A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

And everyone else vanished..

Post 281

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - orangebutterfly]

Which was hastily stopped, to everyone's relief, by Matina.

Post 282


How can we end it? Yoko just arrived! smiley - silly

Yoko gestured wildly

Post 283


Actually ran a wee thingy today to check for this virus, which I don't have, so my firewall obviously worked, which is nice. Bloomin' annoying how many times I had to agree to block stuff though.
Oh, and not to boast or nothing, but my thingy in the Post tomorrow shall mention Flash Mobs. smiley - smiley

...infuriated by the...

Post 284

Titania (gone for lunch)

Does anyone know where Amy smiley - ant is? She hasn't posted for the last couple of days...

while ululating a cry painful to ...

Post 285

Witty Moniker

Munchkin, you are so cutting edge! smiley - biggrin

the ears fo a baboon

Post 286


Sadly cutting with a blunt knife. smiley - winkeye

Yoko tried to sing the blues, but...

Post 287

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I am begining the paperwork for starting in the cullinary school in SLC, today.

the ghost of Muddy Waters rose up in protest, along with

Post 288

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Great, Marv. That's terrific to hear!

Off to physical therapy, boys and girls!

the ghosts of Robert Johnson and Wolfgang Mozart.

Post 289

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence


the ghosts of Robert Johnson and Wolfgang Mozart.

Post 290

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I would have been here hours and hours ago, but the delay gave me much more to laugh at in the way of subject headers. You lot are totally crazy. smiley - laughsmiley - silly

Anyway, as soon as I heard about the new virus I checked and found that my 98SE was under the radar, but I decided to update my virus signatures anyway. And that led to the discovery that my subscription had just expired. And then I discovered that there was a new engine I could get cheap. So I downloaded about 30 MB worth of executable and went through a bunch of restarts and finally got it installed.... only to THEN discover that my nearly-up-to-date virus database had been wiped and I was looking at 40 separate patches. smiley - grr

It was a good time to drive to Capitan and run errands, leaving my machine cruching down the updates. When I got back it was nearly done, at a quarter to two.

So even though I was technically not a victim of MsBlast, it certainly destroyed today's productivity.

I've been wondering where Amy is, too; she didn't speak up when the latest batch of art requirements came out for the CA's. And she's on a Mac so she's presumably not afected by this latest virus. What's the barometric pressure in Manchester? Or maybe her monitor has broken again...

the ghosts of Robert Johnson and Wolfgang Mozart.

Post 291

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - cool
smiley - biggrin

...with a blood-curdling shriek, they descended upon the horde...

Post 292

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - erm
Was I supposed to do that?
smiley - cool

the ghosts of Robert Johnson and Wolfgang Mozart.

Post 293

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

That's great Marv! Maybe they'll even teach you how to barbeque!

Seriously though. It's about time. Youre one of the best cooks I know, and thats saying alot.

I have this great recipe for "Roasted Beaver Michigan".

swashing their buckles...

Post 294


Just had a sublime couple of hours, sitting outside a 16th century pub (possibly older) listening to live 20th century music (Lou Reid, Santana, Joni Mitchell to name a few) performed by an excellent local trio with a view up Castle Street looking like a Walt Disney set. smiley - smiley

and combing their hair...

Post 295

marvthegrate LtG KEA

AH, Now I remember who Mr Cyde is. Stop changing your name! Oh, and your BBQ sucks, Joe schooled us both in getting it to work last time.

Mr Cyde is another SLC salonista. And my braindead memory forgot that. smiley - grr

The more I think abut it, the more I like the idea of cooking as a living. Let's see where it goes. I just found out that I might qualify for US$10K in tuition assistance due to the fact that I am loosing my job to overseas work.

they chased Yono to the center of the island away from

Post 296


Hope Amy isn't ill again.

they chased Yoko to the center of the island away from

Post 297


smiley - erm

erupting volcano

Post 298

Witty Moniker

That would be fantastic, Marv. And a very appropriate way to compensate you for the loss of your job.

erupting volcano

Post 299

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.


...and I only changed my name once because there are too many Jokers out there.

then realized they were chasing her in the wrong direction

Post 300


Marv, someday you could be have your own show on the Food Network. smiley - chefsmiley - biggrin And we could all get free tickets. smiley - ok

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