A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 61


OTD - is Offsite Topic Drift, an email list which was started a long time ago on a server far far away but now is hosted by Topica and can be a lifeline for Hootooers when things go belly up, or we want to talk about things we can't discus here with auntie (such as elections, wars and so on). Not sure on what you'd need to do to add your email to the list as it's a closed list. Lil is listmom who knows about those things.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 62


Caer--for right now I'm back to apartment #1. Word on the street is that the owner/landlord/remodeler is taking longer than he expected and that it might not be ready until January. I'm not interested in moving in the midst of a Montana winter, so I'm still hunting around for suitable alternatives.

Speaking of sleeping, I was so exhausted yesterday that I was in bed and asleep by 9:30pm and woke up at 7-ish this morning. Refreshed is my middle name! Tonight I get to see NPR personality/author/humorist/all around interesting fellow David Sedaris. smiley - wow He's doing a speaking tour of the U.S. Perhaps we can get him to do his impression of Billie Holiday singing commercial jingles.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 63


I'd personally ask him to do the jingle " N-E-S-T-L-E-S Alpine white's the very best"

(saw david on the 4th of this month and loved it)

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 64

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Have fun, fg!

Lil, I fogot to say that I like the summaries, but would like to be excused for the next several months from doing the summary, as I am buried in grad school. In spring, I would be happy to take my turn!

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 65

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Good morning, y'all. I wonder what was afflicting h2g2 earlier today? I couldn't get on at all, with all the side effects that others have already noted.

OK, d'Elaphant is the official Scribe for Conversation 51X. I'm glad the summaries are liked, because I think it gives us continuity and helps newcomers understand what sort of vector the atelier has. And volunteer scribes will take a lot of the burden off me. d'E, you can get my email addy from OTD: when the time is ripe, you can send me your notes and I'll incorporate them into the launch post for 62X. With my thanks. smiley - rainbow

Egon, contact me at adaworks, whose isp is earthlink. I'll send you an invite to OTD. It's closed in the sense that we screen to make sure all members are associated with hootoo.

Z, has that invite shown up yet?

A photo shoot is on the agenda this morning. I have the commission to do the limited edition giclées for a very well-known late local artist. The widow wants to release one print per year, no more than 250, and there will be a gallery event for each new release. Very clever marketing!

And Epson has just announced, at long last, a printer to replace the venerable 3000! They say it's to supercede the 5500, but the carriage is 17 inches, just like the 3000. Ultrachrome inks, 8 cartridges (110 or 220 ml each) so you can easily switch between glossy and matte paper, and some brand-new way of using photo beams to keep the heads aligned. WooHoo! I'm standing in line already for the January release.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 66


Lil, I've just checked my university e mail, and there's no sign of an invitation, do you think it oculd be a technical problem.

I don't know if I told you but I had an article accepted for the Student BMJ back in June, I've just had an e mail asking for my address for payment, so I assume that they're running it this month... .as in it will be going online tomorrow smiley - biggrin (guess who'll beup at midnight pressing refresh!)

Phil, I had a Silver Cross pram, it was passed onto our family because it was so heavy that none of my aunts could actually pust it very far, and my Dad was the primary child carer, also we didn't have a car so it didn't matter that it didn't fit in one. In fact my mum did 3 paintings of me in it smiley - blush. I haven't seen any of them around, but I believe they're still on sale. The only problem was that it meant that my mother couldn't actually go anywhere with any of the babies.

Up right ones, where the baby is sat up are also called buggies.I think that's a brand name.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 67


Lil, if you want to check that the univesity e mail is actually me you could visit http://www.emaildirectory.bham.ac.uk/ do a search by mailbox name, and search for the first part of my university e mail address, the part that comes before .bham.ac.uk it should tell you that I'm an undergraduate at the school of medicine.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 68

Witty Moniker

The Silver Stream from Silver Cross, a steal at $2,100.00:


S&H is free. smiley - yikes

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 69



61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 70

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Z, you started your life in serious style!

I have a jogstroller, and I love it. Real tires, great suspension, a terrific underseat bin for shopping...I just wish I had a reason to use it now! It was great for the farmer's market.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 71

Bald Bloke

Thanks for the Birthday wishes

Have a piece of smiley - cake each.


61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 72


Whoops! Many happy returns to our Birthday Salonistas! smiley - rainbow

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 73

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I ehither have a stress headache that is effecting my neck, or I have a neck cramp that is giving me a headache. Off to find some asprin.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 74


There's a new Excedrin for tension headaches....I think. Some brand has one. Marv, is there a chance you have a disc problem in your neck?

A kid I went to school with died. That's happening more often of late. Makes me feel old. smiley - sigh

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 75

Wolfgang and Houndstooth

checks in to new conversation

smiley - chef

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 76


Snap, Marv! Mine is migrainous as I feel smiley - ill too. Ibuprofen usually sorts it out, providing it doesn't develop into a full blown migraine.

Early night I think, for me.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 77


My little sister had a pram (not sure if it was silver cross or not) and I think it got passed onto one of my older sisters and was used for quite a while afterwards.

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 78


MR, the pram I had was used for 8 babies in total, maybe they were built to last in the past because they would be passed on a lot more than they are now.

It may have been stylish but I assume that they would have rather been able to afford something lighter. We lived on a hill at the time, and there were about 12 steps from our front door to the road, I have no idea how my dad managed it - my mum at only five foot tall would have had no chance!

I only remember the brand, because it's shown on the one of the paintings my mum has done of me in it smiley - blush oh and I remember looking at the lettering and trying to work out what it said, because it was joined up I couldn't make out the individual letters..

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 79

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

My parents wheeled us around in one of those too. After six kids it went to my oldest sister, then was put away in the shed instead of the basement where it was used by some rodents. No one wanted it for babies after that.

Z, are you looking for an invitation from the "Topica" site? It may be getting sent to your spam folder if you have filtering turned on. Or if you are feeling a bit dyslexic, perhaps you are deleting it thinking that it is a spam advertisement for a lumpy pudding dessert?
smiley - dog

61Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 80


Humm I've just checked our Outlook, we don't haver a spam filter turned on, (hence the 12 adverts for penis enlargement in the Inbox) nothing from Topica.. and I've checked delted items as well.. no sign-

How smiley - weird

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