A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

bacon being used inappropriately, which led to

Post 221

Garius Lupus

[smiley - fullmoon]

seasoned skillets but angry

Post 222



seasoned skillets but angry

Post 223


Small feet here too (US 7) with long narrow toes and not much of an arch. Shoes with high arches (like my Chaco sandals) take some getting used to for me. I'm lucky to find a lot that I like, and I am fond of some of the chunky styles out now, but I'm not doing the pointy toe squarish heel that's becoming popular. My toes scream just looking at them. I have a terrible callus problem on my heels, including some serious cracking. I moisturize every day and use a pumice stone on them a few times a week, but they never go away. I even resort to slathering them in bag balm/vaseline and putting socks on before retiring to bed, but still...calluses.

killer bees. So Matina decided to

Post 224

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

FG, there's a pedicure product from OPI...it's the last step of four (can't remember the name), and it does wonders on cracked feet.

abandon her lutefisk singing career and turn to

Post 225

Garius Lupus

FG - my wife suffered from the same sort of thing. What helped the most was increasing her intake of "good" fats - Omega 3's and 6's, found in Olive oil, flax, cold water fish (Salmon and Trout).

the international spy game, starting with a tricky case in

Post 226


More good fats, eh? Do they come in pill form these days? I use olive oil, but only eat fish sparingly. Picking through bones drives me batty. And I don't like messing about with anything that takes more than one step. You know how lazy I am, MR. smiley - zzz

Bora Bora

Post 227

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Actually, there *are* omega-3's in pill form. Go look at the Good Food Store...I'm sure someone there will offer to help smiley - winkeye

Found a shoe warehouse store close by, so I am going to go try that later today. hopefully I'll be able to find something.

...involving a warehouse full of left shoes and

Post 228

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence


...right hand gloves

Post 229

Titania (gone for lunch)

It's raining!smiley - boing It's raining!smiley - boing

*hopping around in a belated rain dance*

*looks out the window*

Oh - it stopped...smiley - erm Oh well - at least we got a few hours of rain pouring down (and some thunder)

...right hand gloves

Post 230

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Has anyone here read any of Frank Baum's Oz books recently enough to remember whether they displayed fascist tendencies? I'm reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire, and that's what it suggests...

...right hand gloves

Post 231

a girl called Ben

Almost anything written in or before the 1930s gets accused of having fascist tendencies sooner or later. smiley - erm

Big wide feet - think ducks' feet. My landlady in Sweden said they were like babies' feet. smiley - sadface I didn't wear shoes as a child except to school and as a result have no callouses, no bunions, straight toes and all in all my feet are incredibly functional. But not elegant. On the other hand, I have saved a fortune in shoes over the years - I'd have been Imelda Marcos given half the chance!

Faint praise from the Interview last week. They don't want me for the job that I interviewed for, but I impressed the socks off them. They were particularly impressed that I had done some homework about the company, that I was keen to work for them specifically, and that I was relaxed and in the interview. They are still recruiting, and will consider me for other roles.


My PL may have a job interview on Friday, at the other end of (this) country, so maybe it is all working out for the best. But so-o-o-o-o slo-o-o-o-owly...

So quite a good day, all things considered.


...right hand gloves

Post 232


One of my problems with shoes is that I seem to have narrowish feet (not that you'd think it to look at them) for their length, so when you get up to the sizes I'm looking for a lot of the ones you see are extra wide which are far too wide for my feet to do anything right in smiley - sadface

Goodish news on the interview Ben. At least they'll remember you.

with 3 fingers and 2 thumbs

Post 233

Bald Bloke


with 3 fingers and 2 thumbs

Post 234

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - laugh

*falls off the sofa giggling hysterically at BB's addition to the story*

Sorry... *wipes eyes* ...I do tend to get a bit smiley - silly when I've had too little sleep...

*crawls back up on sofa*

Lightning forks across the dark sky......

Post 235


{[caer]}*Shoe size 7UK, 40EU ?US width AAA*

in a pleasing shade of

Post 236



Mauvey russet

Post 237

marvthegrate LtG KEA


Mauvey russet

Post 238



and thunder echoes off the walls of the high-rise condos along the shores of Bora-Bora

Post 239

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence



At that moment international super spy Tatiana McSly enters the glove and shoe warehouse, brandishing a

Post 240



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