A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

a pretty shade of lilac...

Post 161

a girl called Ben

83% humidity - I had a phone call from someone offering evening work; nasty work, badly paid, but I said I would do it if the offices had aircon.


that brought back memories of that night in Miami

Post 162


Still no rain here. We had a few sprinkles over night --- not enough to get the driveway wet under the trees.

Have to take Frank to the dentist this morning to finish up his crown. He doesn't want to take his antibiotics first like he's supposed to because he's worried that they may have had something to do with his attack. He's a bear to reason with lately.

which was a particularly dark and stormy one

Post 163

Garius Lupus

[smiley - fullmoon]

that brought back memories of that night in Miami

Post 164

a girl called Ben

smiley - hug for Hypatia

that brought back memories of that night in Miami

Post 165


I like stuffy heat... makes me feel like taking naps.

. But what, you may wonder, was Matina doing in Miami?

Post 166

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Gregory Hines has died at age 57. smiley - sadface

. But what, you may wonder, was Matina doing in Miami?

Post 167


Is it just me, or have an awful lot of celebrities been dying lately? It started with Barry White....

There are forest fires burning in the mountains around Missoula, and today is the sun is obscured by a fuggy fog of orangey smoke. There is a thin layer of ash all over everything. smiley - sadface

The answer might shock you.

Post 168

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I think Barry White was actually the third or fourth in the rash of celebrity deaths, but for the life of me, I can't remember who.

I was watching the news this morning, and they said that the high temps in Europe should break by this weekend, particularly those in England. Let's hope they're actually right for once in their forecasts. It's going to be hotter than hell here today and through the week...I'm thinking window shopping may be in order.

It turns out that Matina and Wanda Ng were ...

Post 169

Garius Lupus

Be sure to get double-glazed windows, MR. smiley - silly

were on different continents

Post 170

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - laugh

I hear that the glaciers in the Alps have been melting. smiley - yikes

[Not been keeping up with the story, sorry]

Post 171


[Munchkin, it was even kind of warm up here at the weekend.]

...on opposite sides of the...

Post 172

Titania (gone for lunch)


The link that I got from Ottox and posted in the previous conversation thread, I think - and after that was published we've hardly had a drop of rain, in Sweden at least...

...on opposite sides of the...

Post 173


Here's how smoky it is in Missoula:


It looks like Los Angeles' smog, but its all ash! There are dozens of forest fires in the immediate area.

...on opposite sides of the...

Post 174


there hasn't been a fire in vermont all year and we're quite grateful for that.

...on opposite sides of the...

Post 175



[Not been keeping up with the story, sorry]

Post 176


It's cool here, and I'm so grateful smiley - biggrin - I have a problem I need your help on guys. I'm applying for a job with the university, it basically involved ringing up alumi and asking for contributions to the University Fundraising project. OK not something I'd be proud to do, but it pays well for an evening job and would fit in well with my degree. But and this is a big but. The application form specifically asks which Univesity societies I have been involved it. I have only been invovled in one, but very involved, having practicallly run the events and the pubilicity for two years running and represented it at national conferences.

But the problem is that it was the LGB society, the Lesbian Gay and Bisexual society. I would like to think that the university won't discriminate but I'm not sure. However part of me is thinking why shouldn't I get credit for the amount of work I put in, because I was putting so much into LGB I didn't get invovled in any other student activities. During my year out I have worked in a call centre so I probably have more experience of this than most of the other applicants.

I have never thought I needed to get involved in CV enhancement of this shallow nature again, We are guarenteed our first two jobs if we pass medical school, so by the time that we have to apply for serious competative jobs I will have one or two years of work on my CV. The fact that I like doing volentry work with puppies shouldn't to matter any more. (Just in case you are wondering I got this information from the BMJ - I think - or some other reputatable medical journal).

[Very much exhausted.]

Post 177

marvthegrate LtG KEA


[Very much exhausted.]

Post 178

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

I say honesty is the best policy. If they hire you, great! But if they don't because of discrimination, well... 1. you wouldn't want to work with people like that anyway. and 2. if you can prove it you might make better money out of the deal.

However if you lie its likely to come out sooner or later, and then you might lose a job you've, by now, made your own. Not to mention friends.

continental divide. Thus

Post 179

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Z, are you afraid they won't hire you if you talk about your work with the LGBT group? Do you think they would?

[Very much exhausted.]

Post 180


smiley - erm In theory honesty is the best policy but it doens't seem to be in practise.

1 I wouldn't call not mentioning some student activities lying, after all I'm involed in drinking a lot in the Guide of Students, but I'm not planning on mentioning that on my application form.

2. It isn't illegal to discriminate on grounds of sexuality, in this country, though they're planning on introducing it soon. Even if it was I could hardly sue my own university department and stay there.

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