sounds tasty smiley - smiley "

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 107

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

a boiled sweet, very minty and chewy after a while would you like to try one?

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 108

aka Bel - A87832164

Really ? It sounds like a sort of hat to me smiley - erm

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 109

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*twiddles thumbs some more*

whats taking so long

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 110

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Does that mean you'll eat your hat if you win?

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 111

Zak T Duck

Eeh there's always one.

Turnout for the presidential elections has been better than I ever expected them to be. In total there was 208 individual votes cast, not counting multiple votes or spoiled papers.

I'll now briefly overrun the rules

Everyone who wanted to voted for the candidates in order of personal preference. Some voted for just one, some for all 15 but in the end it was up to the individual.

How it's going to work is for each round the number of first choice votes are counted. If there's no candidate with at least 50% of the vote share, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated.

Anyone who voted for said candidate will have their next choice candidate as their new first choice. Repeat ad nauseum until someone wins.

Everybody happy?

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 112

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Aye lad, I've got me smiley - ale

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 113

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Ecstatic dear chap, prey, continue... smiley - cheers

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 114



The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 115

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011


The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 116

aka Bel - A87832164

Clive, I can't do that - my hat is dear to me smiley - smiley

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 117

Zak T Duck

In that case as Godben hasn't complained yet we shall begin smiley - winkeye

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 118

Trin Tragula

*Chews nails* Grffeatghhh

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 119

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit counting
"Can you explain that in numbers please ? "

The Big Count and Election Party!

Post 120

aka Bel - A87832164

Don't chew your nails - there's still a hat to chew on waiting for you smiley - winkeye

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