A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

barbeque fork

Post 241

Montana Redhead (now with letters)


9 inch, 150 k floppy disk readable only on a...

Post 242

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Now I forgot what I was going to say.
smiley - dog

barbeque fork

Post 243


Well everyone just seems to be leaving calling cards, if you don't mind I'll tell you about my day.

I was very close to a location where a patient died, and I wittnessed most of the aftermarth. Of course I can't talk about it in more detail because of confidentality. If I give away details it might make him/her indenfiable to relatives.

On a different note I've volenteered to join a programe teaching sex education to teenagers in local schools, needless to say this is the sort that will be telling them about contraception. Which was good news and got friendly with someone who I knew of but didn't know closely.

, shouting "I need someplace to plug in my barbeque fork!"

Post 244

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

smiley - hug Z. That's why I never even came close to considering medicine as a career.
smiley - dog

Suddenly Tim, the bookmaker's runner...

Post 245

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Oh right, I remembered what I was going to say.

Munchkin, you're being pinged by a really nasty virus that is spreading at an incredible rate. Make sure you did all your "critical updates" because this virus exploits a flaw in Windows that M$ just patched a week or two ago. I had to remove it from 3 computers in my office today, and I'll probably spend much of tomorrow doing the same thing.
smiley - dog

grabbed the barbecue fork and plunged it into Tatiana McSly's thigh

Post 246


I got a warning about a nasty worm today from MOREnet security. Is that what you're talking about? So far we haven't gotten it - at least I don't think we have. With the public accessing heaven knows what, anything is possible.

which, surprisingly, turned out to be a prosthetic.

Post 247

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I've downloaded the patch, but for some reason, my desktop (although not my laptop) doesn't want to accept it. Which may mean we have it there already. Which would be a good thing, really, since I would finally have a legitimate reason to clear off stuff we haven't used in ages (the STBX is a huge packrat. I used to be, but am slowly getting over it).

which, surprisingly, turned out to be a prosthetic.

Post 248

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I got hit with msblast, and it sucks. I just removed it, and now I have to do the same to the slumlords machine. Punks writing viri, some of my worst nemisis.

Thus bending it out of all possible utility

Post 249


hi, everyone smiley - smiley

thus revealing that the spy was really

Post 250

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Hey Bryce! How are you, hon?

No shoe shopping today. Instead, I had to take a muscle relaxer and fall asleep. I know the physical therapy for my shoulder is supposed to do it good, but shouldn't the process of getting better actually make it feel better? Today it felt like I had been harpooned!

thus revealing that the spy was really

Post 251

soeasilyamused, or sea

a new virus? crud.

i never do updates. smiley - yikes

an unemployed phrenologist

Post 252


Good to hear from you, MR ! How is the TAing going ?

Have to get off of Lil's now, so will see your answer tomorrow !

an unemployed phrenologist

Post 253

Titania (gone for lunch)

*looks up 'phrenologist' in dictionary*

Ah!smiley - smiley

I heard that the current virus messes up your computer if you have Windows 2000 or later version... *hoping she'll be safe with her 95 and 98 versions*

working for the Borg

Post 254


My pc has been running really slowly and crashing at regular intervals. So H downloaded stuff from ad aware and removed over 300 pesky cookies.

But I had better remind him about the M* thing, I know he checked all the w*rk ones and was going to do ours, but I'm not sure if he actually got around to it.

But my pc still crashes and it is partly due to M* media player and Real bith trying to open cds smiley - cross. I know it's just a question of sorting out the default, which I thought I had done, but Real doesn't want to take any notice. It's like kids squabbling inthe playground.

working for the Borg

Post 255



working for the Borg

Post 256


That was nice and something to wake me up. The fire alarm went off again! I guess it must be the builders doing something they shouldn't have done, this being the second time in two days it's happened.

working for the Borg

Post 257

a girl called Ben


*worried about viruses*

working for the Borg

Post 258

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - musicalnote*theme music from The Twilight Zone*smiley - musicalnote

The alarm went of here too just a few minutes ago - but it turned out to be the burglary alarm, which was discovered before we had left the building

working for the Borg

Post 259

Chris Tonks

Greetings, all. Sorry for yet another of my long absences. smiley - erm

This very computer here was infected with MSBlast a couple of days ago. I think I must have been one of the first to be infected, because while I was reading about the problem and working out how to get rid of it, all the usual virus alerts were being published.

For the benefit of people who haven't yet patched up their copy of Windoze and who haven't got firewalls installed, I'll provide this link to the conversation where the problem was fixed. http://www.computing.net/hardware/wwwboard/forum/15396.html Ignore anyone telling you to actually /disable/ RPC - that's not a good thing. As soon as you get that error, though, get the patch, disconnect your computer from the Internet, and then run it - some people have had really terrible things done to their computers because they didn't act fast enough. (Actually, I don't that was the result of the MSBlast worm, but just other people exploiting the Windoze vulnerability.)

Anyway, on to other topics...

Z, if I were an employer I wouldn't, when perusing someone's CV, find anything wrong about being part of the LBG(T). In fact, I'd consider it a great plus. smiley - smiley
But then, not all people think the way I do. smiley - erm (Now wouldn't that be scary...)

Gawd, it's results day tomorrow for us A(S)-Level people. Tomorrow dictates how I live the next few years of my life. Either I get what I want and go to Durham, just miss and go to Southampton, do worse and find something through Clearing (applying for positions that haven't been filled yet, with lower grade requirements), or stay back a year to re-sit some exams. I'm positive that I did well enough in my exams to get what I need, but after the debacle last year (if that's the word I want), I just don't trust the exam boards to get it right.

working for the Borg

Post 260


Good luck for tommorrow Chris smiley - ok

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