A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 141

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

2.55pm Tuesday

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 142

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)




Which timezone?

*decides it doesn't matter; gets up to make some tea and --
bumps into a Greek goddess in the kitchen*

...are you Matina?

lf you are...could l have a hot chai latte? Please?

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 143

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*an American sipping a latte and watching the Democratic National Convention on C-Span lays down two-to-one odds that some conservative newspaper pundit will, tomorrow, make an exceptionally amusing commentary out of the fact that the DNC chose to play The Music Man's "Seventy-Six Trombones" after Clinton's speech.

Conjuring up glittering promises of a wholesome future for the town's children while simutlaneously swindling their parents and skipping town with their money, the comparison of this slick, charming, selfish, manipulative, clever, self-interested, quick-thinking, deceptive, untrustworthy, amoral fellow to Clinton seems inevitable...

Bill = Hill?

"Seventy-six trombones led the big paraaaaaddde..."*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 144

Researcher 99947

I rather liked it... quite a good speech, leaving out quite a bit that needed to be left out. A lot of telling the republicans to stick that track record up their arses and smoke it...

I still wake up in cold chills, nightmares of reaganomics- the horror!

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 145

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

lt's all okay, Sporky...the big bad spectre of trickle-down economics can't come back to us now...

Happy birthday.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 146


I find the protests outside to be more indignant of America's culture.
Protests at the Republican convention, protests at the Democratic convention. What does that tell you? That it's not working. The choice between a peanut butter and tunafish sandwich, and a bubble-gum flavored pizza do not seem to be enough to sustain the culture's needs.


Post 147

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

This post has been removed.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 148

Researcher 99947

Val, I find the comment very... well, stereotypical. Americans suck - boo hiss.

You could have Rage Against the Machine play at a Unicef gala and there'd still be a riot.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 149


no comment.
*VALIS restrains himself after much deliberation*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 150

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual v.e.l.manner*

Hi all!smiley - smiley

Matina, that's a lovely folklore outfit - un café mélange, s'il vous plait!

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 151



*Goes and fixes an OJ whilst being glared at by Matina for doing her work*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 152

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi Phil!smiley - smiley *wondering if he will explain that Latimeria-thing*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 153


Nope, I feel that there is no reason to explain the Latimeria thing!

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 154

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Ooops, politics = danger!

I will not interfere in this diskussion, because I know too less about America's political theater.

But I'm talking not very ofen about politics in my country, too, cause I know only few, with whom you can start a discussion without getting them angry.

*Kasia heads to Matina*

Hi, do you know how to make tzatziki? If yes I would like to have some of it and also an espresso, please.

*Kasia sits in an comty chair, waits for her breakfast*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 155

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

*waltzes in groggily, nevertheless having a hint of worry on his face*

But Val, doesn't our culture need four more years of partisan pandering? And would Al Gore be the bubble-gum flavored pizza, or the peanut butter and tunafish sandwich? I'd say the former, especially if it was on Rye.

*Walks to the kitchen, and notices the bot Aphrodite in the. Right eyebrow raises slyly*

How you doin'? Can I have a cold one?

-"A cold one of what?"

*grins charmingly* Anything, baby.

*the android shrugs and produces a popsicle, trout flavoured*


21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 156

Mindspring the Unau

*wishes the rat would come back and tickle her again*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 157

Titania (gone for lunch)

I could tickle you Springie, if you want to - or would you prefer a cuddle?

Matina, could I have OJ, please!

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 158

Garius Lupus

Hello, all. Looks like Matina is fitting in nicely.

*shoots a glance at SF*

Hi Titania. The h2g2 text game can be played at DNA's site, but I don't think you can save the game, so it would be impossible to get through it. I know of several places where you can download it from the internet, but it somehow doesn't seem right to give the url here on an h2g2 forum. Is your email address on your page. I'll check in a minute and if it is I'll write to you. If not, perhaps you could leave a message on my page with your address.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 159

Researcher 99947

*pats commodore 64*

You could always come over here for a game

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 160

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - smiley

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