A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

She tried not to show it, because if the wall knew it was winning, it would...

Post 321



She tried not to show it, because if the wall knew it was winning, it would...

Post 322

a girl called Ben

Cancelled dramas yesterday.

Had a phonecall from my PL on Wednesday, saying that he had a job interview on Friday, with a possible Monday start. This is fine, except that he is in the Frozen North, (well, not *that* Frozen, according to him and Titania), and the interviews etc are in Hampshire.

Anyway, the long and the short is that the interview wasn't in fact confirmed, and it is unclear whether or not there was a job, but I spent most of yesterday on tenterhooks, waiting to see whether or not I was going to do a 400 mile dash today from airport to here to interview to there.

To be honest, though I would love to spend tonight with him, there is significantly less strain on him, (he may even - gasp - relax this weekend) and it does at least mean that I needn't be quite so panicked about tidying and cleaning the flat. As a result, I went to bed early (08.30pm) and got hours and hours and hours of sleep. I would be less relaxed about it if I wasn't on my way there this time next week.

Long-distance relationships su-u-u-u--u-u-u-uk.


dance the Funky Chicken

Post 323



dance the Funky Chicken

Post 324

Chris Tonks

*Also a tad worried about Amy. smiley - erm*

Well, I managed to get three As, and a U for General Studies, which is exactly what I wanted. smiley - biggrin

and scribble on her leg with ...

Post 325

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

What is a "U"? Around my parts that would stand for "Unsatisfactory" which I can hardly imagine is what you wanted.
smiley - dog

and scribble on her leg with ...

Post 326


Unclassified (or it was when I did my A levels way back when). A total fail.

Well done on the results Chris, hope you find uni as the place you want to be. What is it that you'll be doing again?

her lavendar gel pen.

Post 327


[Hyp] smiley - run

Off in the distance the shrieks of Yoko Ono could be heard, much like the wild calls of...

Post 328



her lavendar gel pen.

Post 329


Great news about the A level results, I've just rung my brother and he's got a sickening 5 As and a B in general studies...

Of course they were easier in My Day, I got 3 B's, when I needed ABB to go to medical school, but they let me in anyway..

Hyp, I will certainly read smiley - thepost looking for Salonista colums, on Thursday, - of corse other salonistas have coloms as well smiley - whistle

(sounded like) a flock of loons in heat

Post 330

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence


her lavendar gel pen.

Post 331

Titania (gone for lunch)

Psst - Z - today *is* Thursday...smiley - winkeye

(sounding like) a flock of loons in heat

Post 332

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Congratulations, Chris! Except that, like the others, I don'tr know what the U means.

It was physics you chose, wasn't it?

which was a funny noise for the Canadian Dollar coin to make

Post 333


I had a friend at school who resat his Higher English during sixth year. He was also, like the rest of us, doing Sixth Year Studies and flew through them no problem. However, as he had already been accepted to University on the basis of the Highers he had passed the previous year he gave up on the lone Higher in English and so to this day is extremely proud of the certificate he was sent through the post saying "We regret to inform you that you have been awarded no Higher passes this year". smiley - smiley

which was a funny noise for the Canadian Dollar coin to make

Post 334


What is odd is that A Level resutls day, still makes me feel like a failure. I know that they don't matter once you're into university but it still hurts

Meanwhile, Wanda Ng was closing in on the cooks

Post 335

Garius Lupus

[smiley - fullmoon]

Meanwhile, Wanda Ng was closing in on the cooks

Post 336

Garius Lupus

Good news, Marv. smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

Meanwhile, Wanda Ng was closing in on the cooks

Post 337


I think the entire British educationl system is confusing. I've never understood it.


Post 338

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

* a sick-looking ant crawls out of a guest room and waves feebly at everyone*

I had a bad spell smiley - headhurts. Thanks for worrying about me though smiley - smiley. I'll have to catch up with the backlog later.

Meanwhile, Wanda Ng was closing in on the cooks

Post 339


Basically In England and Wales

School is compulsary until the age of 16 when people take GCSEsin about 9-11 subjects. Everyone has to take English Maths and Science, (and those in Wales have to take Welsh I think) and there is some choice over the others, but not much, each school has a different policy.

Then you can either leave, go to college, to do either a practical subject or A levels, or stay at school and do A levels, you can do any combination of subjects that you like.

A levels are four or five subjects in a lot of detail, after the first year you sit AS exams, and after the second year you sit A2 level exams.
(some people drop a subject after the first set of exams)

Then it's univeristy, you can get a BA or BSC after three years.

The main differrence bettween English and American degrees is that a degree in maths for instance will often just include Maths, and occasionally one hour a week or so may be spent on another subject of the students choice. Some degrees do include a vairiety of subjects but some do not.


Post 340


smiley - hug for Amy,

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