A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

then realized they were chasing her in the wrong direction

Post 301


It'd be good if you get the money so not having to work and study Marv smiley - smiley

, toward Stoke Poges.

Post 302

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Mr. Cyde, you're Son of Luna???

Marv, I think it is absolutely fantastic that you are making a jump rather than being pushed, and the $10K makes it even better!

Good luck tomorrow, Professor. Somehow, I'm not worried. smiley - biggrin

, toward Stoke Poges.

Post 303


Great news Marv smiley - biggrin, you'll be a top smiley - chef soon! smiley - wow


[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 304

marvthegrate LtG KEA

We will see if I can do this. I am still very unsure about the future. I do have to wait to get the boot to qualify, and I am not sure if I will qualify, but I will do what I can.

[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 305

Chris Tonks

Well, best of luck, Marv. It sounds great. smiley - ok

Thanks, Lil. smiley - smiley

*Heads off for a spell of the dreamless.*

[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 306


Is there any way you can find out if you are entitled to if before you make the descion to leave? it seems worth putting in a few extra weeks work in that hell hole!

[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 307


Good luck Marv.


[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 308


Wish me luck for tomorrow too! I'm waiting for 110 sets of results from my Psychology students and about 400 from the General Studies. Then next week I put on my mum hat for Sunshine's set. She's taken 11 exams.
smiley - bluefish

[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 309


EEk good luck to all of them, this brings back memories for me, not really pleasent ones to be honest. I didn't get the A levels I should have done, but I got in anyway... with the complex of having the worst in my academic year.

It turned out that Manchester Europride will probably be just me and my ex, (in our crowd, there will be a lots of other people), I rang up to ask if she still wanted to come, and we extended it by two days.

Nice we're still friends isn't it.

[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 310

marvthegrate LtG KEA

The way that it works is that I have to continue working till the layoff, otherwise I get no severence or education benifit. I am still here for 4.5 more weeks, regardless of the outcome.

[If I am disgruntled are there gruntled people out there?]

Post 311


smiley - hug .. think of the food though.. smiley - drool

Just in time, Tim, the bookmakers runner, evacuated the population of Stoke Poges, leaving Tatiana McSly to

Post 312


Our fires are getting worse. smiley - sadface Here's a webcam of Missoula:


And here's a link to the whole region. Missoula is in the west central portion of the state. It's the city surrounded by fires.


Just in time, Tim, the bookmakers runner, evacuated the population of Stoke Poges, leaving Tatiana McSly to

Post 313


For reference, that white background where the sky and the mountains should be is solid smoke and ash.

stare blankly at the wall

Post 314

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

FG, how is our mutual friend's asthma doing with it? It looks like she's pretty close to one of them.

which stared blankly back at him.

Post 315

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

I have little to no internet connection tonight. Fingers crossed this goes through.
smiley - dog

Who'll win the staring contest? Place your bets here.

Post 316


Very scary, FG. Is there an evacuation plan if it gets too close?

Ahem....one of the Salonistas has a new regular feature in smiley - thepost. I won't say who, but I'll be very cranky if no one reads it.

Meanwhile the stormy night raged on.

Post 317

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Missoula at night looks pretty normal. I looked for a while, rather bemused by the city-ness of it. I would have to go up to Albuquerque or down to El Paso to find as much city as that in one place!

Over to La Bosquita this evening to haul fallen branches into piles and to watch those hawk moths some more. I was having so much fun that I forgot to come back and log in for the mojovox chat, so I've sent an email to find out what the case is regarding their transporter....

The weather is distinctly cooler today. Bliss!

Meanwhile the stormy night raged on.

Post 318


Salt lake City is hot and muggy...

The upside of Marv learning to be a chef is I won't have to do his dishes like I do now ( Marv doesn't do dishes). The downside is I will have to hear constant criticism of my cooking even more than I do now. I know I'm a lousy cook- largely because i don't enjoy eating enough to justify the time and expense to become a good one !

McSly was loosing the contest....

Post 319


Marv, I do hope the grant comes through for you.

I am getting really concerned about Amy.

I shall be reading smiley - thepost later today smiley - smiley

Big smiley - hug for coely, it's still frees strange to be out of that whole school thing.

She tried not to show it, because if the wall knew it was winning, it would...

Post 320

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - orangebutterfly]

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