A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER


Post 1361


Lil, I envy you because of that Incredibles DVD. I saw Jack-Jack Attack once, and wish I owned it myself.smiley - winkeye

GDZ, I pride myself on having one of the largest legally owned collections of novelty music in at least a fifty mile radius (perhaps triple that, though it's difficult to check these things). Which ones are you interested in?

I would've played the Universe song, but I don't own it. I'm ashamed to say that I only own one Monty Python CD, and the name of it escapes me.


Post 1362

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I managed to stay away from the mumu pretty well. Here are some pictures from the evening...

Keep in mind that these are less than three hours old at this point and I have not had time to name them.


Post 1363


WARNING: will now burble about the movie for a few paragraphs.

Well. B*****r me. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Really didn't think I would: this sort of thing is always disappointing, isn't it? But no! For quite possibly the first time ever, it wasn't disappointing. Woohoo. Which perfectly illustrates my point about not trying to stick to slavishly to books, etc when making the film. I assume that having DNA write it helped there. I'm so glad they didn't try to labour every joke ("Look, everyone's favourite line coming up now") but some of the visual nods for the fans were fun. My brother and I picked up at least two new catchphrases to torture our friends and aquaintances with so that's ok. I even liked the characters. Completely different, but really rather fun. I _really_ thought I was going to disapprove of the casting.

When are they making the sequel?

Anyway. We're moving today. Yes, we did buy the flat in the end. Still a bit jittery about signing my life away to the bank, but nevermind. The whole family is coming down (Bro is already here) to help sift our meagre possessions in. Must go and buy celebratory champagne.


Post 1364

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Congrats Sol. Tip a few back for your Left Coast friends when you celebrate.


Post 1365


I haven't seen the film yet but we're hoping to go soon. I checked yesterday and our local cinema is showing it 9 or 10 times a day this week.

Isn't it strange how the name Jack Jack sounds a tad wierd, then two minutes later you've forgotten all about it and it's part of the film?! I also liked the short about him (and the bouncy one, Boundin', which has a great song underneath to tell the story).

Julessmiley - smiley


Post 1366


Hi JulesK

I have skipped over parts of the blog, because I am avoiding all references to The Film. So if I see anything like DNA, HHTTGG, dolphins, whales, petunias, Zahpod etc, I move to the next posting. My apologies if I miss anything pertinent along the way.

H is threatening to drag me away from Star Wars Galaxies (SWG), for a Day Out. It's been a bit intense lately as Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) have completely altered the combat system, causing furore and uproar.


Post 1367

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

I haven't yet seen the film. Curently, the mini horror movie I appeared in/helped film in Keswick over the Easter hols will probably have its editing finished this afternoon, what I saw of the footage after it had been shot was cool, so I'm looking forward to seeing my name in lights.

As far as comedy songs go, I love Flanders and Swann, and Tom Lerher, who my "BF" introduced me to properly whilst in Keswick, though I'd heard one or two of them before. "March of the Sinister Ducks" is so funny.

Happy Orthodox Easter.


Post 1368

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Affy, I need:

The Dolphins/So Long And Thanks For All The Fish-HHGTTG Movie
Twinkle Twinkle Little Earth-Leonard Nimoy
Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters-h2g2 movie (background music while I talk)
Reasons To Be Miserable-Stephen Fry (Like the classic "Marvin The Paranoid Android", but less techno and more rap)
They're Here-Boots Walker
Godzilla Geneology Bop-MST3K
Do The Picard-Rusty Humphries & The Bone-heads
When I Held Your Brain In My Arms-MST3K
Beam Me Up, Scotty-Terry McGovern
Vote Beeblebrox-cast of h2g2 movie (not featured in the movie)
Gypsy Rose Me-MST3K
St. George And The Dragonet-Stan Freburg
Dungeons And Dragons-The Dead Alewives
Journey Of The Sorcerer-H2g2 movie
Viltvodle Street Music-h2g2 movie (background music while I talked)
Ode To A Superhero-"Weird Al" Yankovic
Twilight Zone/Twilight Tone-The Manhattan Transfer
Attack Of The Radioactive Hamsters From A Planet Near Mars-"Weird Al" Yankovic
The Ballad Of William Robinson-Bill Mummy (who played Will Robinson in TV's Lost In Space)
So Long & Thanks For All The Fish (Reprise)-h2g2 movie (I turned the volume down so I could sing along with this last one).

I know some of those I will need to acquire the soundtrack but, those are what I need from your posted list.


