A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

But just then there is a knock on the door

Post 141


I've worked out why my anglefish have been acting agrressily. The hot weather, and the frequent water changes I had been doing to keep them cool and convinced them it was the rainy season, and time to breed)

This would explain why they've been agressive.

and to confirm it they've laid some eggs.

[Preparing for breakfat with my mother for her birthday.]

Post 142

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Caer, the pre-modded case is mine.

At the moment, mine has a lava lampsitting on it, and and three of the six forward facing drive mounts are utilised.

But just then there is a knock on the door

Post 143

a girl called Ben

The British rail network does occasionally serve up surprises like that Z - and rare and wonderful they are too. Randy Angel fish? Now there's a new thing!

It was Marv who changed the case of his computer, Caer. And I am not jealous of your car, no I am not, no not at all!

I was right about the poem bubbling, though there is possibly another one in there too. Not sure. And with this one I am not certain whether it is plagiarism or a tribute to Andrew Marvell's "Ode to his coy mistress" but for what it's worth, here it is. Coments, critiques and criticisms, as always, welcomed.



which is rather odd for a moving car. A nearby pub...

Post 144

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Mmmm. Caviar. smiley - droolsmiley - winkeye

Lil, we will need photo's of the normal setting for perspective. At least I will. I was completely unfazed by the last huge Mississippi flood after looking at all the pictures on the news. It wasn't until I head it described on the radio that I was struck by how bad the flooding was (the report said something about usually being able to see the other bank instead of just the horizon).
smiley - dog

was selling vegetarian bangers and mash. So Matina decided...

Post 145

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

went to a local fish place for dinner last night. Very nice, but I'm still having issues with food made/grown/caught in CA being more expensive than in Montana, etc. Will someone please explain that?

to ignore the knocking unless it moved to the engine compartment.

Post 146

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*The sound of a large door opening and closing can be heard down the corridor and through the library*


(This thread is not intended to supplant this conversation)

[tired but happy with mini-meetup]

Post 147

Titania (gone for lunch)

Congrats on the wild plum jam wins FG!smiley - ok

Hi Martin!~waves~

I think that the story-telling in the subject line actually makes it easier for the lurkers to find out how far they've read the postings without actually having to leave a bookmark - I noticed I had already started at the backlog on Friday thanks to the story...smiley - weird

I agree ben - -30ºC is easier because you can always dress warmer (and warmer, and warmer) but in warm weather, once you've taken off everything you're wearing, there's nothing more you can do...

Teabag soaked in vinegar - got to remember that one (has redheads in the family on her father's and doesn't tan easily - but does sometime burn her skin). I've found that fridge-cold, plain, full-fat yoghurt seems to work wonders too - apply generously and lie down allowing it to cool your skin.

Rain... I wish it *would* rain here too - OK, so maybe not quite as much as at Lil's but still - last summer was exceptionally hot and dry, and this summer has been very warm too, and when I look at the cliffs along the shore of the lake next to the commuter train station the water line is just *so* much lower than usual - and people living in the archipelage with wells as only water supply have had trouble. Either the wells have been running dry, or the water pressure going down so much that the salty seawater leaks in...

*tries to find something else to comment on*

I'm done? I'm done!smiley - wow

*drifting off to check the new workshop*


Post 148


Did anyone else notice what 5EX looks like?

Still wanting another drink...

Post 149

Bald Bloke

Yes smiley - smiley

with a basket of chips (fries)...

Post 150


The case looks very nice Marv and No2 son has those things over the 'drawers' on his, which I find dead confusing when I want to burn any of his mp3s, 'cos I can't tell which is the dvd reader or cd burner.

For the first time since official records began 130 years ago, the UK has reached 100ºF at Heathrow, about 20 moles from here smiley - yikes

Off to watch the last episode of 24.

So she reached round and hit her orange button.

Post 151

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

How many moles in a kilometer?

So she reached round and hit her orange button.

Post 152


About 42!

Time for bed.

So she reached round and hit her orange button.

Post 153

a girl called Ben

smiley - laugh

So she reached round and hit her orange button.

Post 154


Me too! I've got my first day of a new placement tomorrow, though I know where I'm going, I've been at that hospital before. Turning up on time is essential!

...which had the odd effect...

Post 155

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - orangebutterfly]

of rendering the entire salon

Post 156

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Off to bed. The STBX's family day was interesting. As a fundraiser, they put high ranking officers in a dunk tank. I bought 5 balls, and dunked the Command Sgt Major (the Commander of the unit) twice. From the "mens" line, no less. I think I freaked the boys out a bit...one of them gave me what I think he thought was a high complement...that I didn't throw like a girl. I sort of looked at him for a moment with that look that said an entire paragraph of scathing information, and walked away.

Women may have come a long way, but damn, we've got a long way to go.

of rendering the entire salon

Post 157

a girl called Ben

smiley - laugh

It always amuses me when men think they are paying a compliment, but in fact it is an insult, and it always amuses me even more when they think they might have offended me, but in fact I am wa-a-a-a-y ahead of them.

What the f*** was happening to the servers last night? I kept on getting completely white screens. Not white-screens with black writing from the internet, not white-screens with black writing from the BBC, but completely, totally, entirely blank white screens. And it ate a couple of my posts. Long ones, too. smiley - grr

It is still too bloody hot, and I am back to work today.


a pretty shade of lilac...

Post 158


Up early today as No2 son had to take the Polo to the scrapyard smiley - sadface and he needed a lift back. It failed it's MOT as the sills were corroded and there comes a point where you just have to stop paying. He was hoping to get it through the test and then sell it to a learner to practise on, as he did, so I think he was rather sad to see it go.

I wasn't having problems last night, but I didn't post much as I was too hot to think.

a pretty shade of lilac...

Post 159


Well it seems to have cooled down a bit here. None of that record breaking temerature for me thank you.
Was at a party with MC on saturday night just up the road, lovely evening bbq, drink and so on. Then sunday morning, starts nice and lovely then when sitting outside for breakfast we hear thunder. No lightening, no rain but certainly several claps of thunder. A very short while later it starts to rain. The rain happens on and off (thankfully no flooding like at Lils or happened last year where we live ( http://www.btinternet.com/~liz_glossop/flooda.htm ).
A nice quiet afternoon driving about witch country (round Pendle Hill in Lancashire) then a quiet evening.
Yet more rain this morning (why does it have st start just as I'm about to walk to the train station?) and a brief storm here in central Manchester. Thank goodness it's cooled down and also the rain should have washed some of the dust and other crud from the air for a bit.

a pretty shade of lilac...

Post 160


And I too remember having to take my car to the scrapyard after it failed it's MOT and it wasn't worth doing up any more. Twas a sad day indeed.

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