Post 1369


I have a window of about 6 hours to get some work done outside before the rain starts again. At least according to the weatherman. From the looks of the sky, mother nature didn't listen to his weather report.

Great news, Sol. smiley - bubbly


Post 1370

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Great pics Marv, got some questions though.

What's with the Devil's Horns?
Who are the women in 98, 103, 105, and 111.
Why are there pics of some guys crack?


Post 1371

marvthegrate LtG KEA

the horns were jsut something that happened.
I only know the name of one of those girls, the one in 103 and 105 is Carrie and I met her on St Patty's day. She is a friend of Brendan's.
the plumbers smile was by request. Someone else may have had my camera at that point as well, as I don't remember taking that picture and I was not that bad off.

I will try to caption those horrible pictures later. I really need to read the manual for my camera to get better night time snapshots.


Post 1372

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - cross Will you lot kindly take the discussion of the hhgttg movie to the library?

And I apologize for snapping at you. I find that I have been described as "ranting" on another thread, and it has upset me. I will have to think about this in meeting this morning.


Post 1373

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Ranting, you? Lil, I've known you to be firm (see above post!) but never ranting.

Someone's on crack.

Way too much to do today. 60 summary reviews to write if I am to stay on schedule, and the BF wants to come over this evening. I think *he* is on crack, frankly. Mr. Disappear finally has time for me, and I'm at a point I can't do much. Funny how that works...


Post 1374


It's really rather warm here in London. S and I are *gasp* lolling about the house half-naked with all the windows open eating ice-cream - ice-cream I made, BTW, and of which I am inordinately proud. Hang, on, let me put on a dressing gown and bring you in a bowl. There you go, apricot and orange-flower ice-cream for everyone.

Lil - ignore accusation of ranting! Person who made it not in a position to accuse anyone of anything!

MR - I used to do a little relationship bungee-jumping myself. (He turns up, I ignore him, he goes away, I mope, he comes back, I urgently wish to read book, he leaves, I trail after him... Hours of fun). In my case it was down to low self-esteem - Woody Allen's famous "I don't want to belong to any club that would have someone like me as a member." Rather pointless way of dealing with inner torment and one I firmly shelved when I was eighteen and dating S. Though I still do occasionally (when having writer's block usually) look at myself and think 'Why in heck did he marry me? Has he lost his mind?' Heigh ho.

Have seen film, will take discussion thereof into Library, have NO idea what Marv and GDZ were talking about, so may hide in corner of said library feeling stupid.


Post 1375




Post 1376

Kat - From H2G2

Feeling very blank emotion today so can't write anything particularly proper. I did see the film last night but can't say what I thought yet.
Hope everyone is okay and being good.

smiley - cat


Post 1377


JulesK, nice to see you at the Salon!


Post 1378

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Zounds! Did I misplace my manners and forget to welcome JulesK? My goodness, I think I did.

JulesK, welcome. Please forgive my horrid lack of manners. I blame it on my upcoming oral exams (what will I blame it on after?!)

Ag, mine is more about the fact that he's got so many jobs, and when everything lightened up for him, I'm staring at a 20 day window in which to learn way more than I ever wanted to know about the historiography of the middle ages and the early modern period. Bad timing, I think.

Mostly on his part.


Post 1379

Mol - on the new tablet

*collapses weakly onto cushions after reading 800 post backlog*

*so much blog that I have developed RSI in my mouse hand*

In the past fortnight, I have:

attended the world premiere of a film (well .. The Film)

spent hours and hours and hours preparing for the most important job interview of my life. I didn't get the job, but I knew from the outset that I wouldn't - the reason I am currently drinking smiley - bubbly is that I impressed the panel enough to be a potential candidate for a different, more suitable job

put in hours of overtime preparing for an event which takes place in the UK this Thursday and my word if you think library users can be dim you should try dealing with electors

spent a precious Saturday training for my Basic Food Hygiene certificate (because I take Guides away to camp and mustn't poison them)

let the house go to rack and ruin (dirt is good, OK?) (oooh, no no no, that's *not* what the Basic Food Hygiene trainer was saying)


spent as much time as I can with husband and children - snatched quarter-hours for the most part

So I've not been around much - and probably won't be again until after Friday (it doesn't all end on Thursday).

But good to catch up with you all.

*waves to newcomers and returningcomers*

*hugs those that need hugs*

*looks longingly at remains of feast, remembers training, and starts clearing away the leftovers*



Post 1380

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*'that Asteroid person' wanders back into the salon after detouring to have lunch with neighbors and gossip about valley happenings*

You're right. It was silly of me to try to reason with such people. I shall unsubscribe forthwith.

